Iron Age Figure Resembles Mickey Mouse - Uppåkra, Sweden

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, Swedish archaeologists have found evidence of a Viking precursor to Mickey Mouse during excavations at Uppåkra in southern Sweden. The discovery includes an iron age figure that bears a strong resemblance to the classic cartoon character, with a fierce expression on its face. The progression from a fierce and somewhat evil-looking character to the cute and lovable Mickey Mouse can also be seen in other cartoon characters, such as Woody Woodpecker. There is also a joking suggestion that the Vikings should sue Disney for copyright infringement.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Swedish archaeologists have uncovered signs of a Viking precursor to Mickey Mouse. Among the objects found during excavations at Uppåkra in southern Sweden is an iron age figure bearing a strong resemblance to the classic cartoon character.[continued]

By the expression on his face, to me it looks like Mickey paid a visit to Vlad the Impaler.
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  • #2
Oh it does look like Mickey! I love it. To me he looks like he's had a few bowls of mead.
  • #3
:smile::smile: This is great! Has Zz seen this yet?
  • #4
He looks a bit too fierce to be Micky. Must be from the "other" side of his family that nobody talks about at parties. :rolleyes:
  • #5
turbo-1 said:
He looks a bit too fierce to be Micky. Must be from the "other" side of his family that nobody talks about at parties. :rolleyes:

My parents have a very old Woody Woodpecker cartoon film.
IIRC the title was Knock Knock.
Granted I haven't seen it since I was 10 or 12, but Woody was very fierce and somewhat evil looking to my memory.
Not at all the cute character he is now.

Looks like Mickey made a similar progression to cuteness :smile:
  • #6
Don't let the people at the Walt Disney Co. sees this, or they might sue those Vikings for copyright infringement!


  • #7
ZapperZ said:
Don't let the people at the Walt Disney Co. sees this, or they might sue those Vikings for copyright infringement!



:smile: The Vikings should sue Disney.

FAQ: Iron Age Figure Resembles Mickey Mouse - Uppåkra, Sweden

1. What is the significance of the Iron Age figure resembling Mickey Mouse in Uppåkra, Sweden?

The discovery of an Iron Age figure resembling Mickey Mouse in Uppåkra, Sweden is significant because it provides evidence of the influence of popular culture in ancient times. It also sheds light on the art and symbolism of the Iron Age and the possible connections between different cultures.

2. How was the figure discovered and where is it now?

The figure was discovered by archaeologists during excavations in Uppåkra, Sweden. It is currently on display at the Uppåkra Archaeological Center, where visitors can view it and learn more about its significance.

3. What materials were used to create the figure?

The figure is made of bronze, a common material used in Iron Age art. The details and shape of the figure were likely created using a combination of casting and hammering techniques.

4. Is this the only example of a Mickey Mouse-like figure from the Iron Age?

No, there have been other similar discoveries of ancient figures resembling Mickey Mouse in different parts of the world. This suggests that the character may have had a universal appeal and was possibly a symbol of a larger cultural phenomenon.

5. What can we learn about the people who created this figure?

The creation of this figure shows that the people of the Iron Age were not only skilled in metalworking, but also familiar with popular culture and possibly had a sense of humor. It also suggests that they may have had contact with other civilizations and were influenced by them.
