Is Bush's Critique of Bin Laden Just Propaganda?

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In summary: The article discusses how Bush has said that the US is fighting a "war on terror." It also discusses how Bush has said that the US is fighting a "war on terror." The article discusses how Bush has said that the US is fighting a "war on terror."
  • #1
Homework Helper
Do you agree? Quite a statement. In my opinion, nothing but empty propaganda from Bush. The ironic thing is that much of what he says simply reflects on himself.

This article from Japan Times concludes key quotes.

Here are my own favorite highlights taken from the official transcript from For those who missed it. still has a video recording.

Bush on Tyrants
Throughout history, tyrants and would-be tyrants have always claimed that murder is justified to serve their grand vision -- and they end up alienating decent people across the globe.

Bush on Giving Iraq to Bin Laden from Saddam
Would the United States and other free nations be more safe, or less safe, with Zarqawi and bin Laden in control of Iraq, its people, and its resources? Having removed a dictator who hated free peoples, we will not stand by as a new set of killers, dedicated to the destruction of our own country, seizes control of Iraq by violence.
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  • #3
A tyrant is a ruler who uses fear to maintain control. First off, bin laden doesn't rule much, and secondly I think his main technique is fanatical religion, not fear.

Further proving Bush's inability to use english properly
  • #4
I like the first quote. Seriously, I think he was subconsciously describing his own administration...
  • #5
Archon said:
I like the first quote. Seriously, I think he was subconsciously describing his own administration...
Nothing Subconscious about it, nothing at all. {He is!}

How many Americans have died, so far, to Serve GB's Grand Vision of Re-building Iraq?
  • #6
I particularly liked the part where he claimed the US had been 'invaded' in 2001.
  • #7
So he can't count

anti_crank said:
I particularly liked the part where he claimed the US had been 'invaded' in 2001.

Yes well counting is something that...

Attacked yes, invaded? well, he seems to streeeeetch the truth a little to serve political purpose, resource aquisition.

Has anyone seen Bin Laden? is he still "confirmed-Confirmable" as Living?

Who has more Weapons of Mass Destruction available to them, Bin Laden, Or George Bush? so who then is the 'true' terrorist?

"So he can't count" can you?
  • #8
I don't think this is an example of empty propoganda so much as it is Bush not knowing the proper usage of the term "tyrant."
  • #9
loseyourname said:
I don't think this is an example of empty propoganda so much as it is Bush not knowing the proper usage of the term "tyrant."

Then he is an idiot.
  • #10
Burnsys said:
Then he is an idiot.

Not because of that...
  • #11
Burnsys said:
Then he is an idiot.

His lack of language comprehension isn't exactly a new thing. You should have seen the exhibit they had in West Hollywood on Halloween in 2000, just before he was elected the first time. It was a parody of a haunted house, but instead of being attacked by ghouls and goblins, every time you turned a corner, you were besieged by a bevy of W quotations. I really miss going to that Halloween parade every year.
  • #12
It's not surprising he mislabels Bin Laden a tyrant. After all, he spent four years mislabelling himself as a President.
  • #13
First, these extremists want to end American and Western influence in the broader Middle East, because we stand for democracy and peace. ...
... Over the past few decades, radicals have specifically targeted Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan

Wait a minute, Saudi Arabia and pakistan are not democracys, they are US backed DICATORSHIPS! What is he talking about?

Instead of attending faraway training camps, recruits can now access online training libraries to learn how to build a roadside bomb, or fire a rocket-propelled grenade -- and this further spreads the threat of violence, even within peaceful democratic societies.

Internet is dangerouuuusssss.

Like the ideology of communism, our new enemy teaches that innocent individuals can be sacrificed to serve a political vision, And this explains their cold-blooded contempt for human life

is he talking about Colateral Damage?

FAQ: Is Bush's Critique of Bin Laden Just Propaganda?

1. Who is Bin Laden?

Osama Bin Laden was a terrorist leader and founder of the militant group Al-Qaeda. He was responsible for orchestrating numerous attacks against the United States and other countries, including the 9/11 attacks.

2. How does Bush define a "tyrant"?

According to Bush, a tyrant is an oppressive and cruel leader who uses their power to harm and control others without regard for their rights or well-being.

3. What evidence does Bush have to support this claim?

Bush and his administration had gathered intelligence and evidence that linked Bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks, as well as other terrorist activities. Additionally, Bin Laden had publicly declared his support for violence and his desire to harm the United States and its allies.

4. Why does Bush refer to Bin Laden as a tyrant?

Bush and his administration believed that Bin Laden's actions and beliefs aligned with the definition of a tyrant. They saw him as a dangerous and oppressive leader who posed a threat to global security.

5. What was the impact of Bush's statement?

Bush's statement reinforced the view of Bin Laden as a dangerous and ruthless leader, and helped to justify the United States' actions in pursuing and ultimately killing Bin Laden. It also solidified the narrative of the War on Terror and the need to combat terrorist threats.

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