Inverse Laplace Transform - Step Function?

In summary, the conversation is discussing finding the inverse Laplace Transform of a given equation and the steps involved in solving it. The individual asks for direction and is advised to use the properties of the Laplace Transform to eliminate the e^{-s} term, then use partial fractions to rewrite the equation. The conversation also mentions completing the square on the quadratic in the denominator to simplify the equation. It is suggested to use TeX for easier readability.
  • #1

(s - 1)(s[tex]^{2}[/tex] + 4s + 5)

Find the inverse Laplace Transform.

I am unsure where to start and am just looking for a little direction, not an answer. From past experience, I am assuming I will have to rewrite this in another form...perhaps by taking out the e[tex]^{-s}[/tex] term. I also believe I will need to complete the square on the quadratic in the denominator.

If someone could just point me in the right direction, that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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  • #2
First, use the properties of the Laplace transform to get rid of the [itex]e^{-s}[/itex]. Then use partial fractions to do the rest.
  • #3
Ok, so I did's my work...(note, I factored out the 1/10 that appears in both terms).


Then I completed the square on the quadratic in the denominator and rewrote it...


Now, finding the inverse Laplace Transform of 3/(s-1) is very simple. So is finding the inverse transform of e[tex]^{-s}[/tex]. But the term containing the 17s + 5 is confusing me.
  • #4
Try writing

[tex]\frac{17s}{(s+2)^2+1} + \frac{5}{(s+2)^2+1}[/tex]

Also, your formulas will be easier to read if you write the entire thing in TeX instead of just bits and pieces.
  • #5
And you should be able to get rid of the [itex]e^{-s}[/itex] part by using this property:

[tex]\mathcal{L}\{f(t-a)\} = e^{-as}F(s)[/tex]
  • #6
Thanks very much! This is only my second time using TeX so I apologize for that. Getting used to it.

FAQ: Inverse Laplace Transform - Step Function?

1. What is the inverse Laplace transform of a step function?

The inverse Laplace transform of a step function is a function that represents the original function from which the step function was derived. It is denoted by f(t) and can be calculated using the formula f(t) = L-1{F(s)}, where F(s) is the Laplace transform of the step function.

2. How do you find the inverse Laplace transform of a step function using partial fractions?

To find the inverse Laplace transform of a step function using partial fractions, the Laplace transform of the step function is first written in the form F(s) = A/s + B, where A and B are constants. The inverse Laplace transform can then be found by taking the inverse Laplace transform of each term and using the linearity property of the Laplace transform.

3. Can a step function have multiple inverse Laplace transforms?

No, a step function can only have one inverse Laplace transform. This is because the inverse Laplace transform is a unique representation of the original function, and multiple inverse Laplace transforms would imply that the original function has multiple representations, which is not possible.

4. How does the magnitude of the step function affect its inverse Laplace transform?

The magnitude of the step function does not affect its inverse Laplace transform. The inverse Laplace transform is solely dependent on the shape and characteristics of the step function, such as the location and magnitude of the step. Changing the magnitude of the step function results in a change in the amplitude of the inverse Laplace transform, but the overall shape and characteristics remain the same.

5. What is the region of convergence for the inverse Laplace transform of a step function?

The region of convergence for the inverse Laplace transform of a step function is the entire complex plane, except for the poles of the Laplace transform. This is because the step function has a discontinuity at t = 0, which results in an infinite number of poles in the Laplace transform. Therefore, the inverse Laplace transform is valid for all values of t except at the poles of the Laplace transform.
