Is Every Group Isomorphic to a Subgroup of GLn(R)?

  • Thread starter copper-head
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In summary: Let G be the subgroup of S_n that consists of all the elements of G that leave the basis unchanged. This is clearly a proper subgroup, because the only way an element of G can leave the basis unchanged is if it's the identity element of G. Since G is a proper subgroup, GLn(R) is isomorphic to S_n.
  • #1
My book offers this statement with no proof, i have been searching in other books with no luck !
I'm beginning to question whether or not the statement is valid at all !
Here it goes:
"Every group G of order n is isomorphic to a subgroup of GLn(R)"
Could someone please help me out with this?
I'd greatly appreciate it.
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  • #2
Try showing that S_n, the symmetric group on n letters, is isomorphic to a subgroup of GL_n(R). By Cayley's theorem, this will be enough. And like the proof of Cayley's theorem, try to use group actions to prove the assertion.
  • #3
Alright, that was a brilliant way of approaching it!
Thank you for clearing my path a bit!
However I'm afraid that i am not familiar at all with group actions! As for the Cayley theorem proof, i built the isomorphism between two groups using F(x) = ax where a is an element of my random group g and then took it from here.
Could anyone explain the concept of group actions a bit more?How does it relate to my question?
  • #4
Group actions are nifty. I highly recommend you look into them.

For example, here's how one can prove Cayley's theorem using them. Suppose you have a finite group G of n elements. Let G act on itself by left translation, i.e. g(h) -> gh. This induces a homomorphism from G into S_n, whose kernel is {g in G : h=g(h)=gh for all h in G} = {e}, and thus G =~ G/{e} <= S_n. [Note that the homomorphism induced by the action is precisely the F you defined!]

Now here's how we could approach your problem. Let G be a group of n elements, now considered as a subgroup of S_n. Let {v_1, ..., v_n} be a fixed basis for R^n. Each element of G acts on this basis by permuting the indices. But there is also a corresponding matrix in GLn(R) that "does the same thing", namely the one whose rows are the basis vectors permuted accordingly. This gives us something we can use to get an imbedding of S_n into GLn(R).

Here's some reading:
  • #5
Ditto morphism. For a really nice introduction try Neumann, Stoy, and Thompson, Groups and Geometry, Oxford University Press, 1994.
  • #6
That is totally awesome.
They actually had a copy of the book at the library!
The problem now became very easy.

FAQ: Is Every Group Isomorphic to a Subgroup of GLn(R)?

1. What is isomorphism with GLn(R)?

Isomorphism with GLn(R) refers to a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between two groups, GLn(R) and GLm(R). Specifically, it describes a structure-preserving map between these two groups that preserves their algebraic properties.

2. How is isomorphism with GLn(R) used in mathematics?

Isomorphism with GLn(R) is used in various areas of mathematics, including group theory, linear algebra, and representation theory. It helps in understanding the structure and properties of these groups, and in studying their relationships with other mathematical objects.

3. What are the applications of isomorphism with GLn(R) in other fields?

Isomorphism with GLn(R) has applications in many fields, including physics, computer science, and cryptography. In physics, it is used to study symmetry and conservation laws, while in computer science, it is used in data compression and error correction algorithms. In cryptography, it is used to generate secure encryption schemes.

4. How is isomorphism with GLn(R) related to other mathematical concepts?

Isomorphism with GLn(R) is closely related to other mathematical concepts, such as homomorphism, automorphism, and bijection. Homomorphisms are structure-preserving maps between groups, while automorphisms are isomorphisms from a group to itself. Bijections are one-to-one and onto functions that preserve algebraic structures.

5. Are there any limitations to isomorphism with GLn(R)?

Yes, there are some limitations to isomorphism with GLn(R). For example, it only applies to finite-dimensional vector spaces over a field, and cannot be extended to infinite-dimensional vector spaces. Additionally, there may be cases where two groups are isomorphic, but the isomorphism between them is not explicitly known.

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