Is a Used Telescope a Good Choice for a Beginner Astronomer?

  • Thread starter bassplayer142
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In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's search for a telescope with good picture quality to view planets, moon, and deep space objects. They found a used scope for $150 but are concerned about its age and the accuracy of the pictures shown online. Others in the conversation give their opinions on the scope and suggest joining a local astronomy club to find a better option. The speaker ultimately decides to continue their search for a used scope with better optics.
  • #1
This will be my first telescope ever. I'm really looking for one with a good picture that that will view planets, moon, and some deep space clusters, galaxies, etc...

At first I was looking for a great quality scope that didn't necessarily have a tracking system but then I found this deal for a used scope for $150. I am also kind of nervous about the scope due to it being 4 years old. Does the optics get misaligned or the servos gone bad?

Is this scope worth it, the reviews seem great, and the price is high for a new one. Also, how accurate are the pictures of the moon and Jupiter about a third of the way down the amazon link. Thanks for any help or advice.
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  • #2
That looks like a nice scope for $150 if everything works and all the parts are included.
Even if it is misaligned you should be able to correct that.
The Pictures you see are just like all astro pictures and you should not expect to see things the way they are pictured.
The Moon is the exception to this, you get moments of calm when the moon looks crisper than any picture (At least that’s been my experience).
  • #3
It is quite sad that they are allowed to post pictures that are not acurate. The scope comes with a barlow lens and 3 other lens. Hopefully when I call him it is not already gone...
  • #4
Hi bassplayer 142

Just a personal opinion here.
The scope is probably worth $150 if everything is working properly.

If it is out of alignment, it can be corrected (collimated).

However, the pictures you mentioned, I looked at, and I have some problems with them from a being 114mm scope.

You may get a view of the lunar surface like that on a very good night. But The Jupiter capture I think is somewhat misleading.

I would be a nice starter scope, but don't expect to see galaxies more that slight nebulous objects or see any surface detail on planets.

I really don't want to discourage you. Just don't jet your hopes too high.

On the plus side though, this would be a good scope to spark any latent interest in astronomy you have.

If what you see through it make's you more curious then it is a good thing.

If it does not appeal to you, then you can resell the scope and have not lost much money.

I have know some people that have spent literally thousands of dollars on a scope only to resell them months after quite a monetary loss.

If you get it I hope it works well for you and increases your interest. :-)
  • #5
Sadly the scope has already been sold so was a complete waste of time. I will keep my eyes open for a used one that has money directed towards optics and clarity. Besides, I personally would think learning the sky and constellations by myself would be part of the experience. I have been to a astronomy meeting and have seen pictures of planets. Thats mostly why I was skeptical about that Jupiter picture. Thanks for the input.
  • #6
It is a small-aperture 'scope, and at f/9, it is probably a spherical primary mirror. That's the easiest curve to figure, though it results in coma off-axis. If this is your very first 'scope, you might be happier with a larger-aperture Dobsonian with a better primary mirror. computers and automation might seem great, but they cost money that would be better spent on optics.

I would highly recommend that you sit on your wallet until you have found a local astronomy club and attended a meeting or two. Some amateurs are gear-hounds that buy, sell, and trade equipment often. You might find a nice used Dobsonian from someone in the club, and best of all, you'll get to give it a test-drive before you buy. A simple scope with good optics and a nice set of charts will help you find your way around the sky. Learning to identify constellations by star-hopping and using your charts will be entertaining if you truly have an interest in astronomy.

Related to Is a Used Telescope a Good Choice for a Beginner Astronomer?

1. What is the condition of the used scope?

The condition of a used scope can vary greatly depending on its previous use and maintenance. It is important to thoroughly inspect the scope for any physical damage or defects before making a purchase.

2. How old is the used scope?

The age of a used scope can impact its overall functionality and reliability. It is important to ask the seller for the age of the scope and if any parts have been replaced or upgraded.

3. What is the brand and model of the used scope?

The brand and model of a used scope can provide important information about its features and capabilities. It is important to research the brand and model to determine if it meets your specific needs and requirements.

4. Does the used scope come with any accessories or attachments?

Some used scopes may come with additional accessories or attachments that can enhance its functionality. It is important to ask the seller if any accessories are included and if they are in good working condition.

5. Is there any warranty or return policy for the used scope?

It is important to inquire about any warranty or return policies for a used scope to ensure you are protected in case of any issues. It is also recommended to ask the seller for any maintenance or service records to determine if the scope has been well-maintained.

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