Is Evo Child an Exemplary Reader? Congratulations on the Latest Assessment!

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary, the Evo child has been rated exemplary in the latest reading assessment. They will be taking her to Disney World as a reward.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Congratulations Evo Child!

I received notification today from the Kansas Educational Assessment Program (yes, the Kansas Board of Education is considering ID as a scientific alternative to evolution, :eek: :bugeye:).

Anyway, I wanted to tell her how proud I am that she was rated "EXEMPLARY" in the latest assessment which was in reading. Exemplary is the highest rating.

Exemplary: Understanding and application of knowledge and skills are consistently observed across a diverse set of complex and non-routine problem situations. Command of concepts and integration of information is all but automatic. Work is superior and thinking is efficient, but comprehensive and reasoned. Consistency and flexibility characterize access to and appropriate use of information. Performance is unquestionably at the highest level.


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  • #2
Hooray! Hooray!
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  • #3
BicycleTree said:
Hooray! Hooray!
Thank you BT!

As her mom, I am hoping everyone will chime in so that I can properly embarrass her when I send her here. I can hear her now - "mommy! Why did you do that?!? "

ah, there are so few real pleasures in life. :-p
  • #4
Evo said:
Thank you BT!

As her mom, I am hoping everyone will chime in so that I can properly embarrass her when I send her here. I can hear her now - "mommy! Why did you do that?!? "

ah, there are so few real pleasures in life. :-p

Well, in that case...



  • #5
Evo said:
I received notification today from the Kansas Educational Assessment Program (yes, the Kansas Board of Education is considering ID as a scientific alternative to evolution, :eek: :bugeye:).

Anyway, I wanted to tell her how proud I am that she was rated "EXEMPLARY" in the latest assessment which was in reading. Exemplary is the highest rating.

CONGRATULATIONS! You must be very proud (not that you aren't already).

As a reward, you have to take her to... oh... I don't know... Disney World? :)

  • #6
Congratulations Child of EVO, course you clearly have very good jeans.
  • #7
ZapperZ said:
CONGRATULATIONS! You must be very proud (not that you aren't already).

As a reward, you have to take her to... oh... I don't know... Disney World? :)

She's never been, I guess we need to go. :approve:
  • #8

Disney World at Christmas time perhaps.
  • #9
Good stuff..

  • #10
Evo child: I'd like to extend my sincerest CONGRATULATIONS for rising to the top, being the creme de la creme, the cat's meow and the bees knees. Exemplary? EXAMPLARY?? That is FANTASTIC! OUTSTANDING! And in Kansas no less, where education isn't always the straightest course, yet you found your way through to TOP HONORS!

You keep on doing what you're doing, Evo child, you're one bright blazing star!
  • #11
Congrats to the Child of Evo! Woo hoo! Hooray! And Yippee!
  • #12
  • #13
Way to go, child of Evo. You done your ma'ma proud, you did.

errr sorry I just got off the phone with someone from Tennessee
  • #14
Congrats Evo Child *nudges chin with knuckles* and same to you Evo, it's very gratifying to see one's children succeed :approve: .

Evo, do you have one of those bumper stickers that says "My child is an Exemplary Reader in the Kansas Educational Assessment Program" :biggrin: ?
  • #15
DocToxyn said:
Evo, do you have one of those bumper stickers that says "My child is an Exemplary Reader in the Kansas Educational Assessment Program" :biggrin: ?
No, although I understand that even the "advanced" level requires completion of the book "Go, Dog. Go!" in less than an hour. So this is pretty awesome. :biggrin:


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  • #16
I must say she has received national honors in science and some recognition in math, which is unusual (she hates math).

Also, my older daughter graduated from high school with a 4.0 gpa. (I didn't forget you sweetheart :smile: )

Considering the 6 cross country moves we made and an ugly divorce and custody battle, these kids came out ok. I had nothing to do with it.
  • #17
Congratulatons Evo child

Don't hate math though...

I spelled congaulations wrong again didn't I? :frown:
  • #18
Congratulation Evo Child!
  • #19
Yaaaaaaaay Evo child!
:approve: :approve: :approve: Great job.
:approve: :approve: :approve:
  • #20
Evo said:
Considering the 6 cross country moves we made and an ugly divorce and custody battle, these kids came out ok. I had nothing to do with it.
Certainly the Evo daughters are quite accomplished - but they do have a great mom, who did have a lot to do with it. :approve: :smile:
  • #21
Astronuc said:
Certainly the Evo daughters are quite accomplished - but they do have a great mom, who did have a lot to do with it. :approve: :smile:
I'll have to agree with Astronuc here.
  • #22
This must be a time for celebration, the EVO child must take after her mom,
brains and beauty, watch out world.
  • #23
Congratulations CHILD OF EVO!

I, and the other zoobies, are going to do a zoobie happy dance in your honor.

Keep up the good work!
  • #24
Congrats to Evo and children! :biggrin: Too bad they don't give percentages- you can make a smiley face with the 0's in 100%. :smile:
  • #25
Congratulation to Child of Evo!
And so to u, EVO, congrats!

WIll u show ur child about this website that so many people giving congrats? :)
  • #26
congrats to Evo and her child

  • #27
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  • #28
Congratulations, Evo Child: exceptional exemplar extraordinaire d'excellence!
  • #29
pattylou said:
Evo child: I'd like to extend my sincerest CONGRATULATIONS for rising to the top, being the creme de la creme, the cat's meow and the bees knees. Exemplary? EXAMPLARY?? That is FANTASTIC! OUTSTANDING! And in Kansas no less, where education isn't always the straightest course, yet you found your way through to TOP HONORS!

You keep on doing what you're doing, Evo child, you're one bright blazing star!
FANTASTIC?! OUTSTANDING?! Heck, that's AWESOMETASTIC, Evo child! :biggrin:

:rolleyes: uhh, but you, being the exemplary reader, might choose a different adjective.
  • #30
I can say for certain, that every teacher who sees "Child of Evo" on their list for next year's classes is giving themself a small cheer (at least). Just as every poor student drags the whole class down a bit, every great student pulls the whole class up a bit. "Child" is a gift to every teacher she gets. I hope the teachers deserve her.

Evo said:
I had nothing to do with it.

I highly doubt that also. The single most... (repeat) the SINGLE MOST dependable correlation of success at school for any child is the level of education of the mother
  • #31
Chi Meson said:
I can say for certain, that every teacher who sees "Child of Evo" on their list for next year's classes is giving themself a small cheer (at least). "Child" is a gift to every teacher she gets.

Chi Meson said:
I highly doubt that also. The single most... (repeat) the SINGLE MOST dependable correlation of success at school for any child is the level of education of the mother
and nurturing. :approve:
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  • #32
Is she embaarrased yet? :rolleyes:
  • #33
yomamma said:
Is she embaarrased yet? :rolleyes:
I forgot she was spending the night with a friend and I think she was going to the lake today, so it may not be until tonight that she can get online.

Thank you everyone for all the nice comments, she's a great evil (Evo) child.
  • #34
will she sign on as you or will she get her own account? I just will be confused if both of you post back and forth
  • #35
Astronuc said:

and nuturing. :approve:

Neutering, or nurturing?

You never can tell with Astronuc... :smile: