Is Ancient Aliens the Funniest Show on the History Channel?

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In summary: I was laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair. I love how they always have to go with the outrageous claims. It's like they are trying to one-up each other.
  • #1
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the best "Ancient Aliens" yet !

Ancient Aliens is SO amazingly stupid and misinforming that it is sometime (rarely, I admit) actually hilarious, so I stop on it for a minute or two sometimes when I'm channel surfing just to see what kind of blather they have that night. On occasion, I get a good laugh.

The other night I saw what for me was the funniest statement that I think I've ever encountered there. They said that Einstein wasn't actually all that smart, he just had the unusual ability to communicate telepathically with Aliens. Maybe you had to be there, but I 'bout fell out of my chair. :smile:

That's what passes for science on the History Channel
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  • #2
I thought everyone knew that!
  • #3
It is not in my cable package. Seems like I am lucky.
  • #4

While on the other side...
  • #5
  • #8
It always amuses when people that find it hard to believe that life can start spontaneously, feel happy with the alien explanation as if that solves anything. They never stop to consider how alien life started.

If aliens came to Earth, why did they stop coming? Did Earth lose its popularity as an alien tourist destination? Do they consider their task of kick starting the human race is completed? Were they chased off by the MIB? ... Wait ... Maybe they are still here and are communicating telepathically with WBN !?!?
  • #9
yuiop said:
If aliens came to Earth, why did they stop coming? Did Earth lose its popularity as an alien tourist destination? Do they consider their task of kick starting the human race is completed? Were they chased off by the MIB? ... Wait ... Maybe they are still here and are communicating telepathically with WBN !?!?

My overlord has told me that you and I will cross paths soon...
  • #10
WannabeNewton said:
My overlord has told me that you and I will cross paths soon...

I forgot how hilarious Patrick really was.

"I didn't even know!"
  • #12
I was communicating telepathically with the Earths' creators the other day and they mentioned how hard it was to create the Ancient Alien data. But not nearly so hard as faking the fossil record.
  • #13
I was listening to some alien show the other day where it was claimed that the Bush family and Queen Elizabeth (for some reason) were in fact descended from aliens which had the form of giant reptiles. Boy, that's a relief! I thought it was just me that had those notions.
  • #14
I love to tune in from time to time to see just how far they will go now. The tales keep getting thicker and thicker! I think it has been reduced to a game to see who can be the most outrageous.

My favorite statement so far came from the crazy Swiss guy with the hair.

~ "so if the secret pirate's treasure turns out to be the Ark of the Covenant, well, that could only mean that it came from aliens!"

I had to stop what I was doing to think about that one LOL! I don't even want to know how he got from A to B, to Pluto.
  • #15
I saw two minutes of Ancient Aliens for the first time yesterday. That was all I could take. Even though I knew about it, I was unprepared for the level of crackpottery that I was hearing. He was claiming that we have "rediscovered" the technology of biometric sensors - specifically ones where only the owner of a gun can fire it. He was stating that this the reason that only King Authur could pull the sword from the stone was that it was calibrated to his hand. I kept waiting for the punch line where he would say that it was "Excalibrated". :rolleyes:
  • #16
I have always been amused by the people who believe in UFOs. Whenever I hear of ‘lights in the sky’ sightings I have to wonder, if a civilization had the technology to travel light-years between the stars, why can’t they turn off their headlights?
  • #18
Superposed_Cat said:
micromass is a she.
Nope. You're confusing him with his avatar. BTW, I'm not really a husky.
  • #19
azdavesoul said:
I have always been amused by the people who believe in UFOs. Whenever I hear of ‘lights in the sky’ sightings I have to wonder, if a civilization had the technology to travel light-years between the stars, why can’t they turn off their headlights?

What, and get 3 points on their license?
  • #20
Borg said:
Nope. You're confusing him with his avatar. BTW, I'm not really a husky.
Yoh! He had me fooled. Much like our alien president.
  • #21
One of the funny things I heard was "We have to accept that ancient people drew on the walls what they saw. Therefore egyptians saw all those half-animal/half-human creatures, that were genetic experiments of aliens". Yea because they had no imagination before, they only knew how to draw what they saw... I wonder if cubism and surrealism painters also saw those things that they drew...
  • #22
Tosh5457 said:
One of the funny things I heard was "We have to accept that ancient people drew on the walls what they saw.
Perhaps it's quoted out of context? It makes perfect sense if you add "when tripping balls" at the end of that sentence.
  • #23
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Related to Is Ancient Aliens the Funniest Show on the History Channel?

1. What makes this the "best" Ancient Aliens episode yet?

This episode features new evidence and theories about ancient civilizations and their potential connection to extraterrestrial beings. It also includes interviews with experts in the field and stunning visual representations of these ancient mysteries.

2. How does this episode differ from previous Ancient Aliens episodes?

This episode delves deeper into the possibility of ancient aliens influencing human civilization, rather than just focusing on ancient astronaut theories. It also explores lesser-known civilizations and their potential connection to extraterrestrial beings.

3. What evidence is presented in this episode to support the ancient alien theory?

The episode presents various pieces of evidence, such as ancient texts, artifacts, and architectural structures, that suggest advanced knowledge and technology that could not have been achieved by ancient civilizations on their own. It also examines cultural similarities and ancient myths that could potentially be linked to extraterrestrial influence.

4. Are there any criticisms of the ancient alien theory presented in this episode?

The episode includes some counterarguments and skepticism from experts in the field, providing a well-rounded perspective on the ancient alien theory. It also acknowledges that the theory is still a subject of debate and further research is needed.

5. Will this episode change my perspective on ancient aliens and their influence on human civilization?

While the episode presents compelling evidence and theories, ultimately each individual's beliefs and perspectives may vary. However, it may provide new insights and perspectives for viewers to consider when exploring the possibility of ancient alien influence.

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