Is 3500 lb/in Referring to Force per Inch of Width?

In summary, if you have a spreadsheet that says that failure will occur at a load of 3500lb/in when a 1 x 0.138 inch area is loaded then it appears that this applies to any width the piece can take.
  • #1
Hi all,
I have a spreadsheet which says failure will occur in my composite piece when a load of 3500 lb/in is applied.
If I were to tensile test this piece and the thickness has already been input (0.138 in) does this mean for every inch wide the piece can take 3500lb of force?
That seems high?

I'm confused about the units of measurement and if someone can clarify this I'd appreciate it,
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  • #2
This is impossible to answer the general question without a complete description of what you are calculating.

For the particular number you got, it's impossible to say whether 3500 lbf is a sensible load to apply over a 1 x 0.138 inch area unless you tell us what material the test piece is made from.
  • #3
AlephZero said:
This is impossible to answer the general question without a complete description of what you are calculating.

For the particular number you got, it's impossible to say whether 3500 lbf is a sensible load to apply over a 1 x 0.138 inch area unless you tell us what material the test piece is made from.

Ah right okay, its a 10" x 1" x 0.138" thick piece of CFRP (12 plies).

I'm planning on tensile testing unti failure and a spreadhseet I have from the internet says the failure load is 3500 lb/in but nowhere on this does it state the width/length of the piece so its obviously working it out from the ply properties (E1,E2...etc).

What I'm asking is, if that is the 'failure load' then does that mean that for every 1" width that the plies can take 3500 lb/in force?
  • #4
I would have thought a 1 x 0.138 section of CFRP would take a lot more than that 3500lb. Even mild steel would do that.

Possibly your "3500 lb/in" is for one ply of CFRP, not for 12 ... ?
  • #5
AlephZero said:
I would have thought a 1 x 0.138 section of CFRP would take a lot more than that 3500lb. Even mild steel would do that.

Possibly your "3500 lb/in" is for one ply of CFRP, not for 12 ... ?

Okay, I'll keep that in mind during the test.

Am I right in what I say though?
i.e. the 3500 lb/in refers to the width of the cross section, so if it were 2 inches wide the predicted failure would be 7000 lb/in?

  • #6
Corsan said:
Am I right in what I say though?
i.e. the 3500 lb/in refers to the width of the cross section, so if it were 2 inches wide the predicted failure would be 7000 lb/in?

That seems a reasonable guess, but without seeing the complete spreadsheet (or at least the relevant equations) and understanding how it works, it is only a guess and I don't accept any responsibility if it turns out to be wrong!

FAQ: Is 3500 lb/in Referring to Force per Inch of Width?

What is the definition of a unit of force?

A unit of force is a standard measurement used to quantify the amount of force exerted on an object. It is typically measured in Newtons (N) or pounds (lbs).

What is the difference between lb/in and lbs?

Both lb/in and lbs are units of force, but they measure different types of force. Lb/in is a measure of pressure, specifically pounds per square inch, while lbs is a measure of weight or force.

How do you convert between lb/in and lbs?

To convert between lb/in and lbs, you need to know the area of the object in square inches. Then, you can use the formula: lbs = lb/in x area (in sq. inches).

Why is it important to use the correct units of force?

Using the correct units of force is important for accurate and consistent measurements. It also allows for easier communication and comparison of data among scientists.

Are there any other commonly used units of force besides lb/in and lbs?

Yes, there are many other commonly used units of force, including Newtons (N), dynes (dyn), and kilogram-force (kgf). Each unit is used in different scientific fields and may be more appropriate for certain types of force measurements.

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