Is Every Element of n-Torus DeRham Cohomology Independent?

  • Thread starter Sina
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the verification of a computation for the m-th cohomology group of an n-torus with coordinates θi. The speaker shows that each [dθi_1 \wedgedθi_2 ... \wedge dθi_m] is an independent element of the deRham cohomology and wants to use a dimension argument to finish the proof. They mention using the lattice quotient model of the Torus to show that each n-torus is a CW-complex and compute its homology groups. They also discuss the relationship between cellular and normal homology groups and mention the use of the Kunneth formula.
  • #1

I want to ask for a verification of something I did. Let's say I want to compute the m-th cohomology group of the n-torus with coordinates θi. Suppose that I have shown each [dθi_1 [itex]\wedge[/itex]dθi_2 ... [itex]\wedge[/itex] dθi_m] is an independent element of this deRham cohomology (it can be shown by some integration over m-toruses that reside in the n-torus that these are closed but not exact differential forms whose differences are not exact). In particular its dimension is then atleast C(n,m)

Now to finish I have to show that this is all. I want to a dimension argument here. In the lattice quotient model of the Torus it is easy to show that each n-torus is a CW-complex with 1 0-cell, n 1-cells, C(n,m) m-cells. Then one can compute the homology groups and dimension of its mth homology group is C(n,m) then dimension of the mth cohomology group is also m (I know the computation of homology groups for T2 is easy I assume Tn is the similiar). In fact you don't need to compute the homology groups. Since each chain Cm has dimension C(n,m) then the homology group can have at most that dimension which is more than enough for me.

Now we now that for simplical complices Hm(X) = Hm(Xk) for k>m. In particular here we have that Xn is the Torus itself so that cellular homology and normal homology groups can be identifies (this is the first part I am not sure). Then normal homology group is isomorphic to simplical homology groups and there fore each have the same dimension. Now simplical cohomology groups of simplical complexes are isomorphic to deRham cohomology. Thus basically m-th deRham cohomology group has the same dimension as the mth cohomology of the n-torus which is C(n,m) therefore completing the proof.

Right? :p
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  • #2
edit: finally manged to tex
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  • #3
I meant " then dimension of the mth cohomology group is also C(n,m)" not m
  • #4
i have read this a couple of times am am not sure what you are asking.

For instance why are you not using the Kunneth formula with the reals as the coefficient group?
  • #5


Thank you for sharing your work on the deRham cohomology of the n-torus. Your approach seems reasonable and your use of the lattice quotient model of the Torus is a clever way to compute the homology and cohomology groups. However, I would suggest being more explicit in your explanation of how you are using the lattice quotient model and how it relates to the deRham cohomology. Additionally, I would also suggest including some references or sources that support your claim that the normal homology group is isomorphic to the simplicial homology group in this case. Overall, your approach seems sound and your use of dimension arguments is appropriate. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Is Every Element of n-Torus DeRham Cohomology Independent?

What is DeRham Cohomology?

DeRham Cohomology is a mathematical concept that studies the topological properties of a manifold by assigning algebraic invariants to it. It is a tool used in the field of algebraic topology to understand the structure and behavior of spaces.

What is an n-torus?

An n-torus is a topological space that can be defined as a Cartesian product of n circles. It is a higher-dimensional generalization of the 2-dimensional torus, also known as the surface of a donut.

How is DeRham Cohomology used to study n-tori?

DeRham Cohomology of an n-torus is a powerful tool that helps to understand the topological properties of the n-torus. It assigns a cohomology group to the n-torus, which is a measure of the number of "holes" or "handles" in the space. This information is useful in distinguishing different types of n-tori and understanding their topological properties.

What are the applications of DeRham Cohomology of n-tori?

DeRham Cohomology has various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. It is used to study the topology of manifolds in algebraic topology, to analyze the behavior of differential equations in mathematical physics, and to understand the properties of electrical networks in engineering.

How is DeRham Cohomology related to other cohomology theories?

DeRham Cohomology is a special case of a more general concept called sheaf cohomology. It is also closely related to singular cohomology, which is another cohomology theory used in algebraic topology. However, DeRham Cohomology has the advantage of being computationally tractable and often provides more intuitive results for certain spaces like n-tori.

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