Iowa State, Notre Dame, or Northwestern?

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In summary, the speaker is a high school senior who is still deciding on which college to attend. They are interested in physics and mathematics, and have been accepted into Iowa State, Notre Dame, and Northwestern. The speaker is seeking advice on which university to choose, as they want to be challenged and also consider the cost. They have been offered a full-ride to Iowa State and are wondering if they would be making a mistake by refusing it. They also ask for information on the academic programs and science/math/engineering programs at each university. The speaker has received advice from someone who is currently attending Iowa State and recommends it due to its friendly atmosphere and helpful professors. The speaker is also considering the cost of attending each university and the class sizes
  • #1
I am a high school senior, still deciding on which college I will attend. I have searched the internet for answers and have seen some of these interesting discussions. I am very interested in physics, also mathematics. This is my very first post ever, and I don't even know if anyone will read this. If you are reading it now and have some contributions, I would greatly appreciate them.

Here's a little more about me, just so the reader knows my situation: I am a Midwest kid and love it here. I have been accepted into all three universities: Iowa State, Notre Dame, and Northwestern. I come from a small town and school, but I have a 4.0, got a 34 on my ACT, got a 2240 on my SAT, and am a National Merit Scholar. Again, I just want to provide a little more information about myself.

My dilemma is about choosing the right university for me. I realize that Northwestern has the best academic program, and probably best physics one, too. Notre Dame could be considered to have the second best academics, but Iowa State, at least as far as I know, is known to have a very good science/math/engineering program. I want to be challenged wherever I go; obviously, NU and ND are the best choices there. Still, both cost a lot of money. I guess one could say that I have good enough scores to get some scholarships, but I haven't from either. I have, however, been offered a full-ride to ISU, and I could be in the Honors Program, there.

Does anyone have any information about any of these universities? their academic programs? their physics/science/math programs? Would I be dumb to refuse a full ride to a decent school like ISU? Does ISU actually have a really good science program compared to ND or NU? Should I take some loans and try to do my best in the competitive "prestigious" schools like ND or NU? I find myself liking all three options about the same. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. To the responder, Thanks so much.
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  • #2
rating said:
Does anyone have any information about any of these universities? their academic programs? their physics/science/math programs? Would I be dumb to refuse a full ride to a decent school like ISU? Does ISU actually have a really good science program compared to ND or NU? Should I take some loans and try to do my best in the competitive "prestigious" schools like ND or NU? I find myself liking all three options about the same. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. To the responder, Thanks so much.

I was just in your shoes...I decided a few months ago where I wanted to go to college next year. A major factor that influenced my decision was tuition. My parents said that they would help a little, but it was up to me to pay for 90% of my tuition. All the schools I applied to would give me an excellent education (I want to be an engineer), but it was ultimately the cheapest one that I went with...I don't want to be paying $100K loans off when I get out.

Personally, I would go to Iowa State. ISU would have to have a major drawback for me to hesitate. Plus, they have an excellent engineering program (not sure if that's what you want to do).

Have you been to all three of the campuses? Keep in mind you'll have to live there for four years, so it might help with your decision.

I can't comment on ND or Northwestern as I don't know much about them...other than they are very expensive!

Hope this helped and good luck!
  • #3
I'm actually an Iowa State student right now, and its great here. Everyone's really nice, and extremely helpful. There's tons of help available, and every professor I've had is always willing to help with your questions. I'm an EE major btw.

I'd say the only down side is your intro math/physics/chem classes are in larger class sizes, but after you get through the basic program, of calculus, general chem, classical physics, then you will notice a more comfortable class room of 25-35 students generally.P.S: ISU has a very respectable program in math/physics/engineering
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Related to Iowa State, Notre Dame, or Northwestern?

1. What are the top programs offered at Iowa State, Notre Dame, and Northwestern?

Iowa State University offers top programs in engineering, agriculture, and business. Notre Dame is known for its strong programs in business, law, and theology. Northwestern University is renowned for its programs in journalism, engineering, and performing arts.

2. How diverse are the student populations at Iowa State, Notre Dame, and Northwestern?

Iowa State University has a diverse student body, with over 17% of students identifying as underrepresented minorities. Notre Dame has a lower percentage of underrepresented minorities at around 13%, but has a strong international student population. Northwestern also has a diverse student population, with almost 25% of students identifying as underrepresented minorities.

3. What are the average class sizes at Iowa State, Notre Dame, and Northwestern?

Iowa State University has an average class size of 31 students, with a student to faculty ratio of 19:1. Notre Dame has a smaller average class size of 22 students, with a student to faculty ratio of 10:1. Northwestern has a similar average class size of 23 students, with a student to faculty ratio of 7:1.

4. What research opportunities are available at Iowa State, Notre Dame, and Northwestern?

Iowa State University has a strong focus on research, with over $500 million in research expenditures. Students have opportunities to participate in research projects with faculty in various fields. Notre Dame also has a strong research focus, with over $180 million in research funding. Students can participate in research through programs such as the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. Northwestern has a robust research program with over $700 million in research funding. Students can engage in research through programs like the Undergraduate Research and Arts Exposition.

5. How is campus life at Iowa State, Notre Dame, and Northwestern?

Iowa State University has a vibrant campus life, with over 800 student organizations and activities. Notre Dame has a close-knit community, with many students living on campus and participating in extracurricular activities. Northwestern also has a strong sense of community, with over 350 student organizations and a variety of campus events and activities.

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