Inverse Laplace Transform: Solving for Coefficients and Completing the Square

In summary, the conversation discusses determining the inverse Laplace transform of a given function and the use of partial fractions. The correct answer is 1/2*(e^x - cos(x) - sin(x)) and the conversation also addresses the issue of decomposing the function correctly.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine the inverse Laplace transform of 1/((s^2 +1)*(s-1)).

The answer is 1/2*(e^x - cos(x) - sin(x)).

Homework Equations

We get a table of known inverse Laplace transforms.

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to break this up using partial fractions, i.e., A/(s^2 +1 ) + B/(s-1). Then I solved for the coefficients A and B. Now for B I got B=1/2, which gives us 1/2*(s-1) which is just 1/2*e^x. So there's part of the answer already.

I am stuck on the other part. For A (maybe I am not solving for A correctly) I got A=1/(i-1). But then I have this fraction 1/((i-1)*(s^2 +1)). The 1/(s^2+1) is just sin(x). So I don't see why my answer wouldn't just be

1/2*e^x + (1/(i-1))*sin(x). I even tried expanding out the product (i-1)(s^2+1) and looking for a way to complete the square, but I must have missed it, whatever it was.

Where does the other half come from? And the other cos(x)? I know the answer above is right (both from the professor and Maple) but I don't see how they got it. Any help would be wonderful!
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  • #2
You can't decompose [itex]\frac{1}{(s^2 +1)(s-1)}[/itex] like that. [itex](s^2 +1)[/itex] is a second order polynomial, so its numerator must be of the form [itex]Cs+D[/itex] not just [itex]A[/itex].
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  • #3
Oh, ok! So it is a partial fraction issue.

Does this generalize so that a fraction of the form


has to have a polynomial of degree n-1 on the numerator? Is there a good website or text that you know of that gives all the rules for partial fractions?
  • #4
Look under the section "An irreducible quadratic factor in the denominator""
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  • #5
Thank you!

FAQ: Inverse Laplace Transform: Solving for Coefficients and Completing the Square

What is the inverse Laplace transform and how is it used?

The inverse Laplace transform is a mathematical operation that is used to convert a function in the complex frequency domain (Laplace domain) back to its corresponding function in the time domain. It is commonly used in engineering and physics to solve differential equations and analyze systems in the time domain.

What is the difference between the Laplace transform and the inverse Laplace transform?

The Laplace transform converts a function in the time domain to its corresponding function in the complex frequency domain, while the inverse Laplace transform does the reverse - it converts a function in the complex frequency domain back to its corresponding function in the time domain. They are inverse operations of each other.

What are the main properties of the inverse Laplace transform?

The main properties of the inverse Laplace transform include linearity, translation, differentiation, convolution, and frequency shifting. These properties allow for easier manipulation and solution of differential equations in the time domain.

What are some common methods for finding the inverse Laplace transform?

Some common methods for finding the inverse Laplace transform include the use of partial fraction decomposition, residues, convolution, and the use of integral tables. The choice of method depends on the complexity of the function being transformed.

How is the inverse Laplace transform related to other transforms, such as the Fourier transform?

The inverse Laplace transform is closely related to other transforms, such as the Fourier transform. While the Laplace transform is a generalization of the Fourier transform, the inverse Laplace transform allows for the analysis of systems with complex poles and zeros, making it more versatile for solving differential equations and analyzing systems in the time domain.
