Is An a Normal Subgroup of Sn? A Proof and Explanation

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that the alternating group An is a normal subgroup of the symmetric group Sn. One definition of a normal subgroup is that the right and left cosets coincide, but another equivalent definition states that for all g and h in the group, gHg-1=H. The proof provided uses this definition and shows that τAnτ-1 is a subset of An and that An is a subset of τAnτ-1, thus concluding that An is normal. Another approach is suggested, using the fact that An is half of Sn and the properties of cosets. It is also noted that the wording of the definition of a normal subgroup should be more precise.
  • #1
good day! i need to prove that the alternating group An is a normal subgroup of symmetric group, Sn, and i just want to know if my proving is correct.

we know that normal subgroup is subgroup where the right and left cosets coincides. but i got this equivalent definition of normal group from fraleigh's book, which states that for all gεG and hεH, a subgroup H of G is normal iff gHg-1=H.

now here's my proof using the definition i got,

I. I need to show that for all τεSn, τAnτ-1 is subset of An.

Let λετAnτ-1, then λ=τστ-1, for all σεAn. but since multiplication of transpositions are commutative and therefore,

λ=τστ-1=σττ-1=σ, thus, λεAn, and therefore τAnτ-1 is a subset of An.

II. I need to prove that An is a subset of τAnτ-1.

Let σεAn and τεSn, since σ is an even transposition, τσ must be an odd transposition since no permutation is a product of both even or odd transposition. Also, since multiplication of transposition is commutative I now have,


thus, An is a subset of τAnτ-1.

since I've shown that the two sets are subsets of each other, I therefore conclude that τAnτ-1=An and An is normal.

thanks and God bless!
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  • #2
looks hard to read. your grader isn't looking forward to digging through that either.

maybe there's a slicker approach.

isn't tA the same size as At? and there's only two cosets, since A is half of S. so either tA=At, or they are disjoint. but e is in A, so tA intersects At.

i used facts about size of cosets being same, A being half of S, and cosets are always disjoint or equal, so if you don't have these facts or close to them, then maybe you're on the right track.
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  • #3
kimkibun said:
since multiplication of transpositions are commutative

Huh, since when? And why can you limit your proof to transpositions??

Maybe another approach will help. Can you prove that An is the kernel of a suitable homomorphism??
  • #4
As micromass says, you cannot assume [itex]\sigma[/itex] and [itex]\tau[/itex] commute.
I also note that you have nowhere used any property of An other than the fact that it is a subgroup. You need to start with some property of An that subgroups in general don't have. algebrat's approach of using the fact that An is half of Sn does work, though I would word it differently. Left cosets (tH) are not necessarily disjoint from or identical to right cosets (Hu) but they are disjoint from (or identical to) each other. Since all cosets have the same size, either tA = A or tA = S-A. Likewise At = A or At = S-A. Therefore either tA = At or tA = S-At. Since t is an element of both, tA = At.
The 'disjoint or equal' property of left cosets is easily proved. Suppose xH and yH have a common element, xh = ym. Let xk ε xH. So ymh-1k = xk. mh-1k ε H, therefore xk ε yH.
That they all have the same size is also easy.

Btw, this wording is a bit sloppy:
for all gεG and hεH, a subgroup H of G is normal iff gHg-1=H.
Better is
a subgroup H of G is normal in G iff (for all gεG gHg-1=H).
  • #5

Your proof is correct. You have shown that for any permutation τ in Sn, τAnτ-1 is a subset of An and that An is a subset of τAnτ-1. This satisfies the definition of a normal subgroup, which states that for any element g in G, gHg-1 is a subset of H. In this case, τ is the element g and An is the subgroup H. Therefore, An is a normal subgroup of Sn. Well done!

FAQ: Is An a Normal Subgroup of Sn? A Proof and Explanation

1. What is a normal group of permutation?

A normal group of permutation is a type of mathematical group that is closed under conjugation by any element of the group, meaning that if an element is in the group, then all of its conjugates are also in the group. This type of group is commonly used in the study of abstract algebra and group theory.

2. How is a normal group of permutation different from a regular group of permutation?

A regular group of permutation is a type of permutation group where all elements have the same cycle structure. A normal group of permutation, on the other hand, is a subgroup of a regular group that is closed under conjugation. This means that while all normal groups are permutation groups, not all permutation groups are normal groups.

3. What is the significance of normal groups of permutation in mathematics?

Normal groups of permutation play an important role in the study of abstract algebra and group theory. They help to define and understand properties of groups, and are used in the development of more complex mathematical structures, such as Lie groups and Galois groups.

4. Can normal groups of permutation be applied in real-world situations?

While normal groups of permutation are primarily studied in abstract mathematics, they do have practical applications. For example, they are used in the construction of error-correcting codes in computer science, and in the development of symmetry groups in physics and chemistry.

5. How are normal groups of permutation classified?

Normal groups of permutation are classified by their order, which is the number of elements in the group. They can also be classified by their structure, such as whether they are abelian or non-abelian, or whether they are simple or non-simple groups. The classification of normal groups is an ongoing area of research in mathematics.
