Is consciousness less than whole?

In summary, the conversation is discussing whether consciousness can be divided into smaller parts that can be counted and attributed to physical entities or if it is an emergent property in the weak sense. It is also mentioned that studies of people with brain damage show that there can be degradation of consciousness. The concept of partial consciousness is also brought up and debated.
  • #1
Loren Booda
If consciousness is divisible, can its parts be counted mathematically, be attributed to individual physical entities, depend upon physical parameters or be considered greater as a whole than separately?
Physics news on
  • #2
Could be emergent in the weak sense. Studies of people with brain damage shows there's a lot of degradation possible.
  • #3
selfAdjoint said:
Could be emergent in the weak sense. Studies of people with brain damage shows there's a lot of degradation possible.

Just curious. Exactly how does a study determine degradation of consciousness? It seems that we can only study brain activity and note the degradations there; which is not the same thing as measuring consciousness. Perhaps we need to sync up our definitions of this word?
  • #4
I don't think that consciousness is divisible. I think we are either conscious or unconscious. One or the other but not partially or 1/4 conscious. We may not be fully aware or we may not be thinking or functioning normally; but, we are still conscious.
How could one be a little bit conscious. We can drift in and out of consciousness like we do with sleep in the mornings; but I can't see how we could be a little bit conscious.

FAQ: Is consciousness less than whole?

What is consciousness?

Consciousness is the state of being aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It is a complex and often debated concept in both philosophy and science.

Is consciousness less than whole?

This question is difficult to answer definitively as the nature of consciousness is still not fully understood. Some scientists and philosophers argue that consciousness is a holistic experience, while others believe it can be broken down into smaller components.

How do scientists study consciousness?

Scientists use various methods to study consciousness, including brain imaging, behavioral experiments, and theoretical models. However, due to its subjective nature, consciousness is a challenging topic to study and there is still much to be discovered.

Can consciousness be measured?

Currently, there is no definitive way to measure consciousness. While brain activity can be observed and certain behaviors can be linked to consciousness, there is no objective measure that can determine the level or quality of consciousness in an individual.

What is the role of consciousness in the brain?

The role of consciousness in the brain is still a topic of debate. Some theories suggest that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain, while others propose that it has a specific function in information processing and decision making. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between consciousness and the brain.

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