Is a Utah Petroglyph Evidence of the 1054 Supernova Observation?

  • Thread starter ImaLooser
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In summary, the conversation discusses a possible interpretation of a petroglyph in Utah's Canyon of Desolation as a record of the supernova of 1054. The speaker has counted the vertical lines on the petroglyph and found that it matches the number of days the supernova was visible. However, there is some uncertainty about the accuracy of this interpretation and the exact length of the event. The conversation also mentions other potential astronomical depictions in ancient art and the close relationship between indigenous cultures and the land and sky.
  • #1
Forty years ago I went on a river trip in Utah's Canyon of Desolation. This is a five day trip with no roads or habitation the entire time. In the middle of the trip there is a prominent panel of petroglyphs. Over the years I went on that trip maybe four times and the memory of one of those petroglyphs stuck with me. It was a spiral with a long tail coming down from it, and the tail was crossed by vertical lines at regular intervals.

Somehow I got the idea that this might be a record of the supernova of 1054. I've been on that trip four or so times, so one of those times I counted the vertical lines. If this number matched the number of days that the supernova was visible during the day, then that has to be a record of the event. I counted the marks but didn't follow through; I didn't find out how many supernova days there were. I've long since forgotten what the count was.

Recently I found that the number of days was 23. I thought, a photo of that panel must be on the Internet somewhere, and indeed there is. Unfortunately you can't quite count the number of days because the tail disappears behind a bush, but using both photos I count twenty and I know that a few are hidden. It clearly it can't be much more than 23 because they run out of panel. It must be close. My sister has friends who make that trip, I'll ask them to photograph it.
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
Lots images of Utah’s Canyon of Desolation, possibly including those photos you linked:

A petroglyph by the Hohokam in White Tank Mountain Regional Park, Maricopa County, Arizona, has been interpreted as the first known North American representation of the supernova of 1006. It might also depict the passing of Halley's Comet in 1066. I myself have examined the ancient “rupestres” in Inga, Paraiba, Brasil and found similar figures. Several parts of this yet undeciphered work may correspond to astronomical events, but no one can confirm this with any certainty.

You are proposing an interpretation that the petroglyph in Utah represents the supernova of 1054. Even if the count of vertical lines count up to 23, how can we ever know how many days the event was visible from that location over one thousand years ago? Seems to me it can only amount to speculation, for whatever that is worth.
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  • #3
regardless of which SN it may depict. Its still something to be amazed at !

I am not aware of anything in old art by the aborigine people of Australia
but now I'm going to have to do some investigating :)

The Aborigine, like the North American Indians, the Inca, Mayan etc they all had a close affinity with the land and sky. So its possible something may have been found

  • #4
Bobbywhy said:
You are proposing an interpretation that the petroglyph in Utah represents the supernova of 1054. Even if the count of vertical lines count up to 23, how can we ever know how many days the event was visible from that location over one thousand years ago? Seems to me it can only amount to speculation, for whatever that is worth.

It seems to me that it should have been visible for the same amount of time everywhere on Earth. The main difficulty would be cloud cover on the first or last day. Desolation Canyon is desert and cloud cover would seldom be a problem there.

It is also possible that the number of days would differ by one from area to area. That is, an extra half day might be counted as a day in one place and not in another. This would be interesting in that it would give us a slightly more exact measure of the length of the event.
  • #5

I find this information intriguing and worthy of further investigation. The idea that ancient civilizations may have recorded astronomical events such as supernovae in their petroglyphs is not a new concept, and has been explored in various studies. While it is impossible to definitively confirm that this particular petroglyph is indeed a record of the supernova of 1054, the similarities between the spiral with a long tail and the description of the supernova in historical records cannot be ignored.

To further validate this hypothesis, it would be beneficial to have a closer look at the petroglyph in question and conduct a thorough analysis. This could include measuring the size and orientation of the spiral and tail, as well as examining the surrounding area for any additional symbols or markings that could provide more context. It may also be helpful to compare this petroglyph with others in the area that have been identified as astronomical records.

Additionally, it would be valuable to gather more information about the culture and beliefs of the people who created these petroglyphs. This could provide insight into their understanding and interpretation of celestial events and help determine if this petroglyph is indeed a record of the supernova or if it holds a different meaning.

Overall, I believe that this discovery warrants further investigation and could potentially contribute to our understanding of ancient civilizations and their relationship with the stars. By collaborating with experts in the fields of archaeology, astronomy, and anthropology, we may be able to shed more light on the significance of this petroglyph and its potential connection to the supernova of 1054.

FAQ: Is a Utah Petroglyph Evidence of the 1054 Supernova Observation?

What is a supernova?

A supernova is a powerful explosion that occurs when a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses. This explosion can release an enormous amount of energy and create new elements.

How are ancient records of supernovae found?

Ancient records of supernovae are found through various methods, such as analyzing tree rings, ice cores, and sediment layers. These records can also be found in historical documents, such as Chinese and Korean astronomical records.

Why are ancient records of supernovae important to scientists?

Ancient records of supernovae provide scientists with valuable information about the history of our universe. They can help us understand the evolution of stars, the formation of elements, and the impact of these explosions on our planet.

How do scientists determine the age of ancient supernovae?

Scientists use a technique called radiocarbon dating to determine the age of ancient supernovae. This method relies on the decay of radioactive carbon isotopes in organic material found in the same layer as the supernova record.

What can we learn from studying ancient records of supernovae?

Studying ancient records of supernovae can help us understand the frequency and patterns of these explosions, as well as the effects they have on the surrounding environment. This information can also provide insights into the life cycle of stars and the evolution of the universe.

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