IRF510 Baising with LT-Spice where is my fault? please reply guys

  • Thread starter vco.asm
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In summary, there is something strange in my lt-spice log when I build my circuit with voltage divider and no Rs (Source Lead)A problem might be that the FET is saturated and is not turning on. Try varying the input voltage and see if that fixes it.
  • #1
there is something strange in my lt-spice
when i build my circuit mosfet with voltage divider + NO Rs (@Source Lead)
i did not get the corresponding Id current WHY?

my parameter:
Id=10 mA
where i used IRF510 with Kn= gfs^2 / 4Id = (1.3)^2 / (4 * 3.4 ) = 124 mA/v2
i want to see at least V0= 1 or more than this

but unfortunately i see very small voltage on Vds about 200 mV

please some one help me
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  • #2

Please supply the circuit diagram along with netlist and output files and detailed model parameters and specify what exactly is the problem.
  • #3

  • #4
Doesn't that just mean the FET is saturated?

You could reduce the size of the lower 100 K to 20 K and see if that fixes it.
  • #5
god help mee;;;;
it did not work on lt-spice
what should i do
please try to build it on lt-spice to loook at by your self
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  • #6
It might be better to fix it yourself.

Just vary the input voltage and observe the drain voltage.

At some voltage between 2 volts and 5 volts, the FET should turn on and the drain voltage should drop.

With LTSpice, there is a feature for varying a power source.
So, if you put a voltage source across the input and vary it from 0 to 10 volts, you will see where the FET starts to conduct.
  • #7
I tried it in LTSpice using an IRF510 model, and the FET switches on at about 3.9 volts.
  • #8
but does not like i calc v0=5
what about UId does its same result?
  • #9
why i observe all this wrongs done when i removed Rs from the source?
i had read more books on oscillators design all of them work as i calc
but on mosfet i had failed...nevertheless i success design my oscillator on MOSFET only an just only when i build it with Rs (regenerative resistor) .. i need to writing something useful in my book that describe the problem i have encountered .. that's why I'm interesting in understand the correct calculations to give a good analysis in using mosfet in VCO circuit
  • #10
There are variations between actual samples of FETs and what you get in LTSpice depends on the model that you are using.

You are not trying the input voltage variation I suggested and yet this is the only way to find the switching voltage. The FET will not do anything useful until you get the bias right.

The 400 ohm load resistor is too high for this FET and it results in a very critical transistion from off to on.

Having a source resistor makes the FET less critical to set up.
  • #11
it is OK!
i wish if you supply me with the correct method on how to find the value of Kn because the datasheet not mentioned for this value ; all i know is to calculate this value like this below:
Kn= (gfs)^2 / (4 * Id)
are there any other way to extract the accurate value of Kn from datasheet ??
datasheet not mentioned Id(on) else...
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  • #12
When you give a formula, you need to state what the variable symbols mean.

Until you do that, anyone would just be guessing what you mean.

However, formulas giving gain etc of transistors and FETs always assume that the device is acting in a linear mode. Your FET is biased fully on and is saturated, so any formulas that assume linear mode will not be accurate.

I hope you noticed the comment by Berkeman about using TEXT SPEAK.
It is a rule here that you use complete words and proper spelling and proper sentences.
For example using "U" instead of "YOU" is not acceptable.
We realize that English is not your first language and the sentences may be difficult, but the text speak is something you can control.
  • #13
Dear vk6kro;
think you very much i will try to use the full sentences but can not promise if i forget this restrict so be patient with me i am an Arabian man and you know how much Arabs go to worst in learning ;
my problem started when i was in my lab then i had build my circuit of colpitts for BJT but when i migrate to use MOSFET not JFET to achieve colpitts i successes to design it but i asked my self why not remove Re of the source leg and recalculate my values again to give the circuit 30mA with 5V output ...then suddenly i got what i do not like to guess...after that i decide to finding another way to get the correct output current of the drain using the formula which is known to us. i think the problem came from that I can not extracting Kn (constant of MOSFET) from datasheet ... why manufacturer not included in DATASHEET? series of problems i have ... so please if you can help me or give do not stop to help.
  • #14
Again, you need to say what Kn is. Maybe I should know, but please define it.

What does this value affect?
  • #15
Kn is the constant of Mosfet that is used in calculating the current of the drain
as this formula give: Id= Kn (Vgs - VgsThreshold )^2 where id = drain current
Can you give me an example of circuit using mosfet with voltage divider and without putting Rs (resistor on the source leg) which give me 3 volt and 10 mA ? if you do this you answer all my questions
  • #16
If you have a 9 volt supply, then the top resistor in your voltage divider could be 100 K and the bottom one 50 K.

So, the voltage will be ( 50/ 150 times 9 volts) or 3 volts.

If you used 80 K as the bottom resistor in your voltage divider and 100 K as the top resistor, the voltage will be ( 80 / 180 * 9 volts ) or 4 volts.

This is very close to the right bias.

You could make the drain resistor 50 ohms, too.

FAQ: IRF510 Baising with LT-Spice where is my fault? please reply guys

1. What is LT-Spice and how is it used for IRF510 biasing?

LT-Spice is a simulation software commonly used by scientists and engineers to analyze electronic circuits. It can be used to simulate and test different biasing configurations for the IRF510 transistor, allowing for optimization of circuit performance.

2. What are the most common mistakes when biasing IRF510 with LT-Spice?

One common mistake is not properly setting up the simulation parameters, such as the input voltage and load resistance. Another mistake is not accounting for the thermal properties of the transistor, which can affect its biasing and performance.

3. How can I troubleshoot if my IRF510 biasing simulation is not working?

If your simulation is not working, first check that all of the simulation parameters are set correctly. You can also try using different biasing values or configurations to see if that improves the results. It may also be helpful to consult with other experts or resources for troubleshooting tips.

4. Are there any limitations to using LT-Spice for IRF510 biasing?

While LT-Spice is a powerful tool, it is important to remember that it is a simulation and may not always accurately reflect real-world conditions. It is always recommended to test and validate the circuit in a physical setup before implementing it in a real application.

5. Can LT-Spice be used for biasing other transistors besides IRF510?

Yes, LT-Spice can be used for biasing a wide range of transistors. However, it is important to ensure that the simulation parameters and models used are appropriate for the specific transistor being used in the circuit.

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