Is Agnosticism a Justifiable Cop-Out for the Non-Existent Santa Claus?

  • Thread starter Dooga Blackrazor
  • Start date
In summary: Atheism suggests. It is wise to go with what one believes to be most likely while staying open to the other possibilities, and accept simply not knowing for sure. In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's beliefs as an Agnostic and Weak Atheist, with a probability of God's existence at about 1%. They have tolerance for Pantheism but believe it to be a "cope out" form of Agnosticism and/or Atheism. The conversation also explores the idea of Agnosticism as a justification for human ignorance and fallibility, as well as the speaker's personal journey from Agnosticism to Strong Atheism.
  • #36
Icebreaker said:
NOTHING will take you to god except your death. There's no difference between "do this and this" and "prayer".
if there is no difference between do this and this and prayer, stop doing science and start praying...give me a break.

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