Is Amerika Becoming a Police State?

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  • Thread starter Echo 6 Sierra
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In summary, Russ believes that the United States is headed towards a police state, and that this will be preceded by a civil war.
  • #1
Echo 6 Sierra
:rolleyes: Is it just me or does anyone else see that Amerika is being turned into a Police State? :rolleyes: As can be seen by the recent confiscation of weapons from law abiding citizens in New Orleans following that "natural" disaster I can only wonder how many of you Red Blooded Amerikans would idly stand by while either you or your neighbors weapons are taken away from you by Bush's Jack-booted thugs, :rolleyes: dare I say Stasi? You are all Communist sheep and don't any of you dare provide verifiable facts or intelligent replies. You just wait, it'll happen to you too.

BTW, the Republic of Texas capital burned up a few weeks ago and State Authorities confiscated an abundancy of weapons and ammo. HAIL TEXAS! :eek: These guys believed that the US illegally annexed Texas back whenever. They printed their own money and elected their own officials and If I remember correctly had placed hits out on judges and shurfs in the local community. I think I'll invite them to this forum for a better comedic relief than what I've attempted to provide here.

I equate conspiracy theorist with the idiots that think fighting chickens and dogs is a "natural thing for them to do" because it's instinctual for the animal and nobody gets hurt. Fools, we all know the most natural sport in the world is cheerleader knife-fighting.
Physics news on
  • #2
It's just you. :rolleyes:
  • #3
America's been a police state for ages. It's amazing how easy it is to prevent people questioning their freedom. Simply don't make them want more, and you don't have to give them any more.
  • #4
Smurf said:
America's been a police state for ages. It's amazing how easy it is to prevent people questioning their freedom. Simply don't make them want more, and you don't have to give them any more.

Real police state:

Not a police state:


If we're a police state, then Canada must be teh Soviet Union II.
  • #5
Pengwuino said:
If we're a police state, then Canada must be teh Soviet Union II.
You're expecting an argument? :rolleyes:
  • #6
russ_watters said:
It's just you. :rolleyes:
I think E6S is making fun of the conspiracy theorists with his post.

Gotta love cheerleader knife-fighting though. :biggrin:
  • #7
Evo said:
Gotta love cheerleader knife-fighting though. :biggrin:

Cheerleader knife-fighting is not something to joke about. Hot cheerleaders that try to slash each others clothes off is not something to be taken lightly
:-p :-p :-p :-p
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  • #8
Pengwuino said:
Cheerleader knife-fighting is nothing something to joke about. Hot cheerleaders that try to slash each others clothes off is not something to be taken lightly
:-p :-p :-p :-p
"Nothing something?!"

  • #9
Archon said:
"Nothing something?!"


:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Guess I need to edit something nothing...
  • #10
No, we aren't currently a police state. The question is not if we become a police state, but when. Since government is by nature reluctant to give up powers, it is only a matter of time before we become one. However, the speed with which we progress towards that status does depend on the government at any given time.
  • #11
Evo said:
I think E6S is making fun of the conspiracy theorists with his post.
You do? Boy, my sarcasm detector must be malfunctioning...
  • #12
Come on Russ, the guy says at the end of the post that he equates conspiracy theorists with idiots that fight with chickens.
  • #13
loseyourname said:
Come on Russ, the guy says at the end of the post that he equates conspiracy theorists with idiots that fight with chickens.
What about me makes you think I read past the first sentence?
  • #14
speaking of police state, i went to to read through his predictions...i know i know, but it had been a while. i was a bit concerned with some of the parallels that i drew.

(63) Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency.

(64) This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election.

(28) It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005.

Specifically this i found disturbing given recent events in new orleans:

(35) While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you. Is this the "Universal Law" you subscribe to?

