IQ Test Questions: Odd One Out, Amicable Numbers & Teasers

  • Thread starter Fizziks_Fan
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    Iq Test
In summary, the conversation covered several topics including finding the odd one out among a list of words, amicable numbers, and various teasers and puzzles. The odd one out was determined based on different criteria such as alphabetical order, sum of letters, and letter usage. The first pair of amicable numbers under 300 were 220 and 284. The probability of getting the same color in 10 consecutive spins of a wheel was unclear. The odds of forming an eight-figure number that divides by 9 exactly from drawing eight bingo balls was 100%. The name of the man who carried a bag of letters was difficult to determine, but could possibly be Liam. The conversation ended with a discussion on a horse racing scenario with an ambiguous answer
  • #1
Just something to keep you all entertained. :D


Which is the odd one out and why?



These are rare numbers. They are pairs of numbers in which the sum of the factors of one is equal to the other; and vice versa. What are the two numbers in the first pair? They are both under 300.

? ?
1184 1210
5020 5564
6232 6368
10744 10856
17926 18416
9437056 9363584


a) A wheel is spun containing 10 red and 10 yellow equal segments. Above the wheel is an arrow. What are the chances that in any 10 consecutive spins the same color will appear against the arrow?

b) Eight bingo balls numbered from 1 to 8 are placed into a bag then drawn out at random, one by one, and the numbers written down to form an eight-figure number. What are the odds that the eight-figure number will divide by 9 exactly?

c) If the man who always transgressed against divine or moral law was named Dennis, the girl who always felt unwell was named Delia, and the lady who had a thing of value was name Tessa, what was the name of the man who carried a bag of letters?

d) Jim, Alf, and Sid each win on the horses for three days running. The following are the nine amounts which the bookie paid out (starting with the largest amount to the smallest amount):

$65 $52 $47 $39 $26 $23 $21 $15 $12

Jim won twice as much as Sid. What was the total winning amount for each man over the three days?
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  • #2
Fizziks_Fan said:
Which is the odd one out and why?


Man do I hate these ambiguous problems.

"CHIS" is the only one whose letters are arranged in alphabetical order
"DENC" is the one with the lowest sum of its letters
"PORL" is the one with the highest sum of its letters
"PERL" is the only one that has a corresponding O'Reilly book
"FRAP" is the only one that begins with a letter that is only used once
"SPAD" is the only one that could be changed into a real word if its vowel were replaced with a "U".

Fizziks_Fan said:
These are rare numbers. They are pairs of numbers in which the sum of the factors of one is equal to the other; and vice versa. What are the two numbers in the first pair? They are both under 300.

? ?
1184 1210
5020 5564
6232 6368
10744 10856
17926 18416
9437056 9363584

Well, I know what you *meant*, however, it's not quite right--
1) You should stipulate that the numbers cannot be the same
2) Typically "1" isn't considered a factor, or, if it is, so should the value itself.

The answer you're looking for is 220, 284.

But you could also go with: 1, 1 or 6, 6 or 28, 28 (where the sum of the factors = the number)

Or, if you don't include "1" as a factor, you could go with 48, 75 or 140, 195.

And if you include the number itself as a factor, the only plausible answer is 1, 1.

Fizziks_Fan said:
a) A wheel is spun containing 10 red and 10 yellow equal segments. Above the wheel is an arrow. What are the chances that in any 10 consecutive spins the same color will appear against the arrow?

I don't even understand the question. The same color as what will appear against the arrow? That 10 spins in a row will all yield the same result? Or that 2 of the 10 consecutive spins yield the same result? Why does it matter that the wheel is divided into 20 segments? Couldn't it just be 50/50?

Fizziks_Fan said:
b) Eight bingo balls numbered from 1 to 8 are placed into a bag then drawn out at random, one by one, and the numbers written down to form an eight-figure number. What are the odds that the eight-figure number will divide by 9 exactly?

Finally, a well-written question! Too bad it's so easy! There's a 100% chance that it will divide exactly by 9.

Fizziks_Fan said:
c) If the man who always transgressed against divine or moral law was named Dennis, the girl who always felt unwell was named Delia, and the lady who had a thing of value was name Tessa, what was the name of the man who carried a bag of letters?

I'm at a loss. Again, I don't even understand what's going on.

Fizziks_Fan said:
d) Jim, Alf, and Sid each win on the horses for three days running. The following are the nine amounts which the bookie paid out (starting with the largest amount to the smallest amount):

$65 $52 $47 $39 $26 $23 $21 $15 $12

Jim won twice as much as Sid. What was the total winning amount for each man over the three days?

Oh, BOOOOO! Another one with an ambiguous answer. Possible answers:

Jim: $47, $39, $26
Sid: $23, $21, $12
Alf: $65, $52, $15


Jim: $47, $26, $23
Sid: $21, $15, $12
Alf: $65, $52, $39


Jim: $65, $47, $12
Sid: $26, $21, $15
Alf: $52, $39, $23

This one could've been made NON-ambiguous if, say, there was an extra clue like "Jim won the most" or "Alf won more than 3 times what Sid won".

  • #3
Fizziks_Fan said:
c) If the man who always transgressed against divine or moral law was named Dennis, the girl who always felt unwell was named Delia, and the lady who had a thing of value was name Tessa, what was the name of the man who carried a bag of letters?

I get the trick, the name backwards corresponds with the description. (Dennis = Sinned, Delia = Ailed, etc). What I don't get is what name could come from something mail-related? Mailman = Namliam? Postman = Namtsop? Carrier = Reirrac? Seriously, at a loss here..
  • #4
Guillochon said:
I get the trick, the name backwards corresponds with the description. (Dennis = Sinned, Delia = Ailed, etc). What I don't get is what name could come from something mail-related? Mailman = Namliam? Postman = Namtsop? Carrier = Reirrac? Seriously, at a loss here..

Liam is the only name I can think of. Is there a longer form of that name that would fit better?

FAQ: IQ Test Questions: Odd One Out, Amicable Numbers & Teasers

1. What is the purpose of an IQ test?

An IQ test is designed to measure a person's cognitive abilities, including reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. It is often used as a tool for assessing intelligence and potential success in academic and professional settings.

2. How are IQ test questions created?

IQ test questions are created by psychologists and experts in the field of cognitive assessment. They often use various techniques, such as identifying patterns and logical reasoning, to design questions that can effectively measure a person's intelligence.

3. What do "odd one out" questions test for?

"Odd one out" questions are a type of IQ test question that assesses a person's ability to identify patterns and make logical connections. These questions typically present a group of items and ask the test-taker to identify the item that does not belong based on a specific rule or pattern.

4. What are amicable numbers in an IQ test?

Amicable numbers are pairs of numbers that have a special mathematical relationship. In an IQ test, questions about amicable numbers may require the test-taker to identify the pair of numbers that are amicable or to solve a problem using the concept of amicable numbers.

5. How can teasers help assess a person's intelligence?

Teasers are puzzles or riddles that often require creative and unconventional thinking to solve. In an IQ test, teasers can be used to assess a person's ability to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to problems.
