Is color an intrisic property of a substance - even in a dark room?

In summary, there is no inherent property of color in objects. The wavelength of light that is reflected or absorbed is what makes an object red, yellow, green, or blue.
  • #1
Is color an intrinsic property of a substance? I thought that if a red object is in an enclosed space, so that no light gets in, will no longer be red - and what makes the object "red" is that electrons absorb all colors of light and then reemit (reflect) the red light. Therefore, if no light reaches the object, it has no color - but I am probably wrong.
This brings to mind another question or a possible conflicting scenario.
A black object is a good absorber of radiation and an object that is white is a poor absorber of radiation. So, if I put a black coffee mug and a white coffee mug in a room that has no light, and the room is heated with infrared radiation, will the black mug absorb more thermal radiation? Does color ever come into play? Can someone please unravel my confusion?
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  • #2
Color is a property that only exists inside our minds. Not in some sort of metaphysical sense or anything, but really. Each person sees colors a little differently. Different animals will perceive colors in a radically different way.

Instead of color, one should talk about which wavelengths of light are reflected or absorbed. Wavelength is the same to everyone and isn't based on an individuals perception. Light with a wavelength of 450 nanometers will have that wavelength to ALL observers. In this thinking an object doesn't have a color because color doesn't exist. Intead it still has the same properties that it had before which is that it will reflect certain wavelengths of light. Whether there is or isn't light currently reflecting off the object matters not.

The answer to your second question is complicated. While a black object may absorb more VISIBLE light than a white object, it doesn't mean that it absorbs other wavelengths better. It is entirely possible for a black object to completely reflect infrared radiation that a white object would absorb.
  • #3
kjamha said:
Is color an intrinsic property of a substance? I thought that if a red object is in an enclosed space, so that no light gets in, will no longer be red - and what makes the object "red" is that electrons absorb all colors of light and then reemit (reflect) the red light. Therefore, if no light reaches the object, it has no color - but I am probably wrong.

Yes. Otherwise objects would change color depending on how bright a light you shine on them. What makes an object red is the molecular composition of its surface and how it absorbs and reflects different wavelengths of light. Just because an object is in the dark does not mean that its surface properties change.

kjamha said:
This brings to mind another question or a possible conflicting scenario.
A black object is a good absorber of radiation and an object that is white is a poor absorber of radiation. So, if I put a black coffee mug and a white coffee mug in a room that has no light, and the room is heated with infrared radiation, will the black mug absorb more thermal radiation? Does color ever come into play? Can someone please unravel my confusion?

Yes, assuming the black mug is still black and the white mug is still white in the infrared spectrum. For example glass is transparent to visible light but strongly absorbs longer infrared wavelengths. Note that thermal radiation is light, just not in the visible spectrum at everyday temperatures.
  • #4
Drakkith said:
Color is a property that only exists inside our minds. Not in some sort of metaphysical sense or anything, but really. Each person sees colors a little differently. Different animals will perceive colors in a radically different way.
Instead of color, one should talk about which wavelengths of light are reflected or absorbed. Wavelength is the same to everyone and isn't based on an individuals perception. Light with a wavelength of 450 nanometers will have that wavelength to ALL observers. In this thinking an object doesn't have a color because color doesn't exist. Intead it still has the same properties that it had before which is that it will reflect certain wavelengths of light. Whether there is or isn't light currently reflecting off the object matters not.
Well said, the question should be presented in terms of the wavelength of light as opposed to the 'color' of something. The red we experience isn't a property of the light, it is something created by the brain. Birds for example have 4 cones in their eyes, so presumably, their perception of color is very different than ours.

So to answer the question, no, color is not an intrinsic property of anything. The wavelength of light reflected or absorbed by something is the intrinsic property.
  • #5
Excellent and totally cool. I thank you for your clarification. I will now think of color as nothing more than EM waves with certain wavelengths. But drakkith brings up an interesting point when he said

While a black object may absorb more VISIBLE light than a white object, it doesn't mean that it absorbs other wavelengths better

I would think that an object that is a good absorber of all visible light (and would appear black) would also be a good absorber of all EM waves. (I'm guessing I am wrong on this as well). Isn't that what is meant by a blackbody - Which would be a pure black object that absorbs all EM waves?

By the way, where do I find info on attaching quotes from responders?
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  • #6
A common household black trash-bag will absorb most visible light yet it is transparent to infrared light.
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Related to Is color an intrisic property of a substance - even in a dark room?

1. Is color an intrinsic property of a substance?

Yes, color is considered an intrinsic property of a substance. This means that it is a characteristic or quality that is inherent to the substance itself, regardless of external factors.

2. What does it mean for color to be intrinsic?

When we say that color is intrinsic, it means that it is an essential part of the substance and cannot be separated from it. This is in contrast to extrinsic properties, which are dependent on external factors.

3. Can color change in a dark room?

In most cases, no. The color of a substance is typically determined by its chemical composition and structure, which are not affected by the absence of light in a dark room. However, certain substances may exhibit a phenomenon called phosphorescence, where they continue to emit light after being exposed to light and may appear to change color in the dark.

4. How is color perceived in a dark room?

In a completely dark room, our eyes are unable to detect any color as they rely on light to process visual information. However, if there is faint light or our eyes have adjusted to the darkness, we may still perceive some color, although it may appear different than in a well-lit room.

5. Is color an objective or subjective property?

Color is both an objective and subjective property. The color of a substance is objective in the sense that it is determined by its physical properties. However, the way we perceive and interpret colors can be subjective and influenced by individual factors such as culture, personal experiences, and lighting conditions.

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