Is curved space cancelled between two massive bodies?

In summary, the effects of gravitational attraction and time dilation are both related to the mass of the stars.
  • #1
Gold Member
Considering two equally massive stars stationed at some small distance from each other, would a clock stationed between the two stars equadistance from both tick more slowly due to the proximity to the massive stars, or would the effective cancellation of the gravitational attraction also cancel the time dilation? Or another way to ask this: Is time dilation related to the total gravity of both stars or to the apparent lack of gravity because of equal but opposite pull of each mass?
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  • #2
Well, the weak field metric is given by:


Where [itex]\phi[/itex] is the Newtonian potential. Since the potentials between the masses add, so does time dilation.
  • #3
There's only 1 sign in the curvature, so you can't actually "cancel curvature" like maybe you could if you had some kind of a geometric theory with 2 different mass charges. You can think of it more like "curved in such a way that that there is a straight-line geodesic which must remain equidistant from the two stars at all times".

If that makes sense.
  • #4
No, I'm afraid it doesn't. The curvature tensor in empty space has 10 components and each of these can either be positive or negative. And while it's true that mass is always positive, curvature components resulting from one source can certainly cancel ones from another.

The two effects mentioned in the OP, time dilation and gravitational 'pull', do not arise from the curvature anyway.
  • #5
There is only one case I know of where curvature can be canceled in a finite region in GR. That is the case of spherical shell of matter in an otherwise empty universe. Inside the shell, the metric is a flat Minkowski metric.
  • #6
Buckethead said:
Considering two equally massive stars stationed at some small distance from each other, would a clock stationed between the two stars equidistant from both tick more slowly due to the proximity to the massive stars, or would the effective cancellation of the gravitational attraction also cancel the time dilation?
More slowly compared to what?
  • #7
Bill_K said:
No, I'm afraid it doesn't. The curvature tensor in empty space has 10 components and each of these can either be positive or negative. And while it's true that mass is always positive, curvature components resulting from one source can certainly cancel ones from another.

The two effects mentioned in the OP, time dilation and gravitational 'pull', do not arise from the curvature anyway.

Guess I should have thought about it more, whoops.

Related to Is curved space cancelled between two massive bodies?

1. What is "curved space" and how does it relate to massive bodies?

"Curved space" refers to the concept of space being distorted by the presence of massive bodies. This distortion is known as gravity and is responsible for the bending of light and the movement of objects in space.

2. Is curved space cancelled between two massive bodies?

No, curved space is not cancelled between two massive bodies. In fact, the closer two massive bodies are to each other, the stronger the gravitational pull and the greater the curvature of space.

3. How does curved space affect the motion of objects?

Curved space affects the motion of objects by causing them to follow curved paths, rather than straight lines. This is because objects are constantly being pulled towards the center of gravity, which is the source of the curvature in space.

4. Are there any exceptions to curved space between two massive bodies?

There are no exceptions to curved space between two massive bodies. However, the level of curvature may vary depending on the mass and distance between the two bodies.

5. How does Einstein's theory of general relativity explain curved space between two massive bodies?

Einstein's theory of general relativity states that matter and energy can cause curvature in space, which is what we perceive as gravity. This means that the presence of massive bodies causes a distortion in space, leading to the phenomenon of curved space.
