Ionization energy - compare 2 unknown elements and decide their group

In summary, the conversation discusses the ionization energies of two hypothetical elements, X and Y, and the group and charge of element X based on its ionization energy. It is determined that X is in group 13 and has a charge of +3. The conversation also delves into the concept of valence electrons and how they play a role in ionization energy. It is concluded that the jump from the outer shell to the inner shell requires more energy, making it more difficult to remove the last valence electron. This is why the fourth ionization energy level for element X is significantly higher than the previous three.
  • #1
Hello. I have a question about ionization energy:

Two hypothetical elements in the 2nd or 3rd period have the following ionization energies:

Element X
First: 800 kJ/mol
Second: 2500 kJ/mol
Third: 3900 kJ/mol
Fourth: 23000 kJ/mol

Element Y
First: 700 kJ/mol
Second: 2200 kJ/mol
Third: 3500 kJ/mol
Fourth: 19000 kJ/mol

To what group in the periodic table should element X be in, and what charge should the ion in element X have?

The answer is group 13 and charge +3. How could you possibly know this? I can see that the fourth energy level is far more than the third, so it should be somewhere between group 13-17, but how do you know which one?
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  • #2
Why is the fourth much larger? What does it tell you about electrons being removed?
  • #3
Borek said:
Why is the fourth much larger? What does it tell you about electrons being removed?

Well, is it because the first three energy levels remove all the group 13 valence electrons, and then you need much more energy to remove one more electron? But wouldn't it require much energy to remove the last valence electron in any element, so why can't it be for example group 14 loosing 4 valence electrons?
  • #4
How many valence electrons in group 14?
  • #5
4. Which tells me.. ?
  • #6
What is a difference between valence electrons and other electrons? Which are easier, which are harder to remove?
  • #7
I'm sorry, but this leads me nowhere, so I'll be better off if someone simply could give me an explanation of why it is group 13.
  • #8
Don't give up so easily.

Try to answer the questions I asked. You DO know what are valence electrons? What definition do you know? Why are they called "valence"?
  • #9
Yes, I know what valence electrons are; the electrons in an atoms outer shell.

Group 13 elements have 3 valence electrons. Then I figure that in the first, second and third ionization energy levels you have removed 1, 2 and 3 of the group 13 valence electrons, so that there are no valence electrons left. In the fourth level, you are removing an additional electron. Is it this "jump" from the outer shell to the inner that requires much more energy?
  • #10
carle said:
Is it this "jump" from the outer shell to the inner that requires much more energy?

Exactly! Valence electrons are taking part in binding because they are not so tightly bounded to the nucleus. They can be removed much easier than other electrons, and their ionization energies are smaller.

FAQ: Ionization energy - compare 2 unknown elements and decide their group

What is ionization energy?

Ionization energy is the amount of energy needed to remove an electron from an atom or molecule, resulting in the formation of an ion.

Why is it important to compare the ionization energy of two unknown elements?

Comparing the ionization energy of two unknown elements can help determine their position on the periodic table and their group. This information can also provide insight into the chemical and physical properties of the elements.

How is ionization energy measured?

Ionization energy is measured in units of kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol) and can be calculated by dividing the energy required to remove an electron by the number of moles of atoms present.

What factors can affect the ionization energy of an element?

The ionization energy of an element can be affected by the number of protons in the nucleus, the distance between the nucleus and the outermost electron, and the shielding effect of inner electrons.

How does the ionization energy of elements differ across the periodic table?

The ionization energy generally increases from left to right across a period and decreases from top to bottom within a group on the periodic table. This is due to the increasing number of protons and decreasing distance between the nucleus and outermost electrons.
