Inverse of the Stereographic Projection

In summary, the stereographic projection map from a n-Sphere to a (n-1)-plane is discussed as an example of how to cover a sphere with an atlas. The inverse projection, while guaranteed to exist by the inverse function theorem, may not be obvious to find algebraically. However, by utilizing the geometry of the situation, the inverse projection can be derived as shown in the conversation above. Additionally, there may be mistakes in lecture notes and it is important to critically evaluate information presented by authority figures.
  • #1
In any book on differentiable manifolds, the stereographic projection map P from the n-Sphere to the (n-1)-plane is discussed as part of an example of how one might cover a sphere with an atlas. This is usually followed by a comment such as "it is obvious" or "it can be shown" that the inverse projection P^{-1} is given by such and such. Now, it is not at all "obvious" to me algebraically how this can be accomplished. The inverse function theorem of couse can guarantee that the inverse projection exists but, being an existential theorem, provides no means for finding the inverse. How does one approach a problem such as this? Apparently, the geometry of the situation can be used to derive the inverse but I'm lousy at geometry so I'm not sure how to approach it from this angle (no pun intended) either. Thank you for any suggestions.
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  • #2
I'll do it in three dimensions, it's pretty obvious how it generalizes to n dimensions. Let's have the co-ordinates on the sphere be (x,y,z) with x^2 + y^2 + z^2=1. Then we know that stereographic projection onto the xy plane takes:

(x,y,z) --> (X,Y,Z) = (x/(1-z), y/(1-z),0)

If we square X and Y and add them together, we find that

X^2 + Y^2 = (x^2 + y^2)/(1-z)^2 = (1+z)/(1-z)

We can rearrange this to give us:

z = (R^2 - 1)/(R^2 + 1)

Where I've written R^2 to mean X^2 + Y^2.

Then we know that

x = X(1-z)

And we just plus in our value for z to give us

x = 2X/(R^2 + 1)

And do a similar thing for Y, to end up with the inverse of stereographic projection, which takes

(X,Y,0) -> (x,y,z) = (2X/(R^2 + 1), 2Y/(R^2 + 1), (R^2 - 1)/(R^2 + 1))

Hope that helps... sorry for the awful notation, I couldn't be bothered to use tex!
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  • #3
Thank you for your response; it was very helpful. Every time I tried the problem in the past I would end up with a jumbled up mess. I approached the it by attempting to apply the definition of the inverse mapping directly, i.e. by setting the composition of p and p^{-1} to the identity map. The key, as indicated by your solution, was the initial substituion + squaring; everything from that point was simple algebra...Thanks again!
  • #4
I have a stereographic projection question for anyone who can help!

My lecture notes have an aside about stereographic projection. Definining X to be the angle between the centre of the sphere and the point in R^2, we get that the angle at the north pole is X/2, and some simple trig gives:

r = 2 tan (X/2)

where r is the radial co-ordinate on the plane (assuming the sphere is a unit sphere). My lecturer then goes on to say (repeatedly) that

sin X = 2r/(4+r2)

Now when I work through it, there should be a 4r in the numerator, not a 2r. I'd just assume that my lecturer has made a mistake, except that he's said it repeatedly in his lecture, and in his printed notes, and no one's picked him up on it. Am I going mad!?
  • #5
You've lost me here.

If X/2 is the angle at the north pole, then I agree that r = 2 tan (X/2), and that sin X = 4r/(4+r^2), but what is X?

I'm afraid that I'm not familiar enough with this stuff to understand what "Definining X to be the angle between the centre of the sphere and the point in R^2" means. Could you be a bit more explicit?

Call the north pole N, the south pole S, the centre of the sphere C, the point on the sphere P, and the point in the plane P'. The only thing I could think of is that X is the angle SCP', but this can't be true.

  • #6
You are, of course, right. Now I just have to figure out why my lecturer thinks that SCP' = 2 NCP'.

Note to self: Don't believe everything that the lecturer tells you in future!

Related to Inverse of the Stereographic Projection

1. What is the stereographic projection?

The stereographic projection is a map projection that projects points on a sphere onto a plane. It is commonly used in cartography and mathematics.

2. What is the inverse of the stereographic projection?

The inverse of the stereographic projection is the process of converting points on a plane back to their original positions on a sphere. This is useful in solving certain mathematical problems and in creating accurate maps.

3. How is the inverse of the stereographic projection calculated?

The inverse of the stereographic projection involves using a formula that takes into account the coordinates of the point on the plane and the radius of the sphere. This formula is derived from the original stereographic projection formula.

4. What are the applications of the inverse of the stereographic projection?

The inverse of the stereographic projection has various applications in different fields such as mathematics, cartography, and physics. It is used in solving problems involving spherical geometry and in accurately mapping the surface of a sphere onto a plane.

5. Are there any limitations to using the inverse of the stereographic projection?

Like any other mathematical formula, the inverse of the stereographic projection has its limitations. It may not accurately represent certain points or areas on a sphere, and it may introduce distortion in maps. It is important to understand its limitations and use it appropriately.

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