Inverse Transformation from Response Surface

In summary, the conversation is discussing a parametric study with N tables that have the same structure but different values due to varying physical conditions. The study aims to analyze the dependency between integral quantities and independent parameters, using methods such as a quadratic response surface. The question is how to calculate or recreate a table representing an interpolation of the values in the N tables, taking into account that the response surface is non-linear. It is suggested that a linear optimization approach could be used to solve for specific points of interest. However, more information or a specific example is needed to accurately answer the question.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
If I get global parameters from data which can be approximated with a response surface, how do I interpolate data from it.
Let us say we have data which is for simplicity in N tables. All the tables have the same number of rows and columns. The columns ##A_i## have for all tables the same meaning (say measured quantaties like pressure, temperature) where the first 3 columns is the position in space. Again for simplicity, let the quantities for all tables be identified in the same space coordinates. This means we have N tables with the same structure but the values themselves are different. The main reson for the difference is that I change the physical conditions: We vary parameters ##b_k## (like angles etc.) called independent parameters. This could be a setup for a Design of Experiment study. So, we have a parametric study.
Now we calculate somehow integral quantities ##I_m## for all the tables. Those quantities are called our dependent parameters. We now analyze if we can see a dependency between ##I_m## and ##b_k##. Here we will have a bunch of methods ##M_j##. Let us say ##M_1## is a quadratic response surface for the dependent parameter ##I_1## and the both independent parameters ##b_1## and ##b_2##. This means basically we believe that a second order interpolation is representing the dependancy good enough. Having done this we get a smooth function ##I_1(b_1,b_2)## where ##b_1## and ##b_2## are real numbers. With other words: We get results for arbitrary independent values (for better imagination, those are typically values between two discrete really existing independent parameters).

Okay, now me question: For such an arbitrary pair of independent values I would like to calculate or recreate the table from which the dependent values came. The table would represent an interpolation of the really excisting values in the N tables.

I know that this is a standard thing in engineering but I am not sure how it works. I would guess in the dark that I take the unique N vectors of my tables and run an optimizer to find the distribution of weight for the N vectors to get the ##I_1##. Next step would be to use the weighting for the tables to get a new table, representing the interpolation. This would be pretty simple if we use linear optimization but we have to take into account that my response surface is non-linear. In arbitrary cases the function could be of higher order or some way more fancy approximation.
How do I get my table? Thanks.

EDIT: I think that it doesn't matter how complex the function is because I am just interested in one point after each other or with other words: I solve a linear optimization for any point I am interested in, right? It seems like calculus in arbitrary dimensions.
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  • #2
I suggest you make another attempt to state you question. Your description of the data isn't clear and you haven't stated a well defined mathematical question. Perhaps a specific example would be the simplest way to explain things.

FAQ: Inverse Transformation from Response Surface

1. What is the purpose of inverse transformation from response surface?

The purpose of inverse transformation from response surface is to determine the input variables that will result in a desired output response. This is useful in optimizing a process or system by identifying the ideal combination of input variables that will produce the desired output.

2. How is inverse transformation from response surface performed?

Inverse transformation from response surface is typically performed using mathematical techniques such as regression analysis or optimization algorithms. These methods use the response surface model to determine the relationship between the input and output variables and then calculate the inverse transformation to find the desired input values.

3. What are the assumptions made in inverse transformation from response surface?

The main assumptions made in inverse transformation from response surface are that the response surface model is accurate and that the relationship between the input and output variables is linear or can be approximated by a linear function. It is also assumed that the input variables are independent and normally distributed.

4. What are the limitations of inverse transformation from response surface?

One limitation of inverse transformation from response surface is that it relies on the accuracy of the response surface model. If the model is not a good representation of the actual system, the inverse transformation may not accurately determine the optimal input values. Additionally, the method may not work well for non-linear relationships between the input and output variables.

5. How is the accuracy of inverse transformation from response surface evaluated?

The accuracy of inverse transformation from response surface can be evaluated by comparing the predicted input values to the actual input values that result in the desired output. This can be done by conducting experiments or simulations using the predicted input values and comparing the resulting output to the desired response. The closer the predicted and actual values are, the more accurate the inverse transformation method is.

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