Is a Radio Laser Possible Through Non-Linear Frequency Mixing?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using a radio laser for communication from space probes. However, it is pointed out that masers, which are similar to lasers but operate at lower frequencies, are not very efficient and there are limited frequencies available for communication with a probe. It is also mentioned that electronic circuits such as frequency synthesizers can generate radio waves at any frequency with accuracy similar to a maser. The idea of using a 5MHz radio laser is dismissed as unnecessary since electronic means can generate highly coherent radiation at that frequency. The directionality of a laser can also be achieved with a parabolic antenna. Lastly, the concept of using a laser to generate radio frequencies through optically non-linear medium is mentioned by Claude. Overall
  • #1
Has anyone created a radio laser, if not why not if you know...
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  • #2
the lowest freq. i know of is microwave... its called MASER.
looked around in the net for RF LASER, haven't found anything... maybe it because the energy gaps are too small for such a freq, and its hard to pump such a LASER...
  • #3
Yup MASERS are it. Some common ones are Hydrogen which is excited at 1.4 GHz , or Ammonia at 24 GHz. And of course there is Cesium atomic clock which works at about 9.1 GHz.
  • #4
waht said:
Yup MASERS are it. Some common ones are Hydrogen which is excited at 1.4 GHz , or Ammonia at 24 GHz. And of course there is Cesium atomic clock which works at about 9.1 GHz.

Are these Masers radio frequency? THought it might be easier to use a radio laser to communicate from space probes and such. a tighter beam aimed at the Earth you know rather than all directions.
  • #5
From your last post mee, it sounds more like you mean using a laser as a carrier for a radio signal. Is that what you're intending? I'm sorry if I've muddied the waters even more but I'm a little confused as to what you're tryign to convey.
  • #6
Keep in mind that lasers and masers use the phenomena of stimulated emission to achieve the tight, coherent beams. To make a lower-frequency RF maser, you'd need to find an atomic electron level transition that radiated at the lower RF frequency. I don't know if you could find one in the 100s of MHz area. But for mee's idea, a maser in the low GHz region like the hydrogen or ammonia masers might work.

Masers and Lasers are not very efficient generally, though, so that's probably why it's better to use a parabollic antenna to do the directional gain. It would be interesting to run the numbers though...
  • #7
Masers are a source of very precise clock signals which only a few exist like the one's I already mentioned earlier. Few kinds exist because there aren't a lot of mediums which absorb radio frequency.

Because of this, there is a only a limited number of frequencies avialable to communicate with the probe, and I'm sure FCC would not allow transmission at these frequencies anyways.

Masers are not efficient and in space every circuit is carefully constructed to use as little power as possible. Other electronic circuits like the frequency synthesizer, can be used to synthesize any radio wave at any frequency with accuracy that rivals that of a maser.

Space probes transmit data back to Earth at a power level less that 5 Watts, which means the radio wave signal has power similar to your cell phone or walkie-talkie. It is because of very sensitive dishes on Earth that can pick up this signal from a couple billion miles away.
  • #8
waht said:
Masers are a source of very precise clock signals which only a few exist like the one's I already mentioned earlier. Few kinds exist because there aren't a lot of mediums which absorb radio frequency.
Because of this, there is a only a limited number of frequencies avialable to communicate with the probe, and I'm sure FCC would not allow transmission at these frequencies anyways.
Masers are not efficient and in space every circuit is carefully constructed to use as little power as possible. Other electronic circuits like the frequency synthesizer, can be used to synthesize any radio wave at any frequency with accuracy that rivals that of a maser.
Space probes transmit data back to Earth at a power level less that 5 Watts, which means the radio wave signal has power similar to your cell phone or walkie-talkie. It is because of very sensitive dishes on Earth that can pick up this signal from a couple billion miles away.

Well, there goes my idea for interstellar probe communication. :)
  • #9
There is in fact no point in develloping, say, a 5 MHz radio-laser. The reason is that with electronic means (locked-in oscillators), we are perfectly capable to generate highly coherent radiation of 5 MHz: a radio transmitter does exactly that. The amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is only interesting if we have no direct means of generating the radiation with the coherent phase relations we desire.
  • #10
vanesch said:
There is in fact no point in develloping, say, a 5 MHz radio-laser. The reason is that with electronic means (locked-in oscillators), we are perfectly capable to generate highly coherent radiation of 5 MHz: a radio transmitter does exactly that. The amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is only interesting if we have no direct means of generating the radiation with the coherent phase relations we desire.

But will it be directional without lasers?
  • #11
mee said:
But will it be directional without lasers?

The directionality of a laser comes from the construction of the cavity (two slightly focussing mirrors). So if you are able to construct a cavity that would give you high directivity for a laser, then you can also construct the same cavity to guide your generated radiowave from your transmitter. For instance with a parabolic antenna !
  • #12
You can generate radio frequencies with a laser by exciting two transitions with very close frequencies. If you then pass this beam through an optically non-linear medium, you will generate sum and difference frequencies. If the original frequencies are close enough, the difference frequency generated by the mixer will be in the RF range.


FAQ: Is a Radio Laser Possible Through Non-Linear Frequency Mixing?

What is a radio laser?

A radio laser, also known as a maser, is a device that produces highly focused and coherent radio waves. It is similar to a traditional laser, but operates at much longer wavelengths.

How does a radio laser work?

A radio laser works by using a process called stimulated emission, where atoms or molecules in a special material are stimulated to emit photons in a specific direction, resulting in a focused beam of radio waves.

What are the potential applications of a radio laser?

A radio laser has many potential applications, including communication, radar and remote sensing, and astrophysics research. It can also be used in precision measurements and in the creation of atomic clocks.

What are the advantages of a radio laser over a traditional laser?

One major advantage of a radio laser is its longer wavelength, which allows for better penetration through certain materials and less interference from atmospheric disturbances. Additionally, radio lasers can operate at much lower power levels compared to traditional lasers.

What are the challenges in creating a radio laser?

One of the main challenges in creating a radio laser is finding the right materials that can produce stimulated emission at radio wavelengths. Another challenge is the precise alignment and control of the emitted radio waves, which are necessary for the laser to function properly.

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