Is Anakin's Midichlorian Concentration Affected by His Injuries?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of midichlorians in the Star Wars universe, with one person questioning if Anakin's injuries would affect his midichlorian concentration and another pointing out that it is just a movie and not to overthink it. The conversation also touches on the scientific accuracy of the concept and how it was received by fans.
  • #36
Yeah, my smallest toe on each foot is prehensile.
Physics news on
  • #37
DeeZee said:
Well, here's how someone I know puts it:

So would this be true? George Lucas says that Darth Vader is weaker after the third movie because of his injuries, but it doesn't seem like he would be. :confused:

Perhaps what Lucas meant by weaker is slower reflex. Since he's part machine and metal attachments would slow a person down.
  • #38
I don't think the idea lies anywhere in the realm of science but psuedo science (or movie science as already pointed out). The idea of the force is very similar to some sort of zen mysticism. The body is supposed to be a temple. The natural body/temple helps focus the "force". Since Anakin's body was so terribly mangled his natural form, the form which would presumably best focus the "force", was disturbed and no longer functions properly as the temple it should be. Add on top of this the unnatural mechanical appendages which distort the form and focus even more and you have a mystical psuedo-scientific explination as to why he would be weaker. In otherwords think of it in terms of chakras and the like.
  • #39
Anakin didn't seem very weak after he became Darth Vader. He shook the whole cave complex just with a thought. I think the addition of midichlorians is a bad attempt at an explanation of the force. It is the belief of the user that focuses the force. When a person is conflicted internally then the force is weak in them. When they are focused then they have greater control over the force. The midichlorians may limit their maximum potential and may explain why some people are force sensitive and others are not. It is their focus and the will of the force itself that determines overall strength.
  • #40
Another question

here is the reason why I don't like to watch the movie.

If they can use this sword and bat lazers with it, the why not create a laser gun that fires 4 shot at the same time.

By that most a jedi can stop two laser shot at a time i.e. one side of the square formed by the 4 shots or diagonaly.

so what say ?
  • #41
The laser guns featured in the movies can fire a lot more than 4 shots at a time. Besides, a Jedi could probably absorb 10 or 20 individual laser shots at a time with his lightsaber.

We're not going into the physical correctness of lasers.
  • #42
A light sabre is a much more potent symbol of the phallus than the gun.
  • #43
arildno said:
A light sabre is a much more potent symbol of the phallus than the gun.
The Schwartz! :smile:
  • #44
I believe it would be lowered. I don't know if would be from the new legs/arms though. I assume they don't need blood so the concentration would remain same but when his body parts were chopped off he had to lose some blood which was then replaced by other blood which couldn't have been as midish
  • #45
but how are going to use same sword to stop 4 or 10 laser firings at the same time . Its possible to predict all the impact points but impossible to stop them with one sword unless the jedi swings them at different locations at the same time.

anyways thanks U all r Geniuses.
  • #46
Maybe they can intuit where the blasts will be and just not be at that place. The lightsaber can take care of the rest. And sometimes jedi do get killed by blasters. They don't seem to be any more immune to damage than anyone else although they have an incredible tolerance for pain.

Geniuses? Where? :rolleyes:
  • #47
Anomalous said:
but how are going to use same sword to stop 4 or 10 laser firings at the same time . Its possible to predict all the impact points but impossible to stop them with one sword unless the jedi swings them at different locations at the same time.

anyways thanks U all r Geniuses.
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