Is Being Late Really That Big of a Deal?

  • Thread starter Pattielli
  • Start date
In summary, different cultures have different views about what "late" means, and what is considered "late."
  • #1
Is it when I am not in time ?
Or is it that I am not able to get out of something anymore ?
Or is it when I am fully wired ?

What is it ?
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  • #2
Pattielli said:
Is it when I am not in time ?
Or is it that I am not able to get out of something anymore ?
Or is it when I am fully wired ?

What is it ?

Well, we know that "late" is not on time. that is easy. is you are not on time, you are late. Really late is relative.

here is a scenario:

sally, a teenager, went out with her friends at 7. She was susposed to be home at ten, but she didnt show up until 10:30. Her parents simply said she was late.

mandi, also a teenager, went out with her friends at 7. She was susposed to be home at ten, but she also didnt show up until 10:30. Her parents said she was really late, and she was grounded.

It is all in interpretation.
  • #3
thanks a lot,
  • #4
Really late can best be illustrated by the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I'm sure I'm getting the words wrong, but the gist of it is:

Slartibartfast: Hurry, or you will be late.
Arthur Dent: Late? Late for what?
Slartibartfast: You misunderstand. I mean late, as in "the late Arthur Dent". It is a bit of a threat you see.


  • #5
Different cultures also have different views about what "late" is. In Brazil, for example, it's not uncommon to show up 90-120 minutes late for a lunch date!

- Warren
  • #6
Njorl said:
Really late can best be illustrated by the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I'm sure I'm getting the words wrong, but the gist of it is:

Slartibartfast: Hurry, or you will be late.
Arthur Dent: Late? Late for what?
Slartibartfast: You misunderstand. I mean late, as in "the late Arthur Dent". It is a bit of a threat you see.


I think it is dangerous...<<<smila>>>

For example, you and I have a lunch date, We are Brazillians, what you said, as I understood, I will have to wait for you around one and a half hour ? Am I allowed to eat first if I am really really hungry ? and does the late guy have to have any explanation then ?
it was lunchtime... <<<smiling>>>

FAQ: Is Being Late Really That Big of a Deal?

1. How is "late" defined in terms of time?

There is no universally agreed upon definition of what constitutes "late" in terms of time. It can vary based on cultural norms, personal expectations, and the specific context of the situation. Generally, "late" can be considered to be past the expected or agreed upon time for an event or activity.

2. Is there a specific amount of time that is considered "late"?

Again, there is no set amount of time that is universally considered to be "late". It can vary depending on the situation and the expectations of those involved. For example, being 5 minutes late to a meeting may be acceptable, but being 30 minutes late to a flight will likely result in missing the flight.

3. How do different cultures view the concept of "being late"?

Cultural norms play a significant role in how the concept of "late" is perceived. For some cultures, being punctual is highly valued and being even a few minutes late can be considered disrespectful. In other cultures, being a few minutes late is seen as normal and acceptable.

4. Can being late have negative consequences?

In some situations, being late can indeed have negative consequences. For instance, being late to an important meeting or job interview can reflect poorly on your professionalism and may result in missed opportunities. Additionally, being late to events or appointments can cause inconvenience or disruption for others.

5. How can one avoid being late?

There are several strategies one can use to avoid being late. These include planning ahead and leaving enough time for unexpected delays, setting reminders and alarms, and practicing good time management skills. It is also important to communicate with others if you know you will be running late, as it shows consideration and respect for their time.

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