Is E Always Greater Than V(x) in the Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation?

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In summary, The proof shows that for every normalizable solution to the time-independent Schrodinger equation, the energy E must be greater than the minimum value of the potential V(x). This can be considered the classical analog of the statement, and it only holds because the TISE is a linear equation.
  • #1
I'm looking for feedback on my answer to the following question (if my proof has holes in it, etc.) In particular, I've tacitly assumed that ψ is real. Does this extend naturally to complex ψ? Or don't I have to worry about that?

Problem 2.2 from Griffiths' Intro to QM:

Show that E must exceed the minimum value of V(x) for every normalizable solution to the time-independent Schrodinger equation. What is the classical analog to this statement? Hint: Rewrite Equation 2.4 in the form
[tex]\frac{d^2\psi}{dx^2} = \frac{2m}{\hbar^2} [V(x) - E]\psi;[/tex]
if [itex]E < V_\text{min}[/itex], then ψ and its second derviative always have the same sign—argue that such a function cannot be normalized.

My attempt:
Assume both [itex]E < V_\text{min}[/itex] and ψ is normalizable. Then, as stated in the question, ψ and [itex]\frac{d^2\psi}{dx^2}[/itex] always have the same sign. Moreover, normalizability requires that
[tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \psi = 0
\qquad \text{and} \qquad
\lim_{x \rightarrow -\infty} \psi = 0.[/tex]
ψ cannot be zero everywhere (which is not normalizable), and must therefore either have a non-zero global maximum or a non-zero global minimum (or both). Moreover, since ψ asymptotes to zero at both ends, we can say that ψ must have either a positive global maximum, or a negative global minimum (or both).

Suppose ψ has a positive global maximum at [itex]x=x_\text{max}[/itex] . Then [itex]\psi(x_\text{max})[/itex] is positive, and because [itex]E<V_\text{min}[/itex], so is [itex]\frac{d^2}{dx^2}\psi(x_\text{max})[/itex]. But [itex]\frac{d^2}{dx^2}\psi(x_\text{max})[/itex] must be negative, since it is a local (as well as a global) maximum. Contradiction.

Similarly (by exchanging all ‘maximum’s with ‘minimum’s and all ‘positive’s with ‘negative’s), ψ cannot have a negative global minimum. This contradiction allows us to say that if [itex]E<V_\text{min}[/itex], then ψ is not normalizable. QED
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  • #2
The proof automatically generalizes to complex ψ because the real and complex parts of the wave function must separately go to zero at ±∞ while satisfying the condition of signs you talk about so well separately.So it should hold.An interesting thing to note probably is that this is true only because the TISE is linear.

FAQ: Is E Always Greater Than V(x) in the Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation?

1. What is the TISE equation?

The TISE equation, or the Time Independent Schrödinger Equation, is a mathematical equation used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of a quantum system in terms of its wave function.

2. What does E > V(x) mean in TISE?

In TISE, E represents the total energy of the system and V(x) represents the potential energy at a given position x. E > V(x) means that the total energy of the system is greater than the potential energy at that position, indicating that the particle has enough energy to exist at that position.

3. How is E > V(x) proved in TISE?

The proof of E > V(x) in TISE involves solving the TISE equation for a given potential function and determining the values of the wave function and the energy of the system. If the energy is greater than the potential energy at a given position, then E > V(x) is proven.

4. Why is E > V(x) important in TISE?

E > V(x) is important in TISE because it indicates that the system has enough energy to exist at a given position, and thus the wave function of the particle does not approach zero at that position. This is a key concept in understanding the behavior of quantum systems.

5. Are there any exceptions to E > V(x) in TISE?

Yes, there are exceptions to E > V(x) in TISE. For example, in a bound state where the particle is confined to a certain region, the potential energy may be greater than the total energy of the system. Additionally, in a tunneling scenario, the particle may have a lower energy than the potential energy at a certain position. However, in general, E > V(x) holds true in most cases in TISE.

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