Inverse fourier transform of gaussian

And again, that's not what you have here.In summary, the speaker is trying to prove that the inverse Fourier transform of a gaussian is also a gaussian, but is having trouble solving the integral involved. They attempted to integrate over a circular contour with an infinite radius, but were unable to find a solution. They question why integrating over a circular contour would result in 0, and discuss the possibility of using complex numbers to span the entire complex plane. However, they are reminded that the integral is only one-dimensional and does not involve two variables.
  • #1
well, i have to prove that the inv. Fourier transform of a gaussian (e^(-(k^2/2)) is a gaussian, i know some elementary complex analysis(never actually taken a class in it), not well enough, it seems, to find the solution to this. I tried to integrate over a circular contour, and let the radius of the circle go to infinity, i couldn't solve the integral that i obtained (it was pretty complicated). Also, i don't quite understand this, the integrand is complex analytic everywhere, so if i integrate it over a circular contour, wouldn't i get 0, by cauchy's theorem?
Any help much appreciated
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  • #2
Dazedandconfu said:
well, i have to prove that the inv. Fourier transform of a gaussian (e^(-(k^2/2)) is a gaussian, i know some elementary complex analysis(never actually taken a class in it), not well enough, it seems, to find the solution to this. I tried to integrate over a circular contour, and let the radius of the circle go to infinity, i couldn't solve the integral that i obtained (it was pretty complicated). Also, i don't quite understand this, the integrand is complex analytic everywhere, so if i integrate it over a circular contour, wouldn't i get 0, by cauchy's theorem?
Sure, but why are you integrating over a circular contour in the first place?

Start by writing out the integral you have to do to find the inverse Fourier transform.
  • #3
well its the integral (e(-k^2)e^ikx)dk over the entire complex plane right?, so unless I am wrong there are two ways to integrate over the complex plane, a circle of infinite radius, or k=x+iy, and x,y go to infinity
  • #4
For one thing, you can't integrate over the entire complex plane. Well, you can, but it has to be a double integral, which is not what you have here. There's only one differential (dk), so you only get to integrate in one dimension.

Check your references if you need to, in order to find the correct limits of integration for the integral
[tex]\int_?^? e^{-k^2/2}e^{ikx}\mathrm{d}k[/tex]
which is involved in the Fourier transform.
  • #5
im fairly certain that the limits are -inf. to inf . well yes, i get that you only integrate in one variable, but isn't it true that a complex number a+bi, with arbitrary a and b can span the entire complex plane? so you would have a line integral in da and idb, with both a and b (-∞,∞) or equivalently circle of radius of r, a=rcosθ ; b= rsinθ with r going to ∞.
sorry if I am being slow btw
  • #6
Dazedandconfu said:
im fairly certain that the limits are -inf. to inf.
Yes, that's correct.
Dazedandconfu said:
well yes, i get that you only integrate in one variable,
Not just one variable, but one dimension. A single integral with a single differential dk is a one-dimensional integral. A dimension corresponds to one real variable.
Dazedandconfu said:
but isn't it true that a complex number a+bi, with arbitrary a and b can span the entire complex plane? so you would have a line integral in da and idb, with both a and b (-∞,∞) or equivalently circle of radius of r, a=rcosθ ; b= rsinθ with r going to ∞.
Yes, but if you have both da and db, then it's not a line integral, it's a (two-dimensional) surface integral.

FAQ: Inverse fourier transform of gaussian

1. What is the inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function?

The inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is a Gaussian function in the time domain. It is the process of converting a signal from the frequency domain to the time domain.

2. How is the inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function calculated?

The inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is calculated using the inverse Fourier transform formula, which involves integrating the Gaussian function over all frequencies.

3. What is the significance of the inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function in signal processing?

The inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is useful in signal processing as it allows us to analyze signals in the time domain, which is often more intuitive and easier to interpret. It also provides a way to filter out unwanted frequencies from a signal.

4. Can the inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function be used to reconstruct a signal from its frequency components?

Yes, the inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function can be used to reconstruct a signal from its frequency components. This is known as the Fourier reconstruction theorem and is a fundamental concept in signal processing.

5. Are there any limitations of using the inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function?

One limitation of using the inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is that it assumes the signal is stationary, meaning its properties do not change over time. Additionally, the accuracy of the reconstruction depends on the number of frequency components used in the transform.

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