Inverse in lie group, tangent space

In summary, the problem involves proving that for a Lie group G, where i:G\to G is the inverse mapping i(g)=g^{-1}, and i_{*e}:T_e G \to T_e G is the tangent mapping, the equation i_{*e} v = -v holds for all v\in T_e G. This can be proven by considering tangent vectors as represented by differentiable curves through e, and using the property that the derivative of a product of two paths is equal to the sum of their derivatives.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm supposed to prove, that when G is a Lie group, [itex]i:G\to G[/itex] is the inverse mapping [itex]i(g)=g^{-1}[/itex], then

i_{*e} v = -v\quad\quad\forall \; v\in T_e G

where [itex]i_{*e}:T_e G \to T_e G[/itex] is the tangent mapping.

Homework Equations

I'm not sure how standard the tangent mapping notation or terminology is, so here's how it is defined on our course. If [itex]\phi:M\to N[/itex] is a smooth function between two manifolds, then for each [itex]p\in M[/itex]

\phi_{*p}:T_p M\to T_{\phi(p)} N,\quad\quad (\phi_{*p} v) f = v(f\circ \phi)\quad
\forall \; v\in T_p M \quad f:N\to\mathbb{R}

Quick googling revealed that this is often given other notations similar to derivative notations.

The Attempt at a Solution

We can choose some chart [itex]x:U\to\mathbb{R}^n[/itex], where [itex]U\subset G[/itex] is some environment of the [itex]e\in G[/itex], so that x(e)=0. After simply writing down some definitions, I was able to show that the result follows if we know

\partial_j (x_k\circ i\circ x^{-1})(0) = -\delta_{jk}

Here [itex]x^{-1}:(x(U)\subset \mathbb{R}^n)\to U[/itex] is the inverse of the x, [itex]x_k:U\to\mathbb{R}[/itex] is a component mapping of the x, and [itex]\partial_j[/itex] is a normal partial derivative in an Euclidean space.

This is where I ran out of ideas. I have no clue how the group structure gets related to what happens in the chart images. I know that [itex]g\mapsto g^{-1}[/itex] is supposed to be smooth, but this merely justifies the existence of the partial derivative in the above equation.

(btw. I will not return any solution anywhere. I'm preparing to an exam by doing old exercises)
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  • #2
You can think of tangent vectors as represented by differentiable curves through e, the group identity. So pick g(s) to be a representative of v, i.e. g(0)=e, g'(0)=v. Now g(s)*i(g(s))=e. Differentiate both sides, put s=0 and get t+i_*(t)=0.
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  • #3
Your hint certainly pushed in the right direction, but I still have some problems with this. One way to prove

i_{*e} v = -v

would be to show

vf = -v(f\circ i)

for arbitrary smooth [itex]f:U\to\mathbb{R}[/itex] on some environment [itex]U\subset G[/itex] of [itex]e\in G[/itex].

If [itex]g:I\to G[/itex] has been chosen so that [itex]0\in I[/itex], [itex]g(0)=e[/itex], and [itex]\dot{g}_0 = v[/itex], then the left side is

\dot{g}_0 f = D_t (f\circ g)(t)\Big|_{t=0}

and the right side is

-\dot{g}_0 (f\circ i) = -D_t(f\circ i\circ g)(t)\Big|_{t=0}.

According to you hint, it looks like I should start computing something like this

0 = D_t f\big(g(t)\cdot (i\circ g)(t)\big)\Big|_{t=0} = \cdots

But I don't know how to do anything to that. How do you get the derivation inside the f?

I would know how to compute

D_t\Big((f\circ g)(t)\; (f\circ i\circ g)(t)\Big)\Big|_{t=0} =\cdots = f(e)\big( vf + (i_{*e} v) f\big)

for example, but for this there does not seem to be any obvious reason why this would be zero.
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  • #4
If you think of the Lie group as a matrix group, then the argument I gave is not just a hint, it IS the proof. I'm having more than a little trouble wrapping my head around your more abstract formalism.
  • #5
Dick said:
If you think of the Lie group as a matrix group, then the argument I gave is not just a hint, it IS the proof.

I can see this.

I'm having more than a little trouble wrapping my head around your more abstract formalism.

This is the rigor general formalism. In general Lie group is just a differentiable manifold with a group structure. Tangent vectors are linear mappings that map smooth functions into real numbers.

In fact the problem comes down to this:

If [itex]\gamma^1[/itex] and [itex]\gamma^2[/itex] are some smooth paths [itex]I\to G[/itex] on some Lie group, so that [itex]\gamma^1(0)=\gamma^2(0)=e[/itex], then we get a new smooth path

t\mapsto \gamma^1(t)\cdot \gamma^2(t)

by multiplying the images.

Is the equation

\dot{(\gamma^1\cdot\gamma^2)}_0 = \dot{\gamma}^1_0 + \dot{\gamma}^2_0

true? (okey, that dot looks horrible, when its trying to be above both of the gammas...)

It seems to be, but I don't know the proof. Once this is clear, the previous problem becomes solved as you showed.

Related to Inverse in lie group, tangent space

1. What is an inverse in a lie group?

An inverse in a lie group refers to the mathematical operation of finding the opposite or reverse of a given element in the group. In other words, it is the element that when combined with the original element using the group's operation, results in the identity element.

2. How is the inverse of an element in a lie group calculated?

The inverse of an element in a lie group is typically calculated using matrix inversion techniques. This involves finding the inverse of the matrix representation of the element in the group. Alternatively, if the group has a known group operation, the inverse can be calculated by applying the inverse operation to the element.

3. What is the significance of the inverse in a lie group?

The inverse in a lie group is important as it allows for the solution of equations involving the group's operation. It also enables the group to be closed under its operation, making it a fundamental property of a lie group.

4. What is the tangent space of a lie group?

The tangent space of a lie group is the set of all possible directions in which an element in the group can be varied. It can be thought of as the vector space that is tangent to the group at a specific point.

5. How does the tangent space relate to the inverse in a lie group?

The tangent space is closely related to the inverse in a lie group as it allows for the calculation of the inverse for elements near a specific point in the group. This is important for solving equations involving the group's operation and for understanding the local behavior of the group near a given point.

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