Investigating a 3D Color Hue Phenomenon with Blender and Just Color Picker

In summary, this phenomenon occurs when objects are colored with pure primary or secondary colors and sampled anywhere on their surface. The measured hue of the object shifts towards the nearest primary color in darker lit regions.
  • #1
I have been doing some 3D computer graphics modelling and I have observed a phenomenon I cannot find anything about. I am using Blender (free 3D program). I am also using "Just Color Picker" which is a free Windows tool that let's you check the hue/saturation/value (HSV) for any color on your screen.

The phenomenon I have observed is summarized as:
  • Objects colored with pure primary or secondary colors (red, blue, green, or cyan (blue+green), magenta (red+blue), yellow (green+yellow) when sampled demonstrate the same measured hue all over their surfaces irrespective of lighting conditions.
  • Objects with colors that have hues in between the primary and secondary colors exhibit shifting of their hues towards the nearest primary color in darker lit regions.
In HSV, the hues are described by degrees such that:
  • red = 0
  • yellow = 60
  • green = 120
  • cyan = 180
  • blue = 240
  • magenta = 300
Here is are examples of a primary (red) and secondary (cyan) colors, which if sampled anywhere on their surfaces will return hue 0 for red and 180 for cyan as expected:

red sphere.jpg
cyan pure.jpg

Here by contrast is an intermediate color between blue and cyan, where we can see that the highlights measure around 202 degrees (towards cyan) and dark regions 211 degrees (towards blue):

blue sphere.jpg

Here is a more intentionally dramatic case where we can see the sphere can measure up to 315 at the highlights (towards magenta) and 341 in the dark zone (toward red), thus giving a 26 degree hue rotation just by power of variable illumination:

purple red.jpg
Or here we see and measure the sphere clearly tilt cyan at the highlights and towards green at lowlights when the color is between these primary/secondary points:

green cyan.jpg

Or others here tilting from cyan to blue in dark or magenta to blue in dark:
blue cyan.jpg blue purple.jpg

These objects are being lit with pure white light in simulation. I am wondering if anyone is familiar with the nature of this phenomenon or if there are any existing mathematical models that describe it. ie. Models that can predict how the measured hue of a given colored object will shift from its actual color to the nearest primary color as illumination intensity or its value is decreased.

It is a strange phenomenon and hard to wrap my head around. Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
The eye may be considered as having three rather flat band pass filters centred on R G and B. Non primary colours excite two filters. Secondaries excite two filters equally. The electronic filters may have a non linear amplitude response, known as gamma. So that for instance, output equals input to the power of 0.7. In this situation the two components do not track over a range of intensities.
Gamma occurred originally due to the non linear characteristic of a cathode ray tube. Anode current is proportional to grid voltage ^ 1.5 approximately. It became customary for the camera to insert gamma correction by using an exponent of 1/gamma such as 0.7. It was known that for all colour TV systems, gamma correction produced a problem, in that R+G+B do not necessarily add up to 1.
Alternatively, for a hue slightly away from these wavelengths, maybe the weaker component falls below the noise in one of the filters in low intensity areas of the image.
  • #3
tech99 said:
Non primary colours excite two filters.
In fact , all three sensors are involved in analysing 'most' colours.
This link shows a spectral sensitivity plot of the three analyses in the eye. Note how the B response has a peak around 800nm as well as at the blue end. Similar for the G analysis. The sensitivity in the red parts of the spectrum gives great colour discrimination in 'skin tones' where, for instance G and B contributions indicate in detail, the desaturated 'pinks and browns' of human skin pigment.
There is the classic metamerism between spectral Sodium yellow and the right mix of R and G phosphors in a TV display but it happens for all colours.

Related to Investigating a 3D Color Hue Phenomenon with Blender and Just Color Picker

1. What is "Investigating a 3D Color Hue Phenomenon with Blender and Just Color Picker"?

"Investigating a 3D Color Hue Phenomenon with Blender and Just Color Picker" is a scientific study that aims to understand the relationship between color hue and 3D objects using the software Blender and Just Color Picker. It involves creating 3D models and experimenting with different color hues to observe any changes in perception or visual effects.

2. Why is this study important?

This study is important because color plays a significant role in our perception of the world and understanding how it interacts with 3D objects can have practical applications in fields such as design, art, and advertising. It can also provide insights into how our brain processes and interprets color information.

3. How is Blender used in this study?

Blender is a 3D modeling software that allows for the creation and manipulation of 3D objects. In this study, Blender is used to create various 3D models that will be used to investigate the color hue phenomenon. It also has features that allow for precise color selection and manipulation, making it a useful tool for this study.

4. What is Just Color Picker?

Just Color Picker is a free software that allows for the selection and comparison of colors from various sources, including digital images and webpages. It has advanced features such as color mixing and conversion, making it a valuable tool for this study.

5. What are the potential implications of this study?

The potential implications of this study include a better understanding of how color hue affects our perception of 3D objects, which can be applied in fields such as product design, virtual reality, and visual communication. It can also contribute to the development of more accurate and realistic color rendering techniques in digital media.

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