Is arrogance a downfall for omnipotent beings?

  • Thread starter Surrealist
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In summary, I think an omnipotent being would not be arrogant because they are aware of all possibilities and no possible situation would cause them to be.
  • #1
I saw honestrosewater's post about Kaku in the General Forum. I started thinking about Type III civilizations. Here is a related question (which actually came up in ST:TNG a few times)...

Does an omnipotent being have the right to be arrogant?

Would an omnipotent being be arrogant? To me, arrogance seems like a rather primitive emotion. Since the beginning of civilization, we have been warned that arrogance leads to a fall. The stories of Nimrod, Icarus, and Bellerophon are good examples.

Why does arrogance usually result in disaster? Is it because arrogance encourages us to lower our guard to our vulnerabilities? If this is true, then a truly omnipotent being has nothing to worry about.
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  • #2
Surrealist said:
Does an omnipotent being have the right to be arrogant?

Sometime I think of this in a differ sence. My big deal with god is with the whole worship thing. Why if he's so kick ass does he need to be worshiped? Just becasue he created us why should we be thankful? After all it's his fault I'm here in the first place, if he didn't make me I wouldn't have sinned. I mean don't set a 20oz steak in front of me if you don't want me to eat it eh?

But on to your question.

Wouldn't the omnipotent beings only be arrogant from our point of view? To each of them they are all aware all knowing nothing to worry about so no questions come up. Kinda like nothing every occurs to the Being because everything already has. So for a non-omnipotent being(NOB) to be in the presences of omnipotent being(OB). The NOB would always be asking questions and such , and to the OB they would know everything and would concern themselves with us and our's the whole us and ants thing...maybe we are as arrogant to ants.
  • #3
I think an omnipotent being wouldn’t be arrogant by virtue of omnipotent. Descarte argued that an omnipotent being wouldn’t ever lie, because deception always comes from fear of a consequence. Much like arrogance comes from a fear of perception, and fear of perception is a fear of self-worth.
  • #4
arrogance (uncountable)

The act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; lordliness; haughtiness; self-assumption; presumption. Closely related to the act of arrogating.

All I get from the definition is: "subjective, subjective, subjective, the act of being subjective".

I guess to us, God could appear arrogant by his actions. However, if we agreed that God is infinitely times greater than us, than he's not being arrogant, just honest. But would he feel the need to convey that he's greater than us through his actions? I guess it depends on the context. If he's doing it to show us that he's God or to show us what he can do, then it can be interpretted as arrogance but also as simply a demonstration. If he's flaunting he's "Godliness" around just for the hell of it, I guess he could be called arrogant, but how would we know why he's doing it?
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FAQ: Is arrogance a downfall for omnipotent beings?

1. What is the definition of arrogance?

Arrogance is a feeling of superiority or self-importance that results in an inflated sense of one's own abilities or accomplishments.

2. Can arrogance be a downfall for omnipotent beings?

Yes, arrogance can be a downfall for omnipotent beings because it can lead to a lack of humility and an overestimation of one's own power and knowledge, which can ultimately lead to their downfall.

3. How does arrogance affect decision-making in omnipotent beings?

Arrogance can cause omnipotent beings to make decisions based on their own ego and not consider the consequences or perspectives of others. This can lead to poor decision-making and ultimately harm themselves and those around them.

4. Are there any examples of arrogance being a downfall for omnipotent beings in history or literature?

Yes, there are many examples in history and literature where arrogance has led to the downfall of omnipotent beings. One notable example is the Greek myth of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun with his wax wings because of his arrogance, resulting in his downfall.

5. Can arrogance be overcome or avoided by omnipotent beings?

Yes, arrogance can be overcome or avoided by omnipotent beings through self-reflection, humility, and considering the perspectives and advice of others. It is important for them to recognize their own limitations and not let their power or abilities blind them to their own flaws.
