Is Combining a Heat Engine and Heat Pump a Perpetual Motion Machine?

In summary, a heat engine is combined with a heat pump so that the entire system is an isolated system. The work done by the heat engine is used entirely by the heat pump, which reverses the energy from the work and the energy exhausted to the cold reservoir back to the hot reservoir. Technically, a machine like this is useless (its performing work on itself)...but, while ignoring friction, conduction, or any other unnecessary dissipation of energy, wouldn't this be a perpetual motion machine?
  • #1
A heat engine is combined with a heat pump so that the entire system is an isolated system. In the heat engine, energy shifts from the hot reservoir so that some of it is used for work and the rest is sent to the cold reservoir. The work, however, is used entirely for the heat pump, in which the heat pump reverts the energy from the work and the energy exhausted to the cold reservoir back to the hot reservoir. Technically, a machine like this is useless (its performing work on itself)...but, while ignoring friction, conduction, or any other unnecessary dissipation of energy, wouldn't this be a perpetual motion machine?
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  • #2
Gear300 said:
A heat engine is combined with a heat pump so that the entire system is an isolated system. In the heat engine, energy shifts from the hot reservoir so that some of it is used for work and the rest is sent to the cold reservoir. The work, however, is used entirely for the heat pump, in which the heat pump reverts the energy from the work and the energy exhausted to the cold reservoir back to the hot reservoir. Technically, a machine like this is useless (its performing work on itself)...but, while ignoring friction, conduction, or any other unnecessary dissipation of energy, wouldn't this be a perpetual motion machine?

Gee if you are allowed to ignore things like dissipation of energy or inefficiency, when do you think a spinning top would stop?
  • #3
LowlyPion said:
Gee if you are allowed to ignore things like dissipation of energy or inefficiency, when do you think a spinning top would stop?

Hmmm...true...but altogether, it is as claimed (while ignoring the impracticality of no dissipation or inefficiency)...right?
  • #4
Gear300 said:
Hmmm...true...but altogether, it is as claimed (while ignoring the impracticality of no dissipation or inefficiency)...right?

You could do the same with a superconducting motor and generator with frictionless bearings and sealed in a vacuum. The motor, turning the generator, powering the motor.

If your machine had no losses, then yes, it would run perpetually. But the idea of a perpetual motion machine is usually one where you can get it to run forever, AND extract usable work from it. A machine that spins in the empty void of space without friction is useless. In the case of the motor/generator, if you tap their circuit to a switch and light bulb, as soon as you flip the switch to energize the light, all of the energy of the system quickly radiates away as light and it slows to a halt.
  • #5
I see...thanks for clarifying things.
  • #6
A heat pump is nothing special. It is a thermodynamic device that takes energy in in one form and uses that energy to perform work of some kind (in this case, the work is moving heat energy, not converting heat energy to mechanical energy), with a certain efficiency, just like any other. It is not a violation of the 1st law of thermodynamics as the OP suggests.

Don't confuse a C.O.P of greater than 1 with an efficiency of greater than 1. More energy can be moved around than is being input, but it is the same as moving around a large mass: the larger it is, the less it can be moved with a certain input energy. What that means in a heat pump, is the higher the COP, the lower the delta-T on the output side. So the more efficient the heat pump, the less efficient the heat engine attempting to use that energy. Mathematically, that is easy enough to see: the efficiency equations are inverses of each other.

So the bottom line is that a theoretically perfectly efficient heat pump combined with a perfectly efficient heat engine (both running at Carnot efficiency) would produce exactly as much energy as is put into it. But we all know thermodynamic cycles run nowhere close to 100% efficient...

Perpetual motion machine speculation is a non-starter, always based on a conceptual error. Thread locked.
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FAQ: Is Combining a Heat Engine and Heat Pump a Perpetual Motion Machine?

What is a Perpetual Motion Machine?

A Perpetual Motion Machine is a hypothetical machine that can continue to operate indefinitely without any external energy source.

Is it possible to create a Perpetual Motion Machine?

No, according to the laws of thermodynamics, it is impossible to create a machine that can produce work without an external energy source.

Why do people still try to create Perpetual Motion Machines?

Many people are fascinated by the idea of a machine that can run forever and the potential benefits it could bring. However, the concept of a Perpetual Motion Machine is based on a misunderstanding of the laws of physics.

Have there been any successful Perpetual Motion Machines?

No, despite numerous attempts, there has never been a scientifically proven successful Perpetual Motion Machine. Any machines claiming to be perpetual motion machines have been debunked as frauds or misunderstandings of scientific principles.

What are the potential dangers of pursuing Perpetual Motion Machines?

The pursuit of Perpetual Motion Machines can lead to a waste of time, resources, and funding. It can also mislead the public and harm their understanding of science and technology.
