IQ of 110+ This is very hard, Question 1

  • Thread starter neodrop
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Hard Iq
In summary, Sloth's Army is made up of one army, three corps, six divisions, eighteen brigades, seventy-two or seventy-three battalions, two hundred sixteen or two hundred nineteen squadrons, six hundred forty-eight or six hundred fifty-seven platoons, and twelve thousand nine hundred sixty or thirteen thousand one hundred forty evil giant killer robots. If each robot costs 150,000 NP to make, Sloth has invested a total of 1,944,000,000 or 1,971,000,000 NP in his evil giant killer robot army.
  • #1
Sloth's Army is made up of three corps. Each of those corps is made up of two divisions. Each division is made up of three brigades. Each brigade is made up of four battalions (well apart from one of them that is made up of five, but that's another story...)

Each battallion is made up of three squadrons. Each squadron is made up of three platoons. A platoon is made up of twenty evil giant killer robots.

If a evil giant killer robot costs 150,000 NP to make, how much money has Sloth invested in his evil giant killer robot army?

If u get the answer send it to i iwll tell u if u are write or wrong i will post answer in 3 days.
Mathematics news on
  • #2
This post does not belong here. It should be in general math, or in brain teasers.

Unless, there's some silly twist, this is just a multiplication problem. And about 1 out of every 4 people has an IQ over 110, so that's not such a big deal.
  • #3
I'm not sure if this question can be used to determine IQ in itself. It's fairly straight forward. I don't want to mulitply everything out but I know how to find the answer. Even the best of us get tricked by easy questions sometimes, so others may find it hard. On bad days I've fell victim to incorrectly answering questions children could get. It was neat though.

Welcome to the forums.
  • #4
Sloth is a sloth, so he hasn't bothered to invest a dime in the army; he has just day-dreamed about it, as sloths are won't to do
  • #5
neodrop said:
Each brigade is made up of four battalions (well apart from one of them that is made up of five, but that's another story...)

There's your evil little twist.
  • #6

forgot to mention you cannot use a calculator and it has to be done in under 2 miniutes, anyways if u havnt got the answer by now it is 1,413,000,000 NP i will post a new question soon.
  • #7
This doesn't exactly have anything to do with differential equations.
  • #8
Indeed <moved to General Math>
  • #9
Did anyone else think Slothrop when they read this? 'Specially with all the military themes.

Anyway, God help you if you really think that the ability to multiply numbers in your head is an important skill, or a measure of ability to understand or comprehend or otherwise achieve in mathematics.
  • #10
What's the point of this? The average person could do this in under 30 seconds with a pencil and paper, even so, what is the point?
  • #11
neodrop said:
forgot to mention you cannot use a calculator and it has to be done in under 2 miniutes, anyways if u havnt got the answer by now it is 1,413,000,000 NP i will post a new question soon.

No, it's not. It's 1,944,000,000 NP (or 1,971,000,000 NP in the other story). It's easy to see that 1413 million is wrong without even multiplying all the numbers. If you take out the factor of 3 million from 20*150,000, then you should be left with a product that is even. But 1413 is odd.


EDIT : corrected my 'other story', thanks to warr. I had initially interpreted "one brigade" as one brigade per division, which in retrospect seems unlikely to be worded that way.
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  • #12
1 army
3 corps
6 divisions
18 brigades
72 battalions (or 73 in the 'other story')
216 squadrons (or 219 in the 'other story')
648 platoons (or 657 in the 'other story')
12960 robots (or 13140 robots in the 'other story')
1944000000 NP (or 1971000000 NP in the 'other story')
  • #13
Something tells me that neodrop is making up these questions and pretending that he has any idea how IQ is measured or how his questions would actually relate to IQ.

- Warren
  • #14
Lol, it's just something neodrop posted from this STUPID site called neopets.
  • #15
Did anyone else think Slothrop when they read this?
And for a second before i finished reading it i thought it would end up having to do with ensembles and stat mech...(the entropy of the war or something...)
But the rocketman would never have wasted time calculating...of course Pynchon's narrator would have known if it were important.
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  • #16
Laplace_Wy said:
Lol, it's just something neodrop posted from this STUPID site called neopets.

Careful now, you will find that there is active neopet user called Integral!
  • #17
Wow, Integral. Just wow.

  • #18
w00t!?? a physics forum mentor playing neopets?
i find neopets really boring.
  • #19
Integral are you talking about the same neopets? =/
  • #20
Hmm, I just checked and all they had was a red Wocky named Integral, not a user. I played Neopets for a month, and then I got sick of it. But it is kind of tempting to go back to the site to play the Tombola and Fruit Machine, where you have a chance of winning lots of NPs. The other parts of the site hold no appeal with me.
  • #21
Damage anyway

Warr said:
1 army
3 corps
6 divisions
18 brigades
72 battalions (or 73 in the 'other story')
216 squadrons (or 219 in the 'other story')
648 platoons (or 657 in the 'other story')
12960 robots (or 13140 robots in the 'other story')
1944000000 NP (or 1971000000 NP in the 'other story')

(In both stories)

FAQ: IQ of 110+ This is very hard, Question 1

1. What is considered a high IQ score?

A score of 110 or above is generally considered to be a high IQ score. This places an individual in the top 16% of the population.

2. Is IQ an accurate measure of intelligence?

IQ is one of many measures of intelligence, and while it can provide valuable information, it is not the only factor that determines intelligence. Other factors such as emotional intelligence and creativity also play a role.

3. How is IQ measured?

IQ is typically measured through standardized tests such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) or the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. These tests assess various cognitive abilities such as verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.

4. Can IQ change over time?

While IQ is often thought to be a fixed trait, it can fluctuate slightly over time. Factors such as education, life experiences, and even temporary health conditions can affect an individual's IQ score. However, significant changes in IQ are rare.

5. Is a high IQ a guarantee of success?

While a high IQ can be advantageous in certain areas, it is not a guarantee of success. Many other factors, such as determination, motivation, and social skills, also play a role in an individual's success. Additionally, individuals with high IQs may face their own unique challenges and struggles.

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