Inverse Jacobi Matrix in Spherical Coordinates

In summary, the conversation discusses the Jacobi matrices for direct and inverse transformations in spherical coordinates. The matrices are defined as S and T respectively, and should be inverse to each other. However, it is found that ST is not equal to the identity matrix, but ST^t is. This is explained by the fact that the inverse jacobian acts on the dual tangent space, which is a row vector representation. This is seen in the transformation identity into primed coordinates and makes more sense in terms of an inner product on a sphere of radius r. It is also noted that the jacobi matrix may have been written incorrectly.
  • #1
Dear all,
I am reading R.A. Sharipov's Quick Introduction to Tensor Analysis, and I am stuck on the following issue, on pages 38-39. The text is freely available here: If my understanding is correct, then the Jacobi matrices for the direct and inverse coordinates transformation are inverse of each other (when computed in the same point using the same frame of reference, of course). I want to apply the concept to spherical coordinates.
The spherical coordinates transformation can be defined as follows:
x^1 & = x & = \rho \cos \theta \sin \phi \\
x^2 & = y & = \rho \sin \theta \sin \phi \\
x^3 & = z & = \rho \cos \phi
and its inverse is:
y^1 & = \rho & = √x^2+y^2+z^2 \\
y^2 & = \theta & = \arctan(y/x) \\
y^3 & = \phi & = \arccos(z/r)
The Jacobi matrices for the two transformations are defined respectively as:
S^i_j & =∂x^i/∂y^j \\
T^i_j & =∂y^i/∂x^j.
Switching to matrix notation: if those matrices are inverse to each other, then I should get ##ST=I## where ##I## is the identity matrix.
By applying the definitions, I get the following matrices:
\cos\theta\sin\phi & \sin\theta\sin\phi & \cos\phi \\
-\rho\sin\theta\sin\phi & \rho\cos\theta\sin\phi & 0 \\
\rho\cos\theta\cos\phi & \rho\sin\theta\cos\phi & -\rho\sin\phi
x/\rho & y/\rho & z/\rho \\
-y/(r^2-z^2) & x/(r^2-z^2) & 0 \\
-xz/r^2\sqrt{r^2-z^2} & -yz/r^2\sqrt{r^2-z^2} & \sqrt{r^2-z^2}/\rho^2
\cos\theta\sin\phi & \sin\theta\sin\phi & \cos\phi \\
-\sin\theta/\rho\sin\phi & \cos\theta/\rho\sin\phi & 0 \\
-\cos\theta\cos\phi/\rho & -\sin\theta\cos\phi/\rho & \sin\phi/\rho
Each row is the gradient of a component of the vector transformation. Clearly, ##ST\neq I##. However, ##ST^t=I##. Why? What's wrong with my reasoning above?
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  • #2
maybe this will help,

consider just the identity X=X(P(X,Y,Z),Q(X,Y,Z),R(X,Y,Z)).

differentiating with respect to X and applying the chain rule we get:

=row[dX/dP, dX/dQ, dX/dR] x col[dP/dX, dQ/dX, dR/dX]

this is the term first row first column of the product matrix. continue with dX/dY and dX/dZ for the first row, now collect the row terms into the rows of a matrix, and the column terms into the columns of a matrix to form the matrix product.but by your construction you have for the first row first column without transpose:

row[dX/dP, dY/dP, dZ/dP] x col[dP/dX, dQ/dX, dR/dX]

which doesn't satisfy the chain rule. so you really need the transpose.

i hope this helps.
  • #3
thanks - I agree with your analysis.

Hence, I wonder if, given the above definitions for ##T## and ##S##, the statement ##T=S^{-1}## shouldn't be replaced by ##T^T=S^{-1}##.

I ask since I am new to tensor calculus and I want to be sure that I am not missing some important point.
  • #4
perhaps the inverse jacobian is acting on the dual tangent space, which is a row vector representation. so transposing converts it back to acting on a column vector?
  • #5
I understand your remark from an algebraic point of view but not from a geometric point of view: why should the spherical coordinates define covectors? The base associated to the spherical coordinates is not the dual of the original cartesian base (which is the dual of itself).
Any idea?
  • #6
Coelum said:
I understand your remark from an algebraic point of view but not from a geometric point of view: why should the spherical coordinates define covectors? The base associated to the spherical coordinates is not the dual of the original cartesian base (which is the dual of itself).
Any idea?

since the jacobian is generally defined locally, you can certainly attach a cotangent space to the points of the submanifold in place of the tangent space. in this case, the submanifold is an inverse spherical coordinate system, which is just a spherical coordinate system in reverse (within a region which makes them 1-1). it's weird, you're in R3, and then you attach all of R3 to a point in R3 for the intersection of three surfaces. now define three linear functions of R3 into R at that point and you have a cotangent space.

that the inverse jacobian acts on the dual tangent vectors makes sense by the transformation identity into primed coordinates:

(d/dx'_i) *(dx'_j) = (d/dx_n) * (dx_m) * dx'_n/dx_i * dx_m/dx'_j =δ_ij

but the transpose is not easily seen.

this calculation makes more sense in terms of an inner product on a sphere of radius r:
<X',X'> = <JX,SX> = <X,X>=r^2 and J^t *S =I, and the transpose is made explicit. this is what you need for SO(3) geometry.
  • #7
It seems to me you have written your jacobi matrix wrong. The i'th row <=> coordinate function x_i, the j'th column <=> partial derivative with respect to argument j.

Related to Inverse Jacobi Matrix in Spherical Coordinates

1. What is the inverse Jacobi matrix in spherical coordinates?

The inverse Jacobi matrix in spherical coordinates is a mathematical tool used to convert between spherical and Cartesian coordinates. It is a 3x3 matrix that contains information about the scaling and orientation of the coordinate systems.

2. How is the inverse Jacobi matrix calculated?

The inverse Jacobi matrix is calculated by taking the partial derivatives of the spherical coordinates with respect to the Cartesian coordinates. These derivatives are then arranged in a specific order to form the matrix.

3. What is the significance of the inverse Jacobi matrix in spherical coordinates?

The inverse Jacobi matrix is significant because it allows for the transformation of vectors and tensors between spherical and Cartesian coordinate systems. This is important in many fields of science and engineering, such as fluid mechanics and electromagnetics.

4. Is the inverse Jacobi matrix always invertible?

No, the inverse Jacobi matrix is only invertible if the spherical coordinates do not contain any singularities. This means that the transformation between spherical and Cartesian coordinates must be one-to-one and onto.

5. Can the inverse Jacobi matrix be used for other coordinate systems?

Yes, the concept of the inverse Jacobi matrix can be applied to other coordinate systems. For example, there is an inverse Jacobi matrix for cylindrical coordinates, which is used to convert between cylindrical and Cartesian coordinates.

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