Is Drinking Water Immediately After Being in the Hot Sun Dangerous?

  • Medical
  • Thread starter rohanprabhu
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the myth of not drinking water immediately after being in the sun, with the explanation being that the body needs to cool down before consuming water. The speaker questions the validity of this myth and asks about any potential health hazards. Another person chimes in with their own theory about the hypothalamus' role in regulating body temperature. However, the general consensus is that drinking water when thirsty is important to avoid dehydration, and waiting too long can be life-threatening. The conversation ends with a humorous remark about moms and the potential for "brain freeze" from drinking cold water too quickly.
  • #1
I read this article today:

And although i wasn't told a majority of those lies.. one thing I have been constantly told is that I shouldn't drink water immediately after coming home after being in the hot sun. The explanation has been that 'my body needs to cool down' before I gulp down water.

I have never been able to see any apparent reason behind this. Is this a myth? If not, what are the health hazards that can be caused by this?
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  • #2
The only thing that I can think of is that guzzling ice-cold liquid might mess up your hypothalamus' thermostat function and prevent you from cooling properly. That's just a guess, though; I'm no expert.
  • #3
If you're thirsty...DRINK WATER. :biggrin: If you're getting very dehydrated already, you should sip slowly, not gulp, so you don't end up just vomiting it back up. But certainly don't wait, you're only going to get more dehydrated the longer you wait, and that can be life threatening.
  • #4
Because I'm the Mom, and I said so! Got to love Moms.
  • #5
rohanprabhu said:
... one thing I have been constantly told is that I shouldn't drink water immediately after coming home after being in the hot sun. The explanation has been that 'my body needs to cool down' before I gulp down water.

I have never been able to see any apparent reason behind this. Is this a myth? If not, what are the health hazards that can be caused by this?

You'll get "brain freeze"! :smile:


FAQ: Is Drinking Water Immediately After Being in the Hot Sun Dangerous?

What is "Busting another Mom-ism"?

"Busting another Mom-ism" refers to the act of debunking or disproving common sayings or beliefs that are often passed down from mothers to their children.

Why is it important to bust Mom-isms?

Busting Mom-isms allows for critical thinking and encourages individuals to question the validity of commonly held beliefs. It also promotes the use of evidence-based reasoning and can lead to a better understanding of the world around us.

Can Mom-isms be based on factual information?

Yes, some Mom-isms may have a basis in truth or be based on personal experiences. However, it is important to critically evaluate any information and not blindly accept it as fact.

How can we effectively bust Mom-isms?

To effectively bust Mom-isms, it is important to gather and analyze evidence, consider alternative perspectives, and use critical thinking skills. It can also be helpful to seek out information from reliable sources and engage in open-minded discussions.

What are some common examples of Mom-isms?

Some common examples of Mom-isms include "you'll catch a cold if you go outside with wet hair," "carrots improve your eyesight," and "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." However, there are countless other sayings that may fall under the category of Mom-isms.

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