Iran Sentences Canadian Programmer to Death for Writing Program

In summary, Canadian resident Saeed Malekpour was sentenced to death by the Iranian Supreme Court for his photography program being used without his knowledge to upload pornography to the internet. He was arrested in 2008 and held in solitary confinement for a year without charge. He later retracted his confessions, stating they were given under duress and after torture. This case highlights the lack of progress and adherence to traditional customs in the Iranian judicial system, with religion often being used as a justification for arbitrary and unfair punishments.
  • #1
Char. Limit
Gold Member
Last week, the Iranian Supreme Court confirmed the death sentence for computer programmer Saeed Malekpour, whose photography program was used without his knowledge, to upload pornography to the internet.

Canadian resident Mr Malekpour was arrested while visiting his dying father in Iran during October 2008. He was held in solitary confinement in Tehran's Evin Prison for a year without charge, according to Amnesty.

He made confessions, which were later televised, to his charges, which according to the EFF include "acting against national security through propaganda" and "production and publication of obscene materials through computer systems".

However, in a letter sent from the prison in March 2010, Mr Malekpour states, he retracted these confessions, stating they had been given under duress after prolonged interrogation and torture by the "Revolutionary Guards Cyber Counterattack" team. He also wrote that he still not been allowed to visit his lawyer.

I just can't believe this. If anyone wanted proof that Iran's leadership is not in any way civilized, this is it. I feel that something should be done, but I just am not sure what yet.
Physics news on
  • #2
The customs of a people are its mores. These may include its morals (ethics), but the word “mores” is not synonymous with “morals.” Some eels are morays, but they aren’t known particularly for their social customs, though both words are pronounced the same.I'm just glad I'm a Canadian.
my government will get involved ...
  • #3
Char. Limit said:

I just can't believe this. If anyone wanted proof that Iran's leadership is not in any way civilized, this is it. I feel that something should be done, but I just am not sure what yet.
Believe it. It happens every day. Not just in Iran. The Iranian leadership is civilized, just a bit medieval. They, and most of the rest of the Islamic world, are a few hundred years behind the Western world wrt cultural evolution. But the internet, globalization, etc., is exposing the younger middle eastern generations to alternative, progressive ways of thinking ... which they seem to be embracing. Which is, imho, a good thing, and will eventually bring about changes that will preclude the possibility of things like the thread topic happening.
  • #4

Since people have transported pornography on Iranian roadways, their heads of state should put one another to death for having built those roads.

This is fun. Let's see how many Iranian occupations we can mark as "executable" due to the promulgation of pornography.
  • #5
Based on a biased sampling of my Iranian friends (most of whom I met during graduate school), the Iranian diaspora seems to be comprised of young, educated, and liberal (comparatively) people of middle or upper-middle class background.

Since that demographic (in conjunction with disaffection) is the ideal demographic for a restive population, maybe this (and similar actions) are a not-so-subtle reminder from the regime that once out, ex-pat Iranians should STAY out.
  • #6
ThomasT said:
Believe it. It happens every day. Not just in Iran. The Iranian leadership is civilized, just a bit medieval. They, and most of the rest of the Islamic world, are a few hundred years behind the Western world wrt cultural evolution. But the internet, globalization, etc., is exposing the younger middle eastern generations to alternative, progressive ways of thinking ... which they seem to be embracing. Which is, imho, a good thing, and will eventually bring about changes that will preclude the possibility of things like the thread topic happening.

Europe was living in the dark ages because of the church control of every aspect of life. They were killing scientists , thinkers and innovators in the time Muslims were owners of progress in most aspects of life including Politics , Science , economics and arts . They were the cause of European civilization . So in medieval times Muslims were the advanced civilization in contrast to Europe which was retarded
  • #7
Alfi said:
The customs of a people are its mores.

Rather uncivilized. This is exactly what is wrong with Iran. They take mores over ethics (or rather, some basic law principles along which law should be organized, their judicial system is completely arbitrary). Anything which 'feels wrong' is wrong, and subsequently a religious rationalization why it is wrong is given. Which will always work, since, IMO, religion is completely opportunistic.

In western term, I would call that arbitrary and capricious, and a term medieval is just about right.
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Related to Iran Sentences Canadian Programmer to Death for Writing Program

1. What is the background of the case?

The case involves a Canadian-Iranian programmer named Saeed Malekpour who was arrested in 2008 while visiting family in Iran. He was accused of creating a software program that was used to upload pornographic content to the internet. Malekpour has denied these accusations and claims that the program was created as a tool for uploading photos to a website.

2. What was the verdict of the court?

The court in Iran sentenced Malekpour to death in 2010 after a trial that was widely criticized for being unfair and lacking evidence. Malekpour's lawyer has appealed the sentence, but it has been upheld by the Iranian Supreme Court.

3. How has the international community responded to this case?

The case has sparked outrage from human rights organizations and countries around the world. The Canadian government has been actively advocating for Malekpour's release and has called the death sentence "cruel and inhumane". The United Nations has also condemned the sentence and called for Malekpour's immediate release.

4. What is the current status of the case?

As of now, Malekpour remains in prison in Iran and his death sentence has not been carried out. His family and legal team continue to fight for his release and have been pushing for international pressure on the Iranian government to overturn the sentence.

5. What is the significance of this case?

This case highlights the ongoing issue of human rights violations in Iran and the lack of due process in their legal system. It also brings attention to the dangers and risks that programmers and technology experts face in certain countries where their work may be perceived as a threat to the government. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting freedom of speech and expression, both online and offline.
