Is a Solidly Grounded Transformer Used in Residential Wiring?

  • Thread starter honyeehong8692
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In summary: NGR is present in the circuit?A solidly connected wye to ground would be for a residential case, where voltage are low enough that you don't want any ground impedance, and a 'watchdog' circuit is used to ensure the NGR is present in the circuit?In summary, it's unclear what you are asking. Just guessing, perhaps the words "star point" should get a mention in your question?
  • #1
Hello everybody,

I'm a bit confused about the concept of solidly grounded tranformers. From my understanding, the wye connection of the transformer side would be followed by a resistor of a certain magnitude.

Hopeful that my doubt would be clarified.

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  • #2
It's unclear to me what you are asking. Just guessing ... perhaps the words "star point" should get a mention in your question?
  • #3
@nascentoxygen I'm not too sure of the definition of solidly-ground earth.. please and thanks :)
  • #4
NascentOxygen said:
It's unclear to me what you are asking. Just guessing ... perhaps the words "star point" should get a mention in your question?

im not too sure of the definition of solidly grounded transformer.. please and thanks! :)
  • #5
Maybe you should cite the source where you saw it mentioned?
  • #6
That term usually describes an electrical system whose connection to Earth is through a low enough impedance that a fault between an energized conductor and ground will pass enough current to trip an overcurrent protective device.
To achieve that one might connect the neutral of a three phase transformer supplying a system directly to Earth and to the building's steel.

In US homes the single phase transformer supplying the house with 240VAC has a centertap that is connected to earth. So each of the two incoming lines is 120VAC to earth. A fault on either will trip an upstream protective device.In industry it is not uncommon to connect a system to Earth through an impedance high enough that a fault to ground will not trip anything and instead provide an alarm. That allows an important process to run uninterrupted while operators isolate and fix the fault. That is called a "High impedance grounded system".

You ought to locate a copy of IEEE "Green Book", standard 142. It is a very well written treatment of the subject that is clear and easy to understand. It should be in every electrical and industrial engineers' knowledge base. Try a search on IEEE Green Book..
  • #7
Yeah I think Jim has it right.

It's the concept of neutral grounding resistance (NGR)

Usually, as you said, you wouldn't want high resistance in the ground circuit. For power systems though, depending on where you are engineering, there might be a code or regulation against allowing a certain level of ground current to flow.

For example, for mining, no more than 25 amps is allowed to flow at voltages of 4160v (2400 single phase). If you have a wye connected transformer with grounded neutral you need to input a NGR to limit the ground fault current to 25A.

Also its required to use 'watch-dog' circuits to ensure your NGR is in the circuit

Here is some literature on the watchdog I am familiar with from a company called startco, who make protective relays as well.
  • #8
So just to reiterate - a solidly connected wye to ground would be for a residential case, where voltage are low enough that you don't want any ground impedance

FAQ: Is a Solidly Grounded Transformer Used in Residential Wiring?

What is a solidly grounded transformer?

A solidly grounded transformer is a type of electrical transformer that is connected to a grounding system, providing a direct path for fault currents to flow to the ground. This helps to protect the transformer and other equipment from damage in the event of a fault.

What are the benefits of using a solidly grounded transformer?

The main benefit of using a solidly grounded transformer is increased safety. By providing a direct path for fault currents, the transformer can help prevent electrical shocks and fires. Solidly grounding also helps to reduce voltage stress on the transformer and other connected equipment.

How does a solidly grounded transformer differ from other types of transformers?

A solidly grounded transformer differs from other types of transformers in that it has a direct connection to the ground, while other types may use a neutral wire or other grounding methods. This makes solidly grounded transformers more effective at protecting against fault currents.

What are the potential risks associated with a solidly grounded transformer?

One potential risk of using a solidly grounded transformer is the possibility of a ground fault, which can damage the transformer and other connected equipment. Additionally, if the transformer is not properly sized or installed, it may not be able to handle the fault currents, leading to overheating and potential equipment failure.

Are there any regulations or standards for solidly grounded transformers?

Yes, there are several regulations and standards that govern the use of solidly grounded transformers, including the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards. These regulations help to ensure the safe and effective use of solidly grounded transformers in various applications.
