IP/DNS Setup on Kubuntu - Solutions & Tips

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In summary, you will likely need to look for a configuration script or possibly a GUI configuration utility.I would suggest trying to find or create a configuration script for Network Manager. There may be a pre-made script out there or you can create your own. I hope this helps.
  • #1
Some suggestions ot solve my problem include set the network to " Obtain IP/DNS adress automatically ". I've seen that in other operational systems this setting is pretty easy to find, but I can't find a way to do it on kubuntu. Can someone tell me how its done. Thanks.
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  • #2
You need to set the interface to use DHCP. This is the default setting as far as I know.

To set an interface to use DHCP, you'll need to modify your /etc/network/interfaces
(I am assuming that eth0 is the interface that you are using. If not, you will need to change that to whatever interface you're on)

first make a copy of the file, in case we break something else

then add the following code
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

then restart the network manager so that it uses the new settings with the following command
service network-manager restart

EDIT: Given your other post, I would also suggest that you check with the Univeristy's IT department first. There may be a specific reason why you're not able to connect to your network. They will likely be able to tell you why. Once you have that, it is a lot easier to solve.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.
Didn't have time to check with the IT department and as sometimes they recquire you to leave your computer there for some time with them and I am currently in need of using it I am postponing it and trying some suggestions to solve this, and using other connections when I need.
By the way, I have already tried what you suggested and when I set "eth0" (the way you recommended), I cannot connect to any wired connection. Same way, when I set "wlan0" (which I think is my wireless interface) my computer doesn't detect any wireless connection. Do you know a reason why this is happening? I find it strange because many people suggest it as if it were usual/default.
Thanks again.
  • #4
I'd start off by trying to narrow down if the problem was hardware or a software configuration. Download a Ubuntu live CD from another system and try booting your computer from that. If you are able to use the NIC to connect to a network, then we know the problem is some configuration (works on LiveCD but not when you boot from the HDD). If it still doesn't work, then we may possibly be looking at a hardware issue.

I'd also post on the kubuntu support forums.
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  • #5
Since you have the KDE desktop, you should find Network Manager in "System Settings" and it is quite intuitive to set. If by chance your version didn't include Network Manager, you can use Synaptic or your Software Manager to download and add it. On most distros "System Settings" is on the Favorites (first page) of the Kicker Menu. If not for you, look in "Settings" or "System". Sorry for so many "ifs" but there are so many possibilities depending on how you setup KDE to suit you.

Just for the record, in Unix Land (still in use in BSD and some Linux distros) most configuration scripts are routinely in "/etc/rc.d". Unfortunately many have dispensed with the easy text way in the interest of "convenience". You can check to see if yours still has such scripts but the GUI in KDE works well too.

FAQ: IP/DNS Setup on Kubuntu - Solutions & Tips

What is an IP address and why is it important?

An IP address is a unique numerical label assigned to every device connected to a network. It serves as the device's identifier and allows it to communicate with other devices on the network. It is important because it enables devices to send and receive data, allowing for successful network communication.

How do I find out my IP address on Kubuntu?

To find out your IP address on Kubuntu, you can use the ifconfig command in the terminal. This will display your IP address along with other network information. Alternatively, you can also go to your network settings and view your IP address under the IPv4 or IPv6 tab.

What is DNS and why is it important in IP setup?

DNS, which stands for Domain Name System, is a system that translates domain names (e.g. www.example.com) into IP addresses. This is important in IP setup because it allows users to access websites using easy to remember domain names rather than complicated numerical IP addresses.

How do I change my DNS settings on Kubuntu?

To change your DNS settings on Kubuntu, go to your network settings and click on the IPv4 or IPv6 tab. Under the DNS section, enter the IP addresses of your preferred DNS servers. You can also change your DNS settings by editing the resolv.conf file in the terminal.

What are some common issues with IP/DNS setup on Kubuntu and how can I troubleshoot them?

Some common issues with IP/DNS setup on Kubuntu include incorrect IP address or DNS server configuration, network connectivity problems, and DNS server outages. To troubleshoot these issues, you can try resetting your network settings, checking your IP and DNS configuration, and using alternative DNS servers. You can also use network diagnostic tools such as ping and traceroute to identify and resolve any network connectivity issues.
