Is an author of a popular textbook, for example griffiths, wealthy?

In summary, authors of popular textbooks, particularly introductory texts, can make a substantial amount of money from royalties. However, the amount varies depending on factors such as book sales and negotiation skills. For example, James Stewart, author of a popular calculus textbook, has made millions in royalties and has even built a multi-million dollar home. Similarly, David Griffiths, author of widely used textbooks in electrodynamics and quantum mechanics, is also likely to have made a significant amount of money from his books. However, the economics for authors of graduate level texts is not as lucrative due to lower sales.
  • #1
For example
Griffiths' Electrodynamics, and Quantum Mechanics seems popular.
and the prices are expensive.
I'm curious about how much money the author make by selling these books.
Physics news on
  • #2
Bassed on this article, I would say the publishers are getting truly wealthy:

and here's one authors experience:

and here:

and google books has this reference: college textbook royalty&f=false

look for the Your Royalties section for breakdown of typical royalty payments. They say from 2% to 20% of the book price. Best selling introductory textbook authors canmake about $100K per year in royalties.

so it looks like they get 15% of the wholesale price of the book which my guess probably amounts to 5% when its sold to students.

Google search on "author college textbook royalty" to see more references.
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  • #3
Hmm... one of the engineering professors at my school has written a crap load of textbooks. Now I feel the need to go ask him how much he makes from it and report back, hah!
  • #4
James Stewart (the author of that abomination of a calculus textbook) made a pretty profit from his books.
  • #5
... but probably not as much as J K Rowling. Somebody needs to make a 7-movie series on calculus. Plus a prequel on pre-calculus, of course.

Oh wait - isn't that what MOOCs are doing already? :smile:
  • #6
Royalties are in the $2-$5 per copy range. The structure for this is very complicated and depends on the number of books sold. I expect Griffiths is closer to $2, but you never know - he may be a great negotiator.

There are 6000-7000 physics grads per year. Perhaps as many as half use Griffiths, and perhaps 60% buy new copies. So that works out to $4000 per year.

For graduate texts, the economics is even worse: the publisher does pay a little more per book, but the number of books sold is much, much less.

The money is in introductory texts. But it's a tough market to break into, and there is pressure for new editions all the time, so it's a substantial amount of work to keep current.
  • #7
jgens said:
James Stewart (the author of that abomination of a calculus textbook) made a pretty profit from his books.

I don't know why everyone uses his precalculus and calculus books.
  • #8
jgens said:
James Stewart (the author of that abomination of a calculus textbook) made a pretty profit from his books.

That's an understatement. Stewart's home, Integral House, is reported to have cost $24 million to build, which doesn't include the $5.4 million he paid to tear down an existing house on the site. That's a lot of royalties for any kind of book.
  • #9
SteamKing said:
That's an understatement. Stewart's home, Integral House, is reported to have cost $24 million to build, which doesn't include the $5.4 million he paid to tear down an existing house on the site. That's a lot of royalties for any kind of book.

wow looks like you're right. I found this story:

a 150-seat concert hall? madness!
  • #10
I mean.. 90% of Canadian Students and 70% of American students.. that's not just "widely used." That's "almost exclusively used."
  • #11
Griffiths deserves to be rich. His EM book is one of the absolute masterpieces of physics textbook writing.
  • #12
WannabeNewton said:
Griffiths deserves to be rich. His EM book is one of the absolute masterpieces of physics textbook writing.

True, and his QM book too. It's much more mathematically rigorous than any other book I've found at this level and still gives a lot of the intuition. Many of the quantum mechanics books authors should be arrested for not knowing how to use simple mathematics correctly, making QM even more confusing than it already is...

FAQ: Is an author of a popular textbook, for example griffiths, wealthy?

1. Is the author of a popular textbook wealthy?

It is difficult to determine the exact wealth of an author, as it depends on various factors such as book sales, royalties, and other sources of income. However, it is safe to assume that authors of popular textbooks such as Griffiths have a stable income.

2. How much money do textbook authors make?

The income of textbook authors can vary greatly depending on the popularity and success of their books. Some authors may make a few thousand dollars, while others may make six figures or more. Again, it is difficult to determine a specific amount as it depends on many factors.

3. What is the average salary of a textbook author?

The average salary of a textbook author is not available, as it is not a common full-time job. Many authors write textbooks as a side project or as part of their academic career. Therefore, their income may not solely come from writing textbooks.

4. Do authors of popular textbooks become millionaires?

It is unlikely that authors of popular textbooks become millionaires solely from their book sales. However, they may have other sources of income such as speaking engagements, consulting, or other books that contribute to their overall wealth.

5. How do textbook authors make money?

Textbook authors typically make money through book sales, royalties, and other sources such as speaking engagements or consulting. They may also receive advances from publishers or earn money through the sale of digital versions of their textbooks.

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