Is Blacklight Power a Revolutionary Energy Source or a Physics Anomaly?

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In summary, a new source of power has been proposed that goes against current physics theories. Some believe it to be a hoax, while others suggest further investigation is needed.
  • #1

Fuel's paradise? Power source that turns physics on its head

· Scientist says device disproves quantum theory
· Opponents claim idea is result of wrong maths

Alok Jha, science correspondent
Friday November 4, 2005
The Guardian

It seems too good to be true: a new source of near-limitless power that costs virtually nothing, uses tiny amounts of water as its fuel and produces next to no waste. If that does not sound radical enough, how about this: the principle behind the source turns modern physics on its head...cont'd


Crackpot alert?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Yes, that is a hoax. The company has been around for a while. Every now and then someone inexplicably does a news story about them and doesn't mention that their patents were actually revoked (unprecidented!) because while they were able to fool one patent official, the hoax was revealed in an investigation. The guy will lay low until people forget he's a hoaxter, then he'll cash in on fresh gullibility and short attention-span every 5-10 years.

We have a thread in S&D about it, so I'm locking this:
  • #3
It's hard to say without more information. The idea certainly sounds like it goes against established physics, so it's natural to be skeptical. However, if there is legitimate research and evidence behind it, it's worth looking into further. The best way to determine if it's a crackpot idea or not would be to read up on the research and see what other scientists in the field are saying about it.

FAQ: Is Blacklight Power a Revolutionary Energy Source or a Physics Anomaly?

1. What is "Blacklight power"?

"Blacklight power" refers to a theoretical form of energy production proposed by the company Blacklight Power Inc. that claims to harness the energy of "hydrino" states of hydrogen atoms. These states of hydrogen are thought to have lower energy levels than the ground state, providing the potential for a new source of abundant and clean energy.

2. Is "Blacklight power" a scientifically accepted concept?

No, the concept of "Blacklight power" is not currently accepted by the scientific community. There is no experimental evidence to support the existence of "hydrino" states of hydrogen, and the claims made by Blacklight Power Inc. have not been replicated or peer-reviewed by independent researchers.

3. How does "Blacklight power" claim to produce energy?

According to Blacklight Power Inc., their energy production process involves a chemical reaction between hydrogen and a catalyst that results in the formation of "hydrino" states of hydrogen. These states release excess energy in the form of light, which can be converted into electricity.

4. What are the potential benefits of "Blacklight power"?

If the claims of Blacklight Power Inc. were true, the potential benefits of "Blacklight power" could include a new, clean, and abundant source of energy that could potentially replace fossil fuels. It could also have significant implications for transportation, as it could potentially power vehicles without the need for traditional fuel sources.

5. Are there any criticisms or controversies surrounding "Blacklight power"?

Yes, there are several criticisms and controversies surrounding "Blacklight power." Some scientists have raised concerns about the lack of evidence and plausibility of the concept, while others have accused Blacklight Power Inc. of making false and misleading claims. Additionally, the company has faced legal battles and skepticism from investors.