Sorry for hijacking your thread, but i didnt see a point to it and my post didnt warrant a thread of its own.
  • #15
Yah there's suppose to be a civil war in 2005 according to him. Only got 4 months left...
  • #16
Pengwuino said:
Yah there's suppose to be a civil war in 2005 according to him. Only got 4 months left...
He also stated that there might be a bit of innaccuracy within his predictions. 2006 maybe? :rollseye: You have to admit, it's not like it's been getting more unlikely, what with katrina and all.

(no, I don't think there's going to be a civil war, unless bush's anti-gay ammendment is revived or something radical happens.)
  • #17
Smurf said:
He also stated that there might be a bit of innaccuracy within his predictions. 2006 maybe? :rollseye: You have to admit, it's not like it's been getting more unlikely, what with katrina and all.

(no, I don't think there's going to be a civil war, unless bush's anti-gay ammendment is revived or something radical happens.)

Yes because rioting and looting is a new thing for the world and is definitely a sign of a civil war. Everyone vs. New orleans. And yes, I'm sure the gay community possesses a great deal of firepower. And nevermind hte ideology of the left that's anti-anything-that-shoots-a-bullet-or-makes-a-loud-noise... not really sure how an ideology like that can create a civil war. Thats like sueing someone and not wanting to use a court.

And what bull****. Inaccuracy, my ass. if someone can predict the future, how the hell can you not know the exact second its going to happen. :smile: :smile:
  • #18
Pengwuino said:
And what bull****. Inaccuracy, my ass. if someone can predict the future, how the hell can you not know the exact second its going to happen. :smile: :smile:
Read the site... He's quite vocal.
  • #19
Who cares how vocal someone is. I think Ivan even closes all discussion about the guy because its a joke.
  • #20
Isn't Titor the guy that claims he travels through time?
  • #21
DAMMIT! Did you hear me? ...knife fighting Cheerleaders!?

Lets keep this on topic folks.

...bait...and they will come...
  • #22
Echo 6 Sierra said:
DAMMIT! Did you hear me? ...knife fighting Cheerleaders!?

Lets keep this on topic folks.

...bait...and they will come...

topic being what?

Titor is far fetched, and my post wasnt meant to focus on him or his story, just the things he made you think about while reading it- and that may be the whole point to it. Constitutional rights are being torn away in New orleans, foreign policy is inconsistent and decadent, and most people in the usa don't care about what's happening in new orleans beyond the moral obligation to send funds to the red cross. How many of you would personally do something if it got worse?
  • #23
oldunion said:
...most people in the usa don't care about what's happening in new orleans beyond the moral obligation to send funds to the red cross.
May I ask what has been your contribution so far?
  • #24
Yonoz said:
May I ask what has been your contribution so far?

Im keeping my eye on the situation and telling people what i know, that's a significant contribution.
  • #25
Maybe you could actually GO there and report back what you see instead of relying on narcissistic, attention-whore, crackpots to do your thinking for you. No...wait a minute...that won't work.

BTW, I heard LtGen Honore is ACTUALLY Honoria that works at Vixens-a-go-go and wears womens underwear under his uniform. I swear I saw a hint of eyeliner on him in one photo op with GW. Your thoughts...
:smile:<----and this dude is still laughing! Nats funny, I don't care who yar.
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  • #26
Echo 6 Sierra said:
Maybe you could actually GO there and report back what you see instead of relying on narcissistic, attention-whore, crackpots to do your thinking for you. No...wait a minute...that won't work.

BTW, I heard LtGen Honore is ACTUALLY Honoria that works at Vixens-a-go-go and wears womens underwear under his uniform. I swear I saw a hint of eyeliner on him in one photo op with GW. Your thoughts...
:smile:<----and this dude is still laughing! Nats funny, I don't care who yar.

Your sense of humor evades me...

Technically i live in poverty, i am a student, and my funds that i make from part time work are used almost exclusively for transportation and food. If i had the money, it would be wasted- a 500 boat floatilla of private citizens was turned back, but all you hear about is that Oprah went down to be a good samaritan.

