Is Everything in the Universe Made of Wavelengths?

In summary, the conversation was about the speaker's fascination with the creation of the universe and their own theories about it. They are seeking advice and information on how to research and understand their ideas. However, they are advised to learn the basics of physics before theorizing and provided with a resource for getting started. The conversation ends with the understanding that no further discussion is needed.
  • #1
Hi guys, just a quick post about the big bang theory and other possible theories. I am by far no scientist, nor do I work in a scientific environment. I am simply amazed by the creation of the universe and sadly think about it on a regular basis. One thing I could not understand was how all the mass in the universe had always existed and it was this lack of understanding that made my mind work overtime and think of my own possible theory. I am now at a point in my life where I would like to start reasearching and attempting to understand it. I am only 29 and hope this idea will give me something to do when i retire.

I have a few ideas of my own and would not know where to start looking for evidence to support or disprove my ideas. The main problem with my ideas is that i don't understand them I will also find it difficult trying to explain it. Basic thought towards the theory are as follows:

Everything that exists is a form of wavelength
All particles are made from wavelengths
Mass is not a solid state but a variation of one wavelength to another
"Mass" can be created
A wave length can travel at the speed of light through space
A sound wave can travel through space and it would be at the speed of light
The most common element found in the universe might have the lowest atomic structure
Everything started from one basic form of wavelength at a central point of the universe

If anyone could inform me of research that might have been done and where to find that information or give me there opinion on this or there ideas.

Many Thanks

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  • #2
An intro-level physics text would correct many of your errant notions. You don't even need any recent research.
  • #3
Start from the basics and go out and actually learn physics before you start theorizing. And that is not meant to be an insult, it's what you actually need to do. You're throwing out vague statements using words that don't have any business being put in the same sentence. Saying the "wave length can travel" doesn't make sense. It's like looking at a hot cup of water and saying that the temperature travels. The temperature is a quantity that describes the water. The water itself is the only thing that can actually travel.

Also, sound waves do not travel through space. Sound is simply variations in air pressure traveling as a wave. It requires a medium. Space basically is empty, sound can't travel through it.Though you are correct that the most common element (Hydrogen) has the simplest atomic structure. The rest is just... words thrown together.
  • #5
Those were excellent suggestions for getting started, and probably all that needs to be said. I think this is a good place to stop.

FAQ: Is Everything in the Universe Made of Wavelengths?

What is the big bang theory?

The big bang theory is a scientific model that explains the origins of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, and has been expanding and cooling ever since.

What evidence supports the big bang theory?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the big bang theory, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of light elements in the universe, and the redshift of galaxies. These observations are consistent with the predictions of the theory and provide strong evidence for its validity.

How does the big bang theory explain the formation of the universe?

The big bang theory proposes that the universe began as a singularity, and then underwent a rapid expansion known as inflation. This expansion caused matter and energy to spread out and eventually form galaxies, stars, and planets. Over billions of years, these structures continued to evolve and form the universe as we know it today.

Is the big bang theory proven?

The big bang theory is the most widely accepted scientific explanation for the origins of the universe. While it is not possible to prove with absolute certainty, the theory is supported by a vast amount of evidence and is considered the most accurate model we have for the formation of the universe.

Are there any alternative theories to the big bang?

There are several alternative theories to the big bang, such as the steady state theory and the oscillating universe theory. However, these theories have been largely discredited due to lack of evidence and inconsistencies with observations. The big bang theory remains the most widely accepted and supported explanation for the origins of the universe.

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