Is Belief in God Declining Among Intellectuals?

  • Thread starter Scooby
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In summary, there are a variety of beliefs among people on this forum, but the majority seem to be atheists.

Do you Belive in (a) God?

  • I Belive In An Organized Religion

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • I Belive in "God" or something similar. (Agnostic?)

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Were here because of pure chance.

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Just wondering how many of you believe in a form of god...
I've noticed the more intelectually inclined places I goto online the less religious people there are...

Oh hey look at that. I am member #4500. Horray for rounded numbers :p
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Physics news on
  • #2
I believe in the wrongness of your poll...

Agnostics claim it is (and in some cases, will be) impossible to know conclusively whether God exists or not.

Some people believe in God, and pure chance (the idea being that God is manifested in terms of pure chance.) Some people are atheists, and believe in life without pure chance - eg. solopsists.

Oh yes... welcome to PF!
  • #3
I am atheist
Religions are sects, and their members are zombies that follow the rules of their religion
  • #4
Ack i forgot, I can't just assume words around people more intellegable than me :wink:
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  • #5
  • #6
First, what is a landover bapstist?
Second, I voted for the middle one, because I'm against a very organized religion, but am obviously religious to those who know me to some extent.
  • #7
Land Overbaptist is the best religion of all. They even have the best halloween haunted houses.
  • #8
Originally posted by Jonathan

First, what is a landover bapstist?

Originally posted by wasteofo2

Check out my religion's kickass official website at

Seriously, you unsaved heathens can be so ignorant sometimes.

MAYBE, if you'd open your eyes and accept the one and only path to truth, you'd be able to not only go to heaven, but read and comprehend text.

Man I hate heathens.
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  • #9
First, I hope you're joking, I have a hard time telling with you.
Second, I didn't bother with the website because one time I found the scientology website and had to read for literally hours about the life and times of L. Ron Hubbard (or whatever his name is) to find out what they are about. In my opinion, this bio sounds made up, or he had an unbelievable life.
  • #10
WOW! That isn't what I was expecting. I agree with some of the veiws that were obvious (I didn't read much of anything though), but am shocked at the thong banner.
Garanteeing Salvation since 1612
Unsaved unwelcome. As Jesus Commanded.
Die Already...King of Mary's Worshippers(Pope)...
EDIT: () parts are by me.
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  • #11
I think I speak for all Baptists when I say, 'Bring on the rotting bodies, sweet Jesus!'"
  • #12
I am an atheist and proud of it...we're on the move, myth-lovers!
  • #13

That landover baptist thing is weird.. it is supposed to be a satire on religion?
  • #14
nice site there waste...i bet many 16 year old rebels read that one...seriously, i was entertained for a few moments...
  • #15
Originally posted by Kerrie
nice site there waste...i bet many 16 year old rebels read that one...seriously, i was entertained for a few moments...

Way to be overly cynical! I'm sure many anal-retentive, lonely science nerds with low self esteem love trying to belittle high school students in order to make themselves feel better*thumbs up*.
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  • #16
Children, be nice...
  • #17
Originally posted by Zero
Children, be nice...

Heh. But I don't want to be nice! I won't to bake cookies and then show them to God, and he'll say, "Wow, these are good cookies, Jeebus."

And then I'll say something like, "Ya know those were covered with LSD tablets."

Then God will say, "Really?" And I would shout, "Yes, it just goes to show you that you are not omniscient!"

Oh, by the way, I'm atheist.
  • #18
Originally posted by Jeebus
Heh. But I don't want to be nice! I won't to bake cookies and then show them to God, and he'll say, "Wow, these are good cookies, Jeebus."

And then I'll say something like, "Ya know those were covered with LSD tablets."

Then God will say, "Really?" And I would shout, "Yes, it just goes to show you that you are not omniscient!"

Oh, by the way, I'm atheist.
LOL! :smile:
  • #19
I'm sorry folks but we have expressed before that PF no longer supports the discussion of religion.

FAQ: Is Belief in God Declining Among Intellectuals?

What is the definition of "God"?

The definition of "God" varies among different religions and belief systems. Generally, God is seen as a divine being who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and the creator of the universe.

Is there any scientific evidence for the existence of God?

There is currently no scientific evidence that definitively proves or disproves the existence of a God or higher power. The concept of God is a matter of personal belief and faith, rather than scientific fact.

Can belief in God coexist with belief in science?

Yes, many people hold beliefs in both God and science. While science seeks to explain the natural world through empirical evidence and experimentation, belief in God is often based on faith and spirituality. These two beliefs can coexist and are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Why do some people believe in God while others do not?

Belief in God is a personal and subjective experience. People's beliefs are shaped by a variety of factors, including upbringing, culture, personal experiences, and individual reasoning. There is no one definitive answer to why some people believe in God while others do not.

What role does religion play in belief in God?

Religion is often a major factor in belief in God. Many religious traditions have specific beliefs and practices related to the concept of God, and religious teachings and communities can influence an individual's belief in God. However, belief in God can also exist outside of organized religion.

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