Is every group of order 36 solvable?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, a solvable group is a group where there exists a sequence of normal subgroups with abelian quotient groups. Not every group of order 36 is solvable, as its order must be a product of prime numbers with powers less than 5. A non-abelian group of order 36 cannot be solvable as it does not have abelian quotient groups. While some groups of order 36 may be solvable, there are also groups of order 36 that are not solvable. A group of order 36 cannot be both simple and solvable, as a simple group does not have non-trivial normal subgroups.
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
Here's this week's problem!


: Show that all groups of order 36 are solvable.


Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
This week's problem was correctly answered by Deveno. You can find his solution below.

[sp]I shall use certain results without proof.

Firstly, if $N$ is a normal subgroup of $G$, then $G$ is solvable if and only if $N$ and $G/N$ are both solvable.

First, we look at the Sylow 3-subgroup(s) of $G$. By the Sylow theorems, there can only be 1 or 4 such subgroups (since only 1 and 4 are congruent to 1 mod 3 and divide 12).

Case 1: the Sylow 3-subgroup is normal. In this case, we take $N$ to be this subgroup, and since $G/N$ has order 4, it is abelian, thus solvable. Since $N$ has order 9 = 3*3, it is a group of order $p^2$ for $p = 3$, and thus likewise abelian (this can be shown by showing if $N$ is not cyclic, then $Z(N)$ being non-trivial (every $p$-group has a non-trivial center) must have order $p$ or $p^2$...the first possibility leads to $N/Z(N)$ cyclic, which implies $N$ abelian, the second says $N$ is already abelian).

Case 2: we have 4 Sylow 3-subgroups. Suppose that 2 of them are $H$ and $K$. Now $|H \cap K|$ must be 3, since if $|H \cap K| = 1$ we have:

$|HK| = 81 > 36$, which is impossible, since $HK \subseteq G$.

Now $|H|,|K| = 9$ so we know that $H$ and $K$ (see above) are abelian, thus $H \cap K$ is normal in $H$ and $K$. This implies that $N(H \cap K)$ contains both $H$ and $K$ so $|N(H \cap K)| =$ 18 or 36.

Case 2a: $|N(H \cap K)| = 36$. Here, we see that $H \cap K$ is normal in $G$, so we may take $N = H \cap K$, and thus $N$ is clearly solvable, being cyclic. Thus we are left with showing that $G/N$ of order 12 is solvable. We proceed as before, since $G/N$ has either 1 or 4 Sylow 3-subgroups. If it has just one, then we have a normal subgroup of order 3, and the factor group is of order 4, and these are both abelian. So, without loss of generality, we may assume $G/N$ has 4 Sylow 3-subgroups. These subgroups must have trivial intersection, giving us 8 elements of order 3. This leaves room for just one Sylow 2-subgroup (of order 4), which is consequently normal. Thus, we have a normal subgroup of order 4, which is abelian, and thus solvable, while the factor group has order 3, which is then also solvable (it is cyclic).

Case 2b: $|N(H \cap K)| = 18$. In this case, we may take $N = N(H\cap K)$ since it is of index 2 in $G$. Now, $G/N$ is cyclic of order 2 (thus solvable), so we must show in this case that a group of order 18 is solvable. In this case, we see that the order of a Sylow 3-subgroup is 9, and there can only be 1 such subgroup, since no positive integer of the form 1+3k divides 6 except 1. As this subgroup is normal with index 2, we see both it and the factor group are both abelian, which concludes our argument.

(Note: it should be possible to generalize this somewhat to show that any group of order $p^2q^2$ is solvable).[/sp]

FAQ: Is every group of order 36 solvable?

What does it mean for a group to be solvable?

For a group to be solvable, it means that there exists a sequence of subgroups starting from the identity element and ending at the entire group, where each subgroup is a normal subgroup of the next, and the quotient groups are all abelian.

Is every group of order 36 solvable?

No, not every group of order 36 is solvable. For a group to be solvable, its order must be a product of prime numbers and the power of each prime factor must be less than 5. Since 36 is not a product of primes and the power of 2 is greater than 5, there exist groups of order 36 that are not solvable.

Can a non-abelian group of order 36 be solvable?

No, a non-abelian group of order 36 cannot be solvable. In a solvable group, the quotient groups must all be abelian. However, a non-abelian group does not have abelian quotient groups, therefore it cannot be solvable.

Are all groups of order 36 solvable?

No, not all groups of order 36 are solvable. While some groups of order 36 may be solvable, there are also groups of order 36 that are not solvable, such as the non-abelian group of order 36.

Can a group of order 36 be simple and solvable?

No, a group of order 36 cannot be both simple and solvable. A simple group does not have any non-trivial normal subgroups, which is a requirement for a group to be solvable. Therefore, a group of order 36 cannot be both simple and solvable.
