Inverse of Matrix - Product Form

In summary, The "Product Form" method is a way of finding the inverse of a matrix, specifically the basis matrix in a simplex table, using elementary row operations and representing the result as a product of elementary matrices. It is mentioned in "Operations Research" by Hamdy Taha and can be found by searching for the keywords "inverse matrix simplex basis product form".
  • #1
In a few books on Operations Research, I have found a reference to a method of finding the inverse of matrix using a method called as 'Product Form'. From the context, it looks like the product form method is used for finding the inverse of the basis matrix in a simplex table.
The method may or may not work for other kind of matrices. However, I couldn't find a good description of this method. One text which mentions this is "Operations Research" by Hamdy Taha. A description of the method is supposedly given in the CD accompanying the book - but I have a hand me down book & don't have the CD. If anyone here knows more about this method or has a pointer to it, please let me know.
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  • #2
You can find the jargon "product form" used in articles if you search using the keywords:
inverse matrix simplex basis product form

As far as I can see, it simply refers to the fact that if you do elementary row operations on a matrix, the combined effect of these can be represented as a product of elementary matrices. Hence if you do Gaussian elimination on a matrix, you can keep track of the operations you do and this gives you a representation of the inverse of the matrix as a product of elementary matrices.

FAQ: Inverse of Matrix - Product Form

What is an inverse of a matrix in product form?

An inverse of a matrix in product form is a way to represent the inverse of a matrix as a product of two matrices. It is denoted as A^-1 = B*C, where A is the original matrix, B is the left inverse, and C is the right inverse.

Why is it important to understand the inverse of a matrix in product form?

Understanding the inverse of a matrix in product form is important because it allows for efficient computation of the inverse of a matrix, which is a crucial concept in linear algebra and has applications in many fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

How is the inverse of a matrix in product form calculated?

The left and right inverses of a matrix can be calculated separately using matrix operations such as row reduction and transpose. Then, the product of these two matrices gives the inverse of the original matrix.

Can every matrix be represented in product form?

No, not every matrix has a left and right inverse, and therefore cannot be represented in product form. A matrix must be square and have a nonzero determinant to have an inverse in product form.

What are the applications of the inverse of a matrix in product form?

The inverse of a matrix in product form has applications in solving systems of linear equations, calculating determinants, finding the inverse of a square matrix, and performing transformations in 3D graphics.

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