Is A=5 and A=x Linear Operators?

In summary, A is a linear operator. It's defined as the map x → cx, where c is a constant, and it satisfies the relation x(A(x)+B(x))=A(x)+B(x) for all x and y in the domain D of A.
  • #1
Linear operator A is defined as
Question. Is A=5 a linear operator? I know that this is just number but it satisfy relation
but it is also scalar.
Is function ##A=x## linear operator? It also satisfy
Thanks for the answer!
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  • #2
I can't understand what you're doing; I would think the operator A takes every function
f(x) into the number 5.

I think if you clearly specify your domain and codomain, you will see things more

  • #3
I define A as multiplicative operator clearly.
  • #4
x → cx, where c is a constant, is a linear map.
  • #5
matematikuvol said:
Linear operator A is defined as
This should be
[tex]A(C_1f+C_2g)=C_1Af+C_2Ag.[/tex] f and g are functions. f(x) and g(x) are elements of their codomains. What the equality means is that for all x,
matematikuvol said:
Question. Is A=5 a linear operator?
The number 5 isn't, but the map ##x\mapsto 5## is. For every real number t, there's a "constant function" ##C_t:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R## defined by ##C_t(x)=t## for all ##x\in\mathbb R##. These functions are linear operators on ℝ.

Edit 2: OK, I see now that the A you had in mind was something different. Suppose that V is some vector space over ℝ, whose elements are functions with a common domain D. I'll assume that D=ℝ. Define ##A:V\to V## by ##Af=5f## for all f. You can easily show that this A is linear using the same method as in my other edit below.

matematikuvol said:
Is function ##A=x## linear operator?
I wouldn't write that definition like that. x is a variable (that typically represents a real number, not a function). You want to define A as the map ##x\mapsto x##. This is called "the identity map". It's sometimes denoted by I or id, and shouldn't be denoted by x. The proper way to define A as the identity map without using those notations is to say this: Define ##A:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R## by A(x)=x for all ##x\in\mathbb R##.

Yes, the identity map on ℝ is a linear operator on ℝ. The identity map on any vector space is a linear operator on that vector space.

Edit: I see now that that's not the A you had in mind. I stopped reading at "A=x", and assumed that you were denoting the identity map by x. Suppose that V is some vector space over ℝ, whose elements are functions with a common domain D. I'll assume that D=ℝ. Define ##A:V\to V## by saying that for all ##f\in V##, ##Af## is the map from V into V defined by ##Af(x)=xf(x)## for all ##x\in\mathbb R##. (Note that A acts on f, not on f(x). I sometimes use the notation (Af)(x) instead of Af(x) to make that clear. This shouldn't be necessary, since A isn't defined to act on the number f(x), but students often fail to see that). Let ##a,b\in\mathbb R## be arbitrary. For A to be linear, we must have
$$A(af+bg)=aAf+bAg.$$ To see if this holds, let ##x\in\mathbb R## be arbitrary. We have
$$A(af+bg)(x) = x(af+bg)(x) =x(af(x)+bg(x)) =axf(x)+bxg(x) =aAf(x)+bAg(x) =(aAf+bAg)(x).$$ Since x is arbitrary, this implies that ##A(af+bg)=aAf+bAg##. Since a,b are arbitrary, this means that A is linear.
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  • #6
Sorry but I think that you didn't read my post. I defined multiplication operator
which goes from ##f## to ##5f##.
  • #7
matematikuvol said:
Sorry but I think that you didn't read my post. I defined multiplication operator
which goes from ##f## to ##5f##.
OK, I'll edit that part too.

Edit: My first edit of my previous post, at the end of the post, was made before you made post #6. The one marked "Edit 2" was made after I read your reply.
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Related to Is A=5 and A=x Linear Operators?

1. What is a Linear Operator?

A Linear Operator is a mathematical function that maps one vector space to another, while preserving the basic algebraic structure of the vector space. In simpler terms, a linear operator is a function that follows the rules of linearity, where the output is directly proportional to the input.

2. Is A=5 a Linear Operator?

No, A=5 is not a Linear Operator. A Linear Operator must be a function that maps from one vector space to another, but A=5 is simply an equation with a specific value assigned to the variable A.

3. Can A=x be a Linear Operator?

It depends on what the function is that A=x is representing. If A=x is a function that maps from one vector space to another while following the rules of linearity, then it can be considered a Linear Operator. However, if A=x is simply an equation without a function, then it is not a Linear Operator.

4. How can you determine if A=x is a Linear Operator?

To determine if A=x is a Linear Operator, you need to look at the function that A=x represents. If the function follows the rules of linearity, then A=x can be considered a Linear Operator. These rules include the function being additive and homogeneous.

5. What are some examples of Linear Operators?

Some examples of Linear Operators include matrix multiplication, differentiation, and integration. These functions follow the rules of linearity, where the output is directly proportional to the input. Other examples include translation, rotation, and scaling in geometry.

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