Is an EE in Physics Worth It for University Admissions?

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of writing an Extended Essay in physics and its potential impact on university applications. The speaker shares their experience with writing a research paper and how it influenced their mindset and helped with their university application. They advise the listener to choose a topic they are interested in and not to underestimate the challenge of writing an essay on a topic they don't like.
  • #1
This topic is not the first of its kind and for that I apologise. I am currently doing the first year of my IB program and I am in the progress of chosing my subject for the Extended Essay. I read few threads on this topic which were here earlier and apparently physics is not the easiest way how to get a good grade for the EE.
That is why I am asking if EE in physics is going to help me get accepted into a physics course in university or if it is completely irrelevant.
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  • #2
I'd say no, it doesn't help you get accepted, until you make use of the opportunity. Maybe you learned something, couldn't solve a problem - write it on your application essay; maybe it gave you the idea to continue and branch off your research from there. Or maybe it gives your evaluators (teachers) a good opportunity to know about you.

I had a compulsory research paper to write too, and I was really interested in my topic though it was insanely hard and technical, and halfway I wrote more than enough so I published it. Then I realized I made the mistake of publishing it under an alias and it would run up in the plagiarism check, so I embarrassingly asked my teacher if it would cause a problem, and he helped me write an explanation to the exams board. Somehow, I think that might have improved his opinion of me and he helped me a lot with my university application and gave a good recommendation, supposedly.

Research also had a huge change in my mindset. I used to think I wouldn't mind being an engineer, until I attacked fluid dynamics, where there was a thin boundary between physics and engineering. It was a great experience.

So my advice is, go do that EE in Physics if it interests you. It will help you in intangible ways. Hope this helps.

(I'm entering college next year.)

Edit: Oh I ran off without saying a very important thing. It's VERY taxing to do an extended essay on something you don't like! I've seen some of my friends' ones in topics that were easier but also not what they were interested in. As a result, they looked very slipshod and bad. I wouldn't put the fault on them - I find it really boring to write an essay on something I don't like either.
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  • #3

I understand the importance of conducting thorough research and making informed decisions. In regards to the question of whether an Extended Essay (EE) in Physics is worth it for university admissions, my response would be that it depends on the individual's goals and interests.

Firstly, it is important to note that universities look at a variety of factors when considering applicants, including grades, test scores, extracurricular activities, and essays. While an EE in Physics may not necessarily be the easiest way to get a good grade, it can demonstrate a strong interest and aptitude in the subject, which can be beneficial for admissions.

Additionally, an EE in Physics can also showcase essential skills such as critical thinking, research, and communication, which are highly valued by universities. These skills are applicable to a wide range of fields and can be advantageous for students pursuing a physics course or any other discipline in university.

Moreover, a well-written EE in Physics can also serve as a writing sample for university applications, providing an opportunity to showcase one's writing abilities and passion for the subject.

However, it is important to note that an EE in Physics alone may not guarantee acceptance into a university's physics program. Admissions decisions are based on a holistic review of an applicant's profile, and while an EE in Physics can be a valuable component, it should not be the only focus.

In conclusion, an EE in Physics can be a valuable asset for university admissions, as it can demonstrate a strong interest in the subject and showcase important skills. However, it should be pursued with genuine interest and effort, rather than solely for the purpose of university admissions. Ultimately, it is important to choose a topic that aligns with one's interests and goals, rather than solely focusing on its potential impact on university admissions.

Related to Is an EE in Physics Worth It for University Admissions?

What is the IB Extended Essay in Physics?

The IB Extended Essay in Physics is an independent research project that is completed by students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. It is a 4,000-word essay that allows students to explore a topic of their choice in-depth and apply the scientific method to investigate and analyze it.

How is the IB Extended Essay in Physics graded?

The IB Extended Essay in Physics is graded on a scale of 0-36 points, with 24 points required to pass. The essay is assessed by an external examiner and is based on several criteria, including the quality of the research, the use of appropriate scientific methods, and the overall organization and presentation of the essay.

Can I choose any topic for my IB Extended Essay in Physics?

Yes, you can choose any topic that falls within the field of physics. However, it is important to choose a topic that is specific and focused enough to be thoroughly researched and analyzed within the word limit of 4,000 words. Your topic should also align with your personal interests and abilities.

What is the timeline for completing the IB Extended Essay in Physics?

The timeline for completing the IB Extended Essay in Physics will vary depending on your school and your personal schedule. However, it is recommended that students begin their research and writing process in the first year of the IB program, with the final essay being submitted in the second year.

What are some tips for writing a successful IB Extended Essay in Physics?

Some tips for writing a successful IB Extended Essay in Physics include choosing a well-defined and specific research question, conducting thorough research using a variety of sources, organizing your essay in a clear and logical manner, and regularly consulting with your supervisor for guidance and feedback. It is also important to adhere to the IB's academic honesty policy and properly cite all sources used in your essay.

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