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Is Cultural Complexity Driven by Information Technology and Chaos Theory?

In summary, the article explores the relationship between cultural complexity and advancements in information technology, alongside principles from chaos theory. It argues that as technology evolves, it influences cultural dynamics, leading to increased complexity in social interactions and cultural expressions. The application of chaos theory highlights how small changes in technological inputs can result in significant cultural shifts, suggesting that cultural complexity is not just a product of technology but also a reflection of the unpredictable nature of societal changes. The interplay between these factors offers insights into understanding contemporary cultural phenomena.
  • #1
(Not sure this belongs in philosophy, but the only other option seemed to be pseudo-science, and I don't like the sound of that. Before I start, I've got to admit, I�m not especially well-versed in any of the concepts this post concerns... I have only a passing familiarity with Chaos Theory, Information Theory, and so on, so please don�t judge me too harshly for getting things wrong...)I know a lot has already been written attempting to draw connections between Chaos Theory, Information Theory, and the �Post-Modern condition,� but does anyone know if it�s ever been proposed that the increasing �cultural complexity� (take that term how you will) so characteristic of Post-Modern society could be a direct result of historically recent developments in information technology? One implication of Chaos Theory (if I�m getting this right) is that as the energy within a non-linear system increases, the system goes through any number of distinct period-doublings on its way toward chaos. Does it seem completely unreasonable to extend these ideas to the processes that shape the development of human culture? Or let me try to explain what I mean in the plainest language I can muster: Our individual actions and beliefs are at least partly shaped by the actions and beliefs of others (as transmitted through the medium of culture), but at the same time, our own actions and beliefs (as transmitted through the medium of culture) help to shape the actions and beliefs of others. This process creates a kind of feedback loop. We�re all to some degree like cultural transmitters and receivers, with our own output signals eventually contributing back to the input feed. Now we all know what happens when you turn up a radio that�s receiving its own signal: Feedback noise. Haven�t developments like the printing press, radio, television and the internet effectively boosted all the signals? Is it possible that a lot of the intellectual neuroticism that characterizes Post-Modern thought is a result of some kind of information systems feedback noise, as the increased efficiency of information technology heats these systems up?I�m not trying to draw any conclusions myself. I�m just curious to know if any of you have come across any worthwhile discussions along these lines. Thanks!"how do we know but that every bird that cuts the airy way is an infinite world of delight closed by our senses five?" --W. Blake
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  • #2
You can try finding material on thermodynamic approaches to development of economic theories --- this was (still is?) popular 20-30 years ago --- but, not regarded as particularly apt an analog of "true" economics. This isn't quite as unrelated as you probably think at first glance --- you're interested in applying developed physical models to human behaviors --- if you can put your hands on some of this previous material, you might find justifications used at that time for applying such analogies. Might help you with your ideas, speculations, trains of thought.
  • #3
Sputnik, neat. I have had similar thoughts regarding what you've called 'cultural complexity'. Hell, I think it's already getting pretty noisy these days. Would the on-going boostings naturaly increase in frequency/decrease in duration?Oh, wait . . . hold on, I'll think of something cute . . .-Memeivorrhea dyscoursus-
  • #4
quote:Originally posted by picklehead:Sputnik, neat. I have had similar thoughts regarding what you've called 'cultural complexity'. Hell, I think it's already getting pretty noisy these days. Would the on-going boostings naturaly increase in frequency/decrease in duration?Thanks for the suggestions bystander (I'll have to follow up on the economic theory stuff)!As for the question about frequency/duration, I'm not really sure (like I said, I'm no expert on these subjects). I think so (which could explain the almost daily appearance and dissolution of new subcultures and other cultural trends, if that's what you're getting at). From what I know about Chaos Theory (which really isn't much), a system in a chaotic state goes through a process of bifurcation, where patterns of turbulence break up into similar patterns of turbulence across all levels of scale... Fractal self-similarity is one result of this process of bifurcation, which in terms of human culture might correspond to an increased tendency toward cultural self-consciousness (i.e., books that refer to themselves as books; news stories about the effects of news stories; parodies; meta-meta-meta, etc.). Basically, as I understand it, when a non-linear system goes chaotic, it just becomes increasingly non-linear, with little whorls and eddies of non-linearity springing up everywhere. The effects on human culture might be very much like what we see today--academic and intellectual disciplines, for instance, becoming increasingly specialized and self-absorbed. The popularity of daytime talk shows and reality television all point to the fact that ours is an extremely self-conscious and self-absorbed culture. And maybe all these effects have their common cause in an overheating cultural feedback loop... But I'm sure somebody's already explored these ideas at greater length, and I'd really like to know more about those discussions if anyone can steer me in the right direction..."how do we know but that every bird that cuts the airy way is an infinite world of delight closed by our senses five?" --W. Blake

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