Narcissistic crack pot attention whores...i don't understand how bigoted you could be given the information available right now. I refer to the abundance of interviews of eyewitnesses and victims of what's happening; well known news agencies and lesser known news agencies, scientific data, friends in the military, government reports, reports of local authorites, etc.
  • #27
Look dude, it boils down to this, some people are going to believe whatever anyone tells them as long as there is a smidge of sensationalism in it. Another person reads it or hears it and imbellishes another smidge and before you know it an honest observation is now front page fodder for some checkout stand rag. The point of this thread got lost after about half dozen replies and no I didn't count. I'm sorry that my sarcasm and jackass-ed-ness went by you. I meant no insult. You have to agree with me when i say that the government is going to do whatever they want to and there is absolutely nothing you or I or ANYBODY else is going to do to stop it. What's going on is that certain organizations are trying to ensure that they have control over the situation. If nothing else, their being in control will ensure their longevity. If it comes out that FEMA was the savior, they get money and status and probably some laws written in their favor, AGAIN. If the Natl Guard comes out on top, they get the bennies. That's how it works. The people that make the laws and pass out the money lost touch with reality and what it means to be human a long time ago. If I were in FEMA I probably would have cut the wires too. If I were a shurf that saw a FEMA person cut the wires I probably would have shot them dead on the spot. You just don't now until you are in the situation as it presents itself.

OK, anyone ready for more sarcasm and smart-ass-ed-ness?
..:smile:<-----check it, I got the dubble lick workin'...I call it "sweet-n-sour". Nats funny, own't care who yar.
  • #28
oldunion said:
Im keeping my eye on the situation and telling people what i know, that's a significant contribution.

Watching it on tv while you play monopoly is a bigger contribution then that.
  • #29
oldunion said:
topic being what?

Titor is far fetched, and my post wasnt meant to focus on him or his story, just the things he made you think about while reading it- and that may be the whole point to it. Constitutional rights are being torn away in New orleans, foreign policy is inconsistent and decadent, and most people in the usa don't care about what's happening in new orleans beyond the moral obligation to send funds to the red cross. How many of you would personally do something if it got worse?

So... what, should 80% of all americans jump off their chairs and drive down to NO to help? Would that fit your expectations that you don't even strive to achieve yourself? We are responding the same way we always respond to disasters just like everyone else on Earth outside of organizations such as the red cross does. We've never acted any different so either your idea that "we should think about this" is uncalled for, or you have selective memory.
  • #30
Echo 6 Sierra said:
Look dude, it boils down to this, some people are going to believe whatever anyone tells them as long as there is a smidge of sensationalism in it. Another person reads it or hears it and imbellishes another smidge and before you know it an honest observation is now front page fodder for some checkout stand rag. The point of this thread got lost after about half dozen replies and no I didn't count. I'm sorry that my sarcasm and jackass-ed-ness went by you. I meant no insult. You have to agree with me when i say that the government is going to do whatever they want to and there is absolutely nothing you or I or ANYBODY else is going to do to stop it. What's going on is that certain organizations are trying to ensure that they have control over the situation. If nothing else, their being in control will ensure their longevity. If it comes out that FEMA was the savior, they get money and status and probably some laws written in their favor, AGAIN. If the Natl Guard comes out on top, they get the bennies. That's how it works. The people that make the laws and pass out the money lost touch with reality and what it means to be human a long time ago. If I were in FEMA I probably would have cut the wires too. If I were a shurf that saw a FEMA person cut the wires I probably would have shot them dead on the spot. You just don't now until you are in the situation as it presents itself.

OK, anyone ready for more sarcasm and smart-ass-ed-ness?
..:smile:<-----check it, I got the dubble lick workin'...I call it "sweet-n-sour". Nats funny, own't care who yar.

i agree with you here, except that people are not powerless in numbers, why do you think masses of people are always put down with such ruthlessness? power is in numbers and there are more of us than them.

