Is Dividing an Irrational Number by a Rational Number Always Irrational?

In summary: Therefore, when an irrational number is divided by a nonzero rational number, the resulting number must be irrational. In summary, the problem at hand is to prove that when an irrational number is divided by a nonzero rational number, the resulting number is irrational. This can be done by assuming the contrary and using the fact that any rational number divided by a nonzero rational number results in a rational number, which leads to a contradiction. Therefore, the resulting number must be irrational.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"Prove that when an irrational number is divided by a nonzero rational number, the resulting number is irrational"

The Attempt at a Solution

By contradiction: Prove that when an irrational number is divided by a nonzero rational number, the resulting number is rational.

a is an irrational number
b is a rational number
c is a rational number

b=d/e, c=f/g, where d,e,f,g are in Z.

b divides a: equivalent to a=bx, where x is in Z.

a=bx=dx/e, so ae=dx

can't seem to get any further than this... also, more importantly, having a hard time figuring out just what result I want from all of this.
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  • #2
I think I may have figured this out...

I am going to restate the problem, using different variables, to hopefully make my attempt at the solution a bit clearer.

Prove that when an irrational number is divided by a nonzero rational number, the resulting number is irrational.


Assume, to the contrary, that there exists an irrational number x and a nonzero rational number y, such that ylx is rational.

1. y=a/b, where a,b are in Z.
2. ylx: equivalent to x=yk, for some k in Z.

3. x=yk=ak/b

Conclusion: Since ak and b are integers, it follows that x is rational. But this contradicts our original assumption.

Related to Is Dividing an Irrational Number by a Rational Number Always Irrational?

1. What is "Proof by Contradiction"?

"Proof by Contradiction" is a mathematical method used to prove that a statement or proposition is true by assuming its opposite is true and showing that this leads to a contradiction.

2. How does "Proof by Contradiction" work?

In "Proof by Contradiction", we start by assuming the opposite of the statement we are trying to prove. Then, we use logical reasoning and mathematical principles to show that this assumption leads to a contradiction. This contradiction proves that the original statement must be true.

3. What is the difference between "Proof by Contradiction" and other proof methods?

"Proof by Contradiction" is one of several methods used in mathematics to prove the validity of a statement. What sets it apart is that it starts by assuming the opposite of the statement, while other methods may start with known facts or use direct reasoning.

4. When is "Proof by Contradiction" used?

"Proof by Contradiction" is typically used to prove statements that are difficult to prove directly or when other proof methods are not applicable. It is also commonly used in fields such as logic and computer science to prove theorems.

5. What are the limitations of "Proof by Contradiction"?

While "Proof by Contradiction" can be a powerful method, it is not always applicable or the most efficient approach. It also requires careful reasoning and logical steps to ensure that the contradiction is valid and the original statement is actually proven.
