Is Balancing Work and Electrical Engineering Studies Feasible?

In summary, Hector Silva is a prospective electrical engineering student who is struggling with difficulty in classes and test anxiety. He is seeking advice on whether continuing his education is a good idea, whether to take out a loan, and how to deal with test anxiety.
  • #1
First and foremost I'm a newbie on here and just registered today but have been visiting for a while and find a lot of you guys very helpful. I registed because I wanted some advice on my current situation. I am an EE student who went to Community College for the first year and half and completed all of my basics. And well now, I am finally getting into my EE classes. I want to know if anyone experienced the same difficulties that I am going through. I barely made it through Tech. Physics and will be taking Calculus II for the 3rd time this summer. I studied a lot and really tried to understand all the concepts and theories in both of those classes but when it came to test I would get very bad test anxiety. In a way, I am really intimidated by all the classes I have to take also. I want to get all of this done and get my BS in Electrical Engineering but it's going to be 4 years this year that I've been in college and I feel like I have such a long way to go. I am frustrated because I no longer get Financial Aid and have to get subsidized loans. I am also frustrated because In a way I feel like I have to get a job to pay for my living expenses and then end up not being able to study because I work all the time. Right now I am working at Enterprise rent-a-car but I am seriously considering leaving and just focusing entirely on school this upcoming semester and perhaps taking out a loan. I am soo frustrated and feel like I am going nowhere and add the fact that I've been having difficulties in Calculus II is even more stressful. I am curious to know how many people here went through the same events that I am going through. I refuse to give up and want to graduate within the next 2 years. Can anyone give me some guidance or advice? Is having a job and being an EE student a good idea? Should I take out a loan instead for living expenses? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

- Hector Silva, Prospective University of Texas at San Antonio Electrical Engineering student
Physics news on
  • #2
Well, I will tell you, EE is very tough. The work is hard, but the courses are VERY demanding time-wise. The amount of work required for the upper division courses are at times outrageous.

Also, if you're still in calc 2, you will not graduate within 2 years. You still have a decent amount of prerequisites before you can even start the upper division courses. You definitely need differential equations and calc 3.

However, if you truly want to be an EE -- then definitely go for it! It is a very rewarding major. I'm going to be a senior next year and I feel like I've really accomplished something.

If you are going to work, I suggest trying to get a job where you will have a chance to read/study during downtime and do your homework. A job that will have you on your feet for hours will leave you exhausted and you will have a tough time in class. Personally, I don't think I could have worked and survived my junior year.

You sound like you really want this to happen, so please, go for it. You will feel great when you get through it. Just make sure you are willing to devote yourself to it because it is VERY far from easy.

Good luck, Hector!
  • #3
Advice taken. I don't think I am going to work this upcoming semester perhaps I will ask to work lesser hours atleast. Thanks a lot for taking time out to give me some wise words. It's been tough but I refuse to give up.
  • #4
I can't offer very much advice, but just to say that the math and science requirements (calc & physics) are the two things that engineering majors usually struggle with (and the reason for most people leaving engineering)

So while you do need to understand calculus and such in order to do your upper level requirements, once people make it past those classes they usually do well. So you have something to look forward to.

Also, you should see a counselor ASAP about your test anxiety. Test anxiety is a real, documented medical/psychological condition - it's not just normal "stressing out" over exams. If you feel it's adversely affecting your performance, then you should see what options are avaliable to you for relieving your anxiety. That may help your school performance by a _lot_. See
  • #5
I don't know much about the engineering program down there. But i am an EE and Maths student in UT dallas. The follow opinions are assuming that EE down there is really close to the program in UT Dallas
1) if you want to do it, go for it.
2) Do you really understand what EEngineer really does? If you think EEngineer is the person who can play with electronic everyday, this is not good. However, I also believe that you only get to play with circuit in the introduction class, so you might lose your interest of it. It is far beyond just blowing up circuit.. Dont let the name fool you. Open the class description and read what the classes are about to see if you are interested in that. I was fooled by the name.
3) The actually EE classes are far more complicated than Cal2 and Phys. though they are more practical than maths and physics.
4)About jobs, as long as you don't work too much, i think work can improve time management, of course if you manage it. but i think the most important is that you need to forget about girlfriend until 4 graduate lol
Last semester, i ened up pretty good with 13 credits of school load and 60 hours of work weekly. This semester, I finished 31 credits with 16 hours of work weekly with only few trouble.However, I am preparing to quit EE now and join the more devil major- Maths . The main reason I want to quit because it takes forever to get a BSEE

LeoN Senior @ UTD
  • #6
Stay the course and it will be worth it. I struggled with CalcII and Diff. Eq., got lost in Elect. & Mag., found help in the Phys. lab when I really needed it, and graduated yesterday from the Univ. of Arizona. The biggest hurdle I had to overcome was asking for help when I really needed it.

  • #7
Yeah, ask for help and find a study group! Doing the homeworks alone is not a good idea - I started to learn so much more when I worked and studied with a group of people.

Also, I bother my TA's and professors so much with questions. If you don't understand something, go talk to your professor or TA. I used to feel sort of nervous to speak with my professor when I had a problem - now I go see them all the time. That's what they are there for.

Related to Is Balancing Work and Electrical Engineering Studies Feasible?

What are some common reasons for an EE student to have a tough time?

There can be many reasons for an EE student to struggle, including difficulty understanding complex concepts, lack of time management skills, and inadequate study habits. It could also be due to external factors such as personal issues or health problems.

How can an EE student improve their understanding of complex concepts?

One way to improve understanding is to actively engage with the material by taking good notes, asking questions, and seeking clarification from professors or classmates. It can also be helpful to break down complex topics into smaller, more manageable parts.

What are some effective study habits for an EE student?

Some effective study habits for an EE student include setting a schedule and sticking to it, finding a quiet and comfortable study space, and using resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and practice problems. It's also important to take breaks and get enough rest to avoid burnout.

How can an EE student improve their time management skills?

Improving time management skills can involve creating a schedule or to-do list, prioritizing tasks, and setting realistic goals. It's also important to eliminate distractions and focus on one task at a time. Seeking help from a mentor or counselor can also be beneficial.

What resources are available for an EE student who is struggling?

EE students can seek help from their professors, teaching assistants, or classmates. Many universities also offer tutoring services or study groups. Additionally, there are online resources such as forums and video tutorials that can provide extra support. It's important for students to reach out and ask for help when needed.

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