Pengwuino: I am not telling anyone to go there, this already proved to be pointless. I think most people are tuning into the news, taking it all at face value, and doing what they see as the correct response; which is to donate money, and essentially overlook the larger implication of what's happening. This was not a natural disaster, where the government was honestly unprepared for, that stipulated a need for donations. It was a natural disaster(or un-natural), with a lot of shadow around it.

What i was saying, is that all i can do is look deeper into the situation and try to decipher the enigma behind the official story. This leads me to some very interesting information, and when i tell people they are glad that they know, and i am glad because that's one more person who doesn't take what they are told to be immediately true anymore, who will tend to read all sides of the story in the future.
  • #31
oldunion said:
i agree with you here, except that people are not powerless in numbers, why do you think masses of people are always put down with such ruthlessness? power is in numbers and there are more of us than them.
I'm taking into consideration that you are probably a young person and have good intentions and have thoughts that there can actually be "one love" just like the rest of us wish there could be and probably believe that Government officials can actually be held accountable for their actions. We all wish. The fact of the matter is that as long as there is money to be made there will be laws made to suppress those that think differently than those that want ALL the money and or power and unfortunately, they usually go hand in hand. Examples of this would be that, generally, Americans aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons or posess explosives. Why? Because we would have the capability to fight back and have a chance of making America work for those who actually need it to work for them. I don't have all the answers and don't claim to but I do know that to make this place work like you, me, and the rest of our fellow Citizens wish it would there will have to be a major upheaval in the Government. I'm not saying revolution or civil war, but a MAJOR upheaval and you can spell it any way you like. I really wish I had something profound and/or hopeful to tell you to to bolster your confidence in your ability to make a change that matters but I don't. Unless you have the media on your side and billions of dollars to buy yourself a candidacy, you're stuck on hind-t*t. Have you seen what they do to protesters nowadays? Every one of them is considered a potential terrorist and sequestered away from the person/thing they are protesting so as to prevent the mass media from getting coverage. Yes, the media could go and do their thing where the protesters are but then they would miss the main story and probably lose their job or get arrested by whomever for being out of the "authorized media cage". Having been in the military and having worked for both the Federal Government and several state agencies I can whole heartedly and without a doubt tell you that for whatever plans you may have to make the lives of any Americans better, either through peaceful actions or by violent means, there is already a plan in place to squash you and those close to you to prevent your thought from becoming an ideal for anyone else to follow. It would be like a pit-bull killing a kitten and then deficating/urinating on it and then standing there silently daring anyone else to step up. I wish you the best in your hopefulness.
  • #32
Evo said:
I think E6S is making fun of the conspiracy theorists with his post.

Gotta love cheerleader knife-fighting though. :biggrin:

I think so too. Hey EVO, E6S any idea when this show might debut on Spike TV? Or will it be part of this years Superbowl Halftime Show (oooohhhh, I hope, I hope, I hope...) :smile:
  • #33
oldunion said:
Im keeping my eye on the situation and telling people what i know, that's a significant contribution.
"Keeping your eye on the situation"? :smile:
Another question: What is the biggest emergency you have ever dealt with?
  • #34
Francis M said:
I think so too. Hey EVO, E6S any idea when this show might debut on Spike TV?
It comes on right after naked MXC.
  • #35
Echo 6 Sierra said:
I'm taking into consideration that you are probably a young person and have good intentions and have thoughts that there can actually be "one love" just like the rest of us wish there could be and probably believe that Government officials can actually be held accountable for their actions. We all wish. The fact of the matter is that as long as there is money to be made there will be laws made to suppress those that think differently than those that want ALL the money and or power and unfortunately, they usually go hand in hand. Examples of this would be that, generally, Americans aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons or posess explosives. Why? Because we would have the capability to fight back and have a chance of making America work for those who actually need it to work for them. I don't have all the answers and don't claim to but I do know that to make this place work like you, me, and the rest of our fellow Citizens wish it would there will have to be a major upheaval in the Government. I'm not saying revolution or civil war, but a MAJOR upheaval and you can spell it any way you like. I really wish I had something profound and/or hopeful to tell you to to bolster your confidence in your ability to make a change that matters but I don't. Unless you have the media on your side and billions of dollars to buy yourself a candidacy, you're stuck on hind-t*t. Have you seen what they do to protesters nowadays? Every one of them is considered a potential terrorist and sequestered away from the person/thing they are protesting so as to prevent the mass media from getting coverage. Yes, the media could go and do their thing where the protesters are but then they would miss the main story and probably lose their job or get arrested by whomever for being out of the "authorized media cage". Having been in the military and having worked for both the Federal Government and several state agencies I can whole heartedly and without a doubt tell you that for whatever plans you may have to make the lives of any Americans better, either through peaceful actions or by violent means, there is already a plan in place to squash you and those close to you to prevent your thought from becoming an ideal for anyone else to follow. It would be like a pit-bull killing a kitten and then deficating/urinating on it and then standing there silently daring anyone else to step up. I wish you the best in your hopefulness.

