Is a Black Hole just a Bose-Einstein Condensate?

In summary: Some scientists believe that there is a "cosmic egg" that is constantly giving birth to new universes, and that the black holes are the "holes in the egg" that spit out these universes. In summary, my theory is that black holes are a naturally occurring form of Bose-Einstein Condensation. I believe that they are created when the temperature of a substance approaches absolute zero, and that they are a way to keep something hot from going into a BEC. This gradual cooling would keep something hot from going into the BEC, heating it up, and causing it to separate.
  • #1
Okay, here goes.

I theorize that black holes may just be a naturally occurring form of Bose-Einstein Condensation.

Background on BEC:

All states of matter thus discovered are all found naturally occurring, so it stands to reason the B.E.C. will also be naturally occurring somewhere.

Bose-Einstein Condensation is a state of matter that occurs when the temperature of a substance approaches absolute zero. All atoms in a substance are fluctuating between different energy levels.

Explanation of the above information, and an introduction to Bose-Einstein Condensation can be found at :

These fluctuations are what we call temperature. Faster moving atoms are considered a higher temperature. The site above describes temperature as a RANGE of speeds. Thats because of the fluctuations. Anyways, when a substance is cooled to within a BILLIONTH of absolute zero, all the atoms jump to the lowest energy level. The fact that they are all within this energy level makes it impossible to tell the difference between the atoms. to quote the link I'm about to give you, "It means that all the atoms are absolutely identical. There is no possible measurement that can tell them apart. "

This link will further explain the energy levels and explain WHY all the atoms are indistinguishable from one another:

When you think "Atoms" you probably think of small dots, or spheres. you imagine them as well defined, like a baseball. However, atoms are not well defined. They are blurry, like a smudge. When super coled, they get even more blurry, until they reach BEC.

Some very cold atoms:

Atoms in a BEC:

They all just sort of merge into a "super atom", and as long as they are this cold, they will stay in this form. After being heated above this low, low temperature, they spread out into whatever form they were in before. It hasn't been discovered whether a solid in BEC would reform into it's original shape, but the component substances of it would all be there.

Background on Black Holes:

A black hole is an infinitely dense object with an infinitely powerful gravitational pull within it's event horizon. They are formed when a dying star's gravity causes the star to collapse in on itself, and it then begins to pull everything in within a certain distance. A basic overview is all that is, as it is not necessary for a very large working knowledge of black holes. You will either understand my theory or you won't.

Getting to the point:
So we have a working knowledge of what a BEC is, and what a black hole is, right? Or maybe you skipped reading that and jumped to where I said I was getting to the point. If that's the case, you may not understand anything of what I'm about to talk about.

My theory is that a black hole is a Bose- Einstein Condensate. I believe that the temperatures within the actual "hole" (though it isn't a hole) are cold enough to form a Bose-Einstein Condensate. So far, scientists have said that nothing in the universe can be colder than 3 degrees above absolute zero due to residual heat left over from the Big Bang. However, we also didn't think that black holes really existed 20 years ago and now we know that they do. I believe that the gravity is so intense near the "core" of the black hole, that it slows the atoms down to within a few billionths of absolute zero, causing it to become a BEC. Much in the same way that putting an ice cube on your hand will cool your hand, I believe that the base BEC would cool any incoming matter as it entered the black hole. The closer the new matter gets to the hole, the colder they get, until they get to the "core" and reach the right temperature and become part of the BEC. This gradual cooling would keep something hot from going into the BEC, heating it up, and causing it to separate. This massive amount of...mass...would have such great density and...mass...that it would create a large gravitational field around it.

This would serve to explain where matter goes when it enters a black hole's event horizon, since the Law of Conservation of Matter says that matter cannot be created or destroyed.

Ever since the theory of black holes started going around, there has been a spin-off theory of a "White hole", something that would EMIT matter, instead of absorbing it. It has been theorized that these came in pairs, for every black hole taking in matter, there is a white hole somewhere else in the universe re-emitting that matter. This has thus far been an explanation to satisfy the Law of Conservation of Matter. Even though their existence hasn't been proven, my theory could be expanded to include these white holes as well, though it would not be "paired" with a black hole in the same manner. The white hole would be the end of a black hole, much in the same way that a black hole is the end of a star. In my theory, the black hole would do one of two things.

A) It would reach a sort of "critical mass" in which it could take in no more matter, lest it not be able to keep the BEC cold enough. More matter gets near it, heats it up, and it beguns to emit the substances that it "sucked up" while it was in it's black hole state.


B) Some sort of energy, not affected by gravity, would make it's way into the core of the black hole, heats it up, and it beguns to emit the substances that it "sucked up" while it was in it's black hole state.

This theory could also be expanded to cover the origins of the universe and verify the Big Bang theory. As of now, the lowest temperature naturally occurring in regular space is 3 degrees above absolute zero, due to leftover heat from the Big Bang. If the universe is indeed continually expanding, this temperature would be spread out over a larger and larger distance, until the temperature at the coldest parts of the universe would be just above absolute zero, causing these cold objects to become BEC. Eventually the entire universe would become so cold that it would coalesce into a single condensate, where it would reach a "critical mass" and expand, emitting it's component atoms back out. The expanding/Contracting universe theory would be supported by this.

PS: I wrote it in the format I did in case i want to use it for a research project this year in chemistry.

Now I'm going to take some aspirin. I will be back in a minute to answer any questions from you guys.
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  • #2
This site doesn't like people to post personal theopries especially those without an experimentla or mathaematical basis, so this will probably be moved to theory development and rpoabably be locked.

The problem is there is absolute no reason to apply Bose-Einstein statistcs to the centre of a black hole (infact a BE statistics does not apply to all matter).
  • #3
Well, for future reference, it's a bit hard to get experimental or mathematical data from something that will suck you in should you get too near. I'm no astronaut, so I'll just have to stay down here and think about it.

And there are plenty of reasons to apply BEC to a black hole. How else could a seemingly infinite amount of matter coalesce into a single point? Matter doesn't normally just pile up into a single point in space, even when there is intense gravity, so when I learned of BEC it seemed to explain it.
  • #4
  • #5
PRyckman said:

And 1+1=2...what's your point?
  • #6
Scooley01 said:
How else could a seemingly infinite amount of matter coalesce into a single point?
Black holes have a finite amount of mass and their existence and formation are easily explained by mainstream physics (it is afterall, mainstream physics that predicted their existence before they were found).

Your idea doesn't explain anything, doesn't predict anything, and contradicts what we already know.
  • #7
I'm talking about what goes on inside the event horizon. That is something that physics can't begin to understand yet. Inside the event horizon of a black hole, mathematics as we know it breaks down. Parallel lines cross, and triangles have hangles that don't add up to 180 degrees. This is where the realm of theoretical physics kicks into try and explain it.

And I didnt say the matter WITHIN the Black Hole was infinite, but so far it seems that a black hole can absorb an infinite amount of matter. Massive stars, planets, nebulas, even galaxies can be absorbed.

And "mainstream" does not equal "correct"

Remember, mainstream science knew that the Earth was the center of the universe. The idea of a heliocentric universe was completely absurd. How much of what we know now might be wrong?

FAQ: Is a Black Hole just a Bose-Einstein Condensate?

What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape its grasp.

How are black holes formed?

Black holes are formed when a massive star dies and its core collapses under its own gravity. This causes an intense gravitational pull that traps everything within its event horizon, the point of no return.

Can we see black holes?

No, we cannot see black holes directly because light cannot escape their grasp. However, we can observe the effects of black holes on their surroundings and infer their presence.

Do black holes ever die?

Black holes do not die in the traditional sense. However, they can evaporate over a very long period of time due to a process called Hawking radiation. This is when particles and anti-particles are created near the event horizon, with one falling into the black hole and the other escaping into space. This causes the black hole to slowly lose mass.

What impact do black holes have on the universe?

Black holes play a crucial role in the evolution and structure of the universe. They help shape galaxies and are responsible for the formation of stars. They also have an impact on the movement of matter and energy throughout the universe.

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