Thats a good post, and it inspires me more to pursue my cause. This country has been founded upon principles, that from day one have undermined the pursuit of freedom. Without regard for the deficiencies of capitalism, look at the laws for weapons and assembly, and its obvious (as you said) that such large scale movements would be crushed with a cold ruthlessness. That in itself illustrates the ignorance and arrogance of the founding fathers: to write into law that people can amass to "petition the government for change in peacable means"; to make a system that is unchangeable without destroying it suggests that they believed the system to be supreme- there is no provision for proper change.

"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
benjamin franklin

If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

"Those who make peaceful resolution impossible, shall make violent revolution inevitable"
John F. Kennedy

Its like a prophecy they didnt mean to make.

Most people have a mentality that nothing can change, that the system is so incredibly complex and dominating that subservience is normal. When people start asking questions, wondering why such is as it is, and refusing to move through life like "sheople" in general, i call it progress.

Things won't just keep getting worse with an allowance for individual normalcy and "safety" a critical point will be reached, and no one will be able to stand by and watch it anymore, sides will have to be taken.

Im not saying I am going to emerge as a political figure and sway mass sums of people, but i doubt nothing in possibility and i can assure you i won't be sitting idle when the constitution ceases to protect americans.

FAQ: Is Amerika Becoming a Police State?

1. What is a police state?

A police state is a term used to describe a government or society in which the police have extensive power and authority over the population, often at the expense of individual rights and freedoms. This can include strict surveillance, censorship, and the use of force to suppress dissent.

2. Is America becoming a police state?

This is a highly debated topic, but some argue that certain actions and policies in the United States, such as increased surveillance, militarization of police forces, and restrictions on civil liberties, suggest a move towards a police state. However, others argue that the country still upholds democratic principles and checks and balances that prevent it from becoming a full-fledged police state.

3. What are some signs that America is becoming a police state?

Some common signs that a country may be moving towards a police state include increased surveillance and monitoring of citizens, restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly, and the use of excessive force by law enforcement. Other indicators may include the erosion of judicial independence and the militarization of police forces.

4. How does the concept of a police state impact individual rights and freedoms?

In a police state, individual rights and freedoms are often restricted in the name of maintaining order and control. This can include limitations on freedom of speech, assembly, and privacy. Citizens may also face increased surveillance and the possibility of being targeted or punished for expressing dissenting opinions.

5. What can be done to prevent America from becoming a police state?

Preventing a country from becoming a police state requires a collective effort from citizens, government officials, and law enforcement. This can include advocating for and upholding democratic principles, promoting transparency and accountability in government actions, and ensuring that law enforcement agencies are held to high standards of conduct and respect for individual rights. It is also important for individuals to stay informed and actively participate in their communities to prevent abuses of power